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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Sat Aug 23, 2008 at 10:03:06 AM EST
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    Update [2008-8-23 11:41:6 by Nick]:

    Congressman Tim Walberg had the entire auditorium going nuts about Nancy Pelosi and Bart Stupak's decision to shutdown Congress without allowing a vote on domestic drilling. Easily the best response of the morning thus far.

    Jack Hoogendyk spoke about the importance of turning out the vote this fall. He's also got a ton of volunteers all over the building with t-shirts and signs. Polls pitting Levin against the Pope at the Vatican wouldn't look particularly friendly for the head of the church but Jack's taking a lot of folks by storm. Exciting to watch thus far.

    Novi's own Nancy Cassis gives welcoming remarks as the General Session opens while Jack and Justice Taylor look on... oh, and MRP Secretary Hank Fuhs, too!

    Greetings from the Rock Financial Showplace here in Novi!  I normally don't consider 5:30 an early wake-up call but on a Saturday?  I'm used to an extra hour or two... alas... these are the sacrifices we make.  So I roll out of bed, grab a shower, slam some OJ and a Pepsi and hit the road anticipating the place would be drowsy and half-asleep for the 8AM kick-off of district caucuses.

    Boy was I wrong.   The energy in this place was nuts the minute I walked through the doors.

     I'll admit that I'm surprised by the voltage in this place.  This is one of those one-day conventions where really nothing happens.  There'll be a floor vote to narrow the field for U of M Regents and the Michigan Board of Education but everything else is pretty well set, sans competition.  And sure, there are a few troops of volunteers marching around the place slapping stickers on passers-by but the most encouraging sign for me has been the excitement around Michigan's Chief Justice, Cliff Taylor.  The man is legitimately drawing crowds.  

    Most RightMichigan readers are already aware that Justice Taylor is facing a tough re-election bid this fall.  And by tough I mean... well... he's staring down the barrel of a $10 million check from gay special-rights extremist Jon Stryker.  Still doesn't have an opponent, but he's got a lot of cash to overcome.

    The Justice will be unopposed today but I'll post updates as other races sort themselves out and the Michigan Republicans finalize their fall slate.

    Awesome to see some of Michigan's conservative bloggers in the house already, too!  Already saw Chad Miles from the Michigan Minority Report and spoke with Akindele after he finished speaking with the star of the early show...

    Tried snapping a few pictures but the massive convention hall isn't particularly conducive to good lighting... will do my best.

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | Shenanigans in Denver >

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    Thank you (none / 0) (#1)
    by goppartyreptile on Sat Aug 23, 2008 at 01:14:23 PM EST
    For this, Nick...

    I meant to go, but life gets in the way sometimes... put lots of pictures up, so I can spot all the people that I wanted to talk to.

    Outstanding! (none / 0) (#2)
    by Shell on Sat Aug 23, 2008 at 02:54:39 PM EST
    How long did this event run, Nick, and were they aware of the Obama/Biden ticket before the end?  Foot-In-Mouth Joe has Rush jumping for joy and he's not the only one!

    The Conservatrarian

    Now your making me (none / 0) (#4)
    by apackof2 on Sat Aug 23, 2008 at 10:04:47 PM EST
    wish I would have gone,but too much on my plate right now

    However its good to know that folks are fired up!


    As Always (none / 0) (#5)
    by live dangerously on Sun Aug 24, 2008 at 05:50:50 PM EST
    Thanks for the up to the minute coverage of Michigan politics.  It was nice to see Jack up on the podium.  Hope I can find a youtube about it.  Maybe Jack will put it on his blog.  I couldn't go as I'm working on two political volunteer things.  I don't hardly have time to post.  I don't know how you do it.  Keep us posted.

    Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

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