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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Newsflash to Obama: More money won't fix the problem(s)

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 09:16:48 AM EST
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    It will take more than building on top of the existing education system.

    The Michigan Education Association recently spent beaucoup dues dollars to produce a mailing to all members on why they should support Barack Obama for president.

    At least one member wasn't impressed and sent it to us.

    In the mailing, the union gushes all over Obama.  "What's at stake?  The future of Michigan's students," said MEA president Iris Salters.  Apparently Jennifer Granholm has done such a poor job they now must look to Obama.

    But what exactly is Obama proposing that has the union's heart all a-flutter?  Well, if you wade through the rhetoric...more money.

    "Education is the currency of the Information Age, no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success but a prerequisite," Obama is quoted as saying in the mailer.

    Really?  By that standard, Detroit and many other districts in Michigan and around the country are using funny money because they are failing our children.  Woefully.  It will take solutions, beyond what Obama is proposing, to help anything.  Simply throwing good money after bad is not a solution.

    But that brings us to another question we've asked repeatedly and have yet to receive a decent answer from the "experts."  How much money does it take to adequately educate a child?  We always hear schools need adequate funding, but we never hear a concrete number.  Must we first quench the thirst for "fair" wages and benefits before we can start putting money towards supplies and tools?

    It's a question we've wondered and have yet to hear Obama appropriately address.  Don't tell us that answer is above his paygrade, too!

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, August 19 | Cycling Lakeside Havens >

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    My wife got one too (none / 0) (#1)
    by geek49203 on Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 09:46:18 AM EST
    My wife got one of those mailings, plus the ROBOCALL after it was all done.  

    That print job must've cost a fortune -- heavy card stock, 4 colors, lots of graphics.  I'm sure that more than a few crayons could've been purchased for our students out of that money, you know?

    How about (none / 0) (#2)
    by tenex22 on Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 10:12:40 AM EST
    Teaching the core subjects and quit social engineering...that would be a start...

    Where have I heard that before? (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 10:47:02 AM EST
    Oh yeah!

    Reading her pieces in Labor Voices section of The Detroit News, throwing money at every problem is Iris Salters' solution to all of society's ills.

    Plus, I noticed that she "conviently" ignores who will pay the bill for all the gov't largese she advocates.

    hell... (none / 0) (#4)
    by whatever on Wed Aug 20, 2008 at 12:23:01 AM EST
    i'll send you whatever mea literature you want. don't have to act like encyclopedia brown or barney fife: the stuff's out there for public consumption.

    but keep playing the "an insider sent us this secret document!" game. it's too funny.

    pac money is a separate entity from regular dues money with the mea and a voluntary contribution. glad you were impressed with the color brochure. lots of people chose to support that mailing.

    you'll have plenty of time to gripe in the next four years when obama gets elected, so pace yourself. you're going to spend all your energy and give yourselves heart attacks at this rate ;)

    wrong (none / 0) (#6)
    by EducationActionGroupdotOrg on Wed Aug 20, 2008 at 09:35:06 AM EST
    If the PAC paid for the mailing, they are required to have a disclaimer somewhere.  There is none.  If the PAC paid for the mailing, then they violated the law.

    The bottom, in fact, states, "Payment of the active membership fee entitles a member to receive the MEA Voice."

    Dues dollars paid for the mailing.

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