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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Culture of Corruption

    By repcraigderoche, Section News
    Posted on Sun Aug 17, 2008 at 04:34:12 PM EST
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    Accountability. Honesty. Respect.

    These three words are not high on the priority list of Democrats in Detroit or in Lansing, but this week, the House Republican caucus fought to bring these words back to the taxpayers.

    Our caucus has a package of bills designed to assist Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick in his decision to resign from the post.  

    The three House Republican measures ready for immediate action are:

    House Resolution 362, by state Rep. David Law, urging the governor to remove the mayor from office; House Bill 5923, by state Rep. Brian Calley, to allow the city of Detroit to sue the mayor for the $8 million in settlements; and
    House Resolution VV paired with House Bill 5339, by state Rep. Kim Meltzer, to strip retirement and healthcare benefits for public officials convicted of certain felonies, which is being extended to include the crimes the mayor is charged with.

    These proposals speak to accountability and respect for tax dollars, but the fact that Democrats in control won't take this up speaks to their weakness going into the November election and their continual inability to address the real issues facing Michigan citizens.

    The culture of corruption is spreading around our state. Democrats raised taxes by $1.4 billion, yet found a $353 million surplus. Where'd this money go?  


    The state sends Detroit 50 percent of all the revenue sharing dollars, leaving every single other city to share the other half.  This year, $4 million in additional funding went to Detroit for public safety. But what is it being used for? Who knows? But we do know that $8 million went to pay for the mayor's scandal.

    It must stop. We cannot continue to reward fraud. There are too many other cities across the state that we should be rewarding - cities who are finding unique methods of government reform and cities who are finding new and improved methods of public safety.  

    This is not about politics, it is about moving the state forward. Detroit citizens and Michigan residents deserve better. In addition to the very public mayoral scandal, the city council and school administration are being prosecuted, jailed and wire-tapped by the FBI.  

    House Republicans will not back down. There is too much at stake.

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | Michigan Dems at the controls: "Zzzzzzzzzzz" -- Ten week paid siesta continues >

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    get used to ripping stupak (none / 0) (#2)
    by whatever on Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 10:12:44 AM EST
    because he's going to be around for a while longer.

    keep trying.

    Rep DeRoche (none / 0) (#5)
    by Ed Burley on Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 08:07:58 PM EST
    Let's hope that you do back down on your recent endorsement of raising MY taxes in Traverse City MI to fund the refurbishing of Cobo Center. It makes articles like these ring hollow to Libertarian Republicans like myself, who are moving toward totally abandoning the GOP. I'm not sure where the MIGOP got their definition of "limited government" and "fiscal conservatism" but it's from a different dictionary than I read from when someone of your stature proposes such tax hikes.

    FYI, it's one reason many people voted Democrat last time - after all, if you guys are going to continue mortgaging our future by giving money to the Big Corporations (that's called corporate welfare), and continue to waste money on your moral prohibitions; then the regular blue-collar folks are going to vote instead for those guys who are going to mortgage our future, not for the corporate interests, but for their own interests. Big government is evil no matter what party proposes it.

    Ed Burley
    Traverse City MI

    Threatening to go? (none / 0) (#8)
    by Ed Burley on Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 09:52:27 AM EST
    In my estimation it is the GOP that doesn't want us there, unless it's to vote and keep our mouths shut. Frankly, I'm tired of it. Under the Bush Administration, federal spending went from just over $2T to over $3T - a 50% increase in 8 years. Even not counting the war monies, spending has increased more under Bush than under Clinton.

    Thinking people begin to ask the obvious questions: why vote GOP if they are going to continue to spend, continue to waste, and continue to tax. Sure they cut taxes, but so what? As long as there remains an income tax, the politicians can raise it again.

    We need a GOP that adheres to its principles (I shouldn't need to impress mine on them - they used to embrace them, back when I first became a Republican) - cut spending, revamp the tax system, get rid of useless regulations, etc.

    The tax system needs to reward savings, discourage credit, reward hard work and entrepreneurialism. This could be done with the Fair Tax, or any other consumption tax idea. McCain is talking about it, and he has promised to rein in spending. Two very positive things in my estimation. Meanwhile, back home here, we have a representative who wants to demonize Democrats for increasing taxes and spending, all the while proposing the same thing - only for his pet projects.

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