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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    MEA targets school board with unjust recall for showing fiscal responsibility

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 12, 2008 at 10:54:01 AM EST
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    recently published in the Oakland Press

    Think it's hard to find a few good people to serve on Michigan school boards now?

    Just look what's happening in Southfield, and ask yourself why anyone would want to serve on a local board of education and deal with this sort of abuse.

    The situation in Southfield is much the same as in public school districts throughout Michigan. The economy is bad, residents are moving, and personnel costs continue to rapidly rise. Southfield officials sought ways to eliminate an estimated $7 million deficit while still investing as much money as possible in classroom activities.

    They finally came upon the logical solution that so many other districts in Michigan have discovered -- contracting with private companies to provide custodial, food and transportation services, and reaping the savings of that action.

    Nobody is happy about having to make the privatization decision. Nobody wants to say good-bye to in-house employees, many of whom may have given years of productive service to the school district. But what choice did the school board have? The bottom line is that the cash-strapped district can save an estimated $21 million over the next three years through privatization.

    That's $21 million, or $805 per pupil per year, that can be spent on teacher raises, books, computers, paper and pencils. It sounds like the school board made a reasonable decision, given the district's difficult financial circumstances.

    So what do the board members get for their common-sense, fiscally responsible act? A recall campaign to remove four of them from office, organized by the Michigan Education Association, the union representing the employees. MEA employee Pat Haynie filed the recall petitions with the Oakland County clerk, not even attempting to shield its involvement.

    The targets of the recall are board President Karen Miller and trustees Margaret Hall, Fern Katz and Darryle Buchanan. Board Vice President Connie Williams, who voted with the majority, was not targeted because he is on the ballot this fall.

    Ironically, in 2005, who did the teachers union endorse in that board election, calling them "dynamic, highly qualified, articulate candidates?" Katz and Buchanan.

    God help us if the union eventually gets its way and any of those school board members are removed through recall. It will just give the MEA more ammunition in their ongoing effort to control public education through a combination of bullying school board members and taking advantage of public apathy.

    The way we see it, the citizens of Southfield have a unique opportunity, indeed a responsibility, to shoot this recall effort down before it gains any momentum. When the petitioners come to their doors or approach them in parking lots, they shouldn't even stop and listen. They should tell them they support the difficult decision their school board made to make sure that very possible dollar is spent in the classroom, where it belongs.

    Even better, the citizens of Southfield should attend their next school board meeting, take a few chairs that are usually reserved for union members, and thank their school board for making hard choices and taking the heat.

    If the people of Southfield stand up to the union and back up their board, the news is sure to spread.

    Maybe then citizens can start to take back the control of education in Michigan. Their lack of interest in their local districts has been noticeable and damaging. It has allowed the teachers unions to run amok, with few checks and balances to stop them.

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, August 12 | EPIC FAIL: House Dem's top candidate recruiter flubs interview, can't name ONE of his candidates! >

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    recalls are constitutional (none / 0) (#2)
    by whatever on Tue Aug 12, 2008 at 06:26:09 PM EST
    be glad we live in a society where citizens have the freedom to initiate recalls of their elected officials. oops, forgot: that behavior is thuggery according to kyle! lol! ah, if only far right could take control of government, strip our rights, and simply dictate what worker bees would make. so many problems solved if that could happen, eh?

    let it work itself out. much like the dillon recall, it will stand (or not) on its own merit. these things always do. stop your spineless whining every time a group exercises its constitutional rights.

    good grief.

    i've got news for you: there will be other recall attempts. and soon. gasp!

    let's get one thing straight... (none / 0) (#6)
    by whatever on Tue Aug 12, 2008 at 10:39:47 PM EST
    kyle is incapable of stopping anything. he's very capable, as he has repeatedly shown in the past year, of throwing gasoline on a situation and lighting those he's trying to help on fire. that's why i've always since day 1 encouraged kyle's efforts and acknowledged his right to free speech. he has a very unifying effect--but unfortunately it's the not the unification he seeks ;)

    no, this recall effort will stand or fall on its own and the local citizens will decide its merit or lack of merit. wasteful and a waste of time? meh. to you, loather of unions, i suppose it is. but what a dull place this world would be if only those who agreed with you and kyle exercised their rights to free speech ;)

    and i also support kyle's right to ask citizens to attend the next southfield board meeting and (essentially) shout down those who are pro union.  but i will again point out his hypocrisy in asking this: he routinely labels such free speech "thug behavior" when its teachers going to board meetings and speaking out. if you can't beat them, join them, eh kyle? ;)

    you don't like this recall effort. wah. cry me a river. i haven't always agreed with all recalls, either. but that's life. again, be glad we live in a country were people can organize a recall and people like you and kyle can bitch about it.

    pretty great, eh?  

    • your mistake by whatever, 08/13/2008 12:35:17 AM EST (none / 0)
      • The. End? by jgillmanjr, 08/13/2008 02:20:35 PM EST (none / 0)
      • never fails by whatever, 08/13/2008 07:09:40 PM EST (none / 0)
      • mccarthy? by whatever, 08/13/2008 07:10:42 PM EST (none / 0)
    Talking about Leon's efforts again? (none / 0) (#8)
    by NoviDemocrat on Tue Aug 12, 2008 at 11:47:10 PM EST
    Since you mentioned thugs, you must be talking about Leon's paid clowns.

    • no... by whatever, 08/13/2008 12:40:00 AM EST (none / 0)
    and the data has sources (none / 0) (#17)
    by whatever on Wed Aug 13, 2008 at 07:13:28 PM EST
    the data i provided did have sources. and they're a lot more credible than the mack attack center (lol).

    read again. slowly. underline. highlight. re-read. repeat.

    Proof? (none / 0) (#22)
    by jgillmanjr on Fri Aug 15, 2008 at 03:06:10 PM EST
    I didn't think so.

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