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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    And in Other News...

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 08, 2008 at 08:29:22 AM EST
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    Ack!  Too much going on this morning and too little time... some quick hitters that were too good to miss (the topics / stories I mean, not my commentary)...

    DetNews: Kevorkian gets spot on ballot -- Just what yooooooooour former Lottery Commissioner Gary Peters didn't want to happen.  Looks like Dr. Death is going to be on the ballot this November along side 9th Congressional District challenger Peters and incumbent Republican Congressman Joe Knollenberg.  

    I've shared before and I'll almost certainly share again, my first foray into statewide politics was working on the Cox v. Peters Attorney General match-up in 2002, the year the former state Senator became the first Democrat to lose that seat in a half a century.  I have complete trust and confidence in Peters to lose this race too and without any help.  That said, Dr. Death's entrance into the race is a big boost for Joe Knollenberg.  It's basic election math... splitting the anti-incumbent vote among challengers... or the ideological vote on either spectrum only works against you.  Remember Ross Perot?  Heck, many still credit Ralph Nader with turning a couple states for GWB in 2000.  Same principle applies here.

    So I say good on you, Jack.  Welcome to the race!  But was I the only person who was more than a little creeped out by this line in the story:

    Kevorkian's lawyer and spokesman Mayer Morganroth said Knollenberg "looks like he'll be knocked off by somebody."

    Beef up your security, Congressman, and beware of strange men with death machines.

    AP: GM, Ford report strong China sales -- Shhh... don't tell the Governor, Mark Brewer or the Regressisphere.  Successfully selling your product in China earns you an automatic spot on the Democrats Most Wanted list.  Lies, character assassination, racism and xenophobia... the next thing you know they'll start making youtube videos of a decapitated Rick Wagoner and Bill Ford, Jr.

    Ivory Tower: State may owe millions to local schools-- The State mandated that schools keep and report data about students and their performance and a unanimous panel of Appeals Court judges in Lansing say the Headlee Amendment necessitates any state mandates be accompanied by adequate state funding.  We could be talking hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Way to be, Lansing.  Way to be.  

    Lansing State Journal: When voters start caring, the pols will-- The real head-shaker about this "Reform Michigan Government Now" ballot campaign isn't the expectation it would favor one political party over another... it's the simple fact that Michigan doesn't even need this ballot drive. Frustrated voters can "reform Michigan government now." They are just unwilling to put their energy and votes where their mouths are.

    Saul Anuzis on RMGN: The Unconstitutional Amendment-- 100 words?  The FREEP couldn't describe Michelle Obama's surrogate campaign stop in that few but we're going to describe 36 specific and unique changes to the Constitution with that little verbage?  Nice try, team, but in a state with an already established constitution you can't change the rules if you're not playing by them.

    The Oakland Press: Charge against Detroit mayor could be amended-- And not in a good way for Hizzoner.  It sounds like Kwame's stepped out on his wife with more than just the one woman and lied about it under oath.  And suddenly I'm having flashbacks to the 1990s.  

    Would be interesting to jump in the way-back machine, though, to find out how many of the Mayor's vocal critics in Detroit defended Bill Clinton for lying under oath... about sex.  Just saying.

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, July 8 | H.W.J.V.? >

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