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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Obsolete embryo killing petition close to ballot

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 03, 2008 at 07:16:53 AM EST
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    While we're talking petitions... Most of the petition talk going around the conservative blogosphere to this point has revolved around the shady effort to rewrite the constitution, and with good reason.  There's another petition floating out there though that just announced their intentions to turn in between 500,000 and 550,000 signatures by next week's Monday deadline.

    A proposal to legalize the destruction of viable, human embryos (read: babies at their tiniest) for the purpose of scientific "research" will likely face voters this November.  And when you hear the mad scientists (h/t Clydes Dale) rave about all of the Faustian benefits we could reap, hey, it sounds like a pretty good deal.  Except for that pesky little fact that the research they want to perform literally destroys human life.  

    Here are the facts:

    A- Embryonic stem cell research has produced 0 cures and treatments.  0.  With a Z.

    B- Adult stem cell research has produced HUNDREDS of cures and treatments, a small, peer-reviewed sample of which are available at this link.

    C- Stem cell research is already legal in Michigan.  It isn't just OK, it's wonderful if scientists want to pursue life saving and improving cures and treatments by using adult and cord blood stem cells.

    D- Backers of embryonic stem cell research (and baby killing) argue that they need to harvest the human beings to get to something called "pluripotent stem cells."  These are the cells that they believe can be changed and shaped and twisted to produce cures and treatments.  What they don't tell you is that researchers identified this year a method to harvest these critical cells from ADULT skin cells.  Without killing a single embryo.

    E- That means that embryonic stem cell research is, quite literally, obsolete.  Backers of this petition plan are expected to spend tens of millions of dollars on a TV ad campaign to convince voters to support outdated science.  

    Makes a guy wonder, why the giant effort to legalize people killing?  Seriously.  Why?

    Read on...

    The plan being circulated is a modified approach to the efforts of Democrat legislators like state Representative Andy Meisner and likely 2010 AG candidate and current state Senator Gretchen Whitmer.  To hear Andy and Gretchen tell the story, all we have to do is legalize this form of research and we won't just find a cure for paralysis, we will actually be able to resurrect a fully mobile Christopher Reeves.  No word on whether or not he'd also be able to fly or if there are plans in Lansing to impose a resurrection tax.  

    One of the many problems with the Meisner / Whitmer plan (on top of the whole baby killing aspect), it would have legalized cloning.  Oh, and they were both full of bologna and lied about it every time they were in front of a camera or a microphone.  They insisted the plan had nothing to do with cloning and even went so far as to say "stem cell research is illegal in Michigan."

    Backers of the petition effort recognized that A) there's no pretty way to package cloning and B) the lies about the illegality of stem cell research were effective.  They dropped the cloning and continue the lying.  Get ready for months worth of ads with every sad story and hard luck case they can track down, telling you how mean the rest of us are for defending human life... well, OTHER humans' lives.  

    It wasn't that long ago that we were all swept up in the Alex P. Keaton saga as he emoted to TV viewers in Missouri about how important it is to kill embryos.  They can have Marty McFly.  The Ivory Tower reports this morning that one of the brightest men in Lansing, David Doyle, has begun work as a spokesman for the new pro-life group MI-CAUSE.

    The organization is one of many (including Right to Life, the Catholic Conference and even the Michigan State Medical Society which recently pulled their endorsement of the plan) that will be fighting this fall to defend not only human life... but common sense and good science.

    < Metro-Detroit Media Outlets Play Dumb When it Comes to the Truth About Abortion | Thursday in the Sphere, July 3 >

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    Nazi Philosophy (none / 0) (#1)
    by Victor Laszlo on Sat Jul 05, 2008 at 07:46:52 AM EST
    I just visited Auschwitz and Birkenau outside of Krakow, Poland a little more than a month ago.  Both camps are a testimony to the belief that certain races of the human race are untermenschen, or subhumans, that must be destroyed to advance humanity.  How is it that 65 years after these camps and others were opened that we are still willing to sacrifice our humanity in order to advance it???

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