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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    EAG presents Profiles in Courage: The Grand Rapids School Board

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 08:06:29 AM EST
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    This video was developed in part because while scores of other districts in Michigan have bargained agreements by compromising within the fiscal realities of each district, the case in Grand Rapids, on the other hand, has been quite different.  As the film points out, the public fight began when the union president proclaimed, "We are at war."

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    Dick Morris-- Niiiiice! (none / 0) (#1)
    by Nick on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 08:53:28 AM EST
    Props to the GR School Board.  

    Personal note while I pretend we're playing Six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon: The Nick De Leeuw version...

    Amy, the school board member featured in this video, used to shop at the grocery store I managed to put myself through college.  One of the really nice customers.

    But that's neither here nor there...

    Great work by the Board actually standing up for kids!!!

    dick morris?! (none / 0) (#2)
    by whatever on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 11:11:29 AM EST
    this is GREAT! are you kidding me? mr. toe-sucking, i'll-let-my-hookers-listen-to-calls-to-the-prez morris? that guy?

    man, this gets better every day! keep cranking out the vids, kyle. will we get to hear morris break into his version of "popeye the sailor man" next video?


    definition of "courage" (none / 0) (#3)
    by whatever on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 11:16:11 AM EST
    "dictating to worker bee groups, killing worker rights."

    you effed up the election in gr with your presence and helped ensure the voting-in of a teacher-supported candidate here in gladstone (as well as bringing all sides of the community together up here in a way no one but you could have done).

    seriously, i can't watch this video without peeing my pants laughing.

    MERC findings (none / 0) (#4)
    by whatever on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 09:16:49 PM EST
    I will also say the MERC findings here in Gladstone are complete embarrassment to you, Kyle, and the video you did up here. The MERC judge chastised the board in several key areas--including their claim they were broke when they paid hefty raises to administration.

    What's important about the MERC finding is that it exposes the stall tactics and pig-headed views of the board. It should also be noted it is the SECOND NEUTRAL entity that has come to (essentially) the same conclusion about what the district can compensate teachers and it is the SECOND NEUTRAL entity to sharply disagree with the board and you (but with your credibility, that's not saying much, really).

    Unfortunately, the Board's tactics and blundering up here have left them zero ability to face save, and, quite frankly, I don't care. Normally I'm of the opinion that there needs to be face-saving for either side. But this board dug its hole and now they will be publicly humiliated.

    Hopefully they all have learned a valuable lesson.

    morris and christians (none / 0) (#5)
    by whatever on Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 12:59:36 AM EST
    a fascinating subplot to the choice of throwing money/favor at morris to appear in an EAG video (a shorter list would be what groups morris won't give advice to if paid) is his choice to appear as a spokesperson for a conservative group based in southwestern michigan--an area that is a stronghold of conservative, christian values.

    morris', er shall we say, "vices" have already been well documented. those alone would raise eyebrows on sunday mornings in gr, but it doesn't stop there. morris' (paid for) advice to republicans? throw the christian right under the bus:

    "Morris advises that the Republican Party must sever its ties with Christian conservatives or enter into a period of inevitable retreat and defeat."


    the news coverage in gr, btw, isn't surprising: gr has a huge school district and its home base for devos and its the epicenter of republican power in the state of michigan. homey should get some play in gr, if you know what i mean ;)

    that in such an area with the political deck stacked so heavily against any unions, let alone the mea, that the last election was at best "mixed results" for what the eag wanted, speaks volumes, to me, about the effectiveness of the organization and its tactics.

    i also wonder how the conservative straight-laced donors to eag like having dick morris' chubby mug splattered all over everything the eag does.

    again, perplexing. but i hope these "strategy" decisions continue to be made.

    just joining the crowd here (none / 0) (#7)
    by whatever on Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 09:59:44 AM EST
    i tried to have an honest debate in the MESSA thread. no one, including you, had boo to say. the only intelligent debate is being offered by the two dems on this site. the only intelligent debate that took place in the MESSA thread was someone attacking my blog grammar and making racist comments.

    • thanks... by whatever, 07/25/2008 11:49:00 AM EST (none / 0)
    and... (none / 0) (#8)
    by whatever on Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 10:25:57 AM EST
    do i even need to point out the large-headline stories you've run at this blog on any liberal in the news that dared fell victim to his or her vices? come, now, nick: you're a little late to the party to be acting pious about such things.

    Don't you love it? (none / 0) (#11)
    by maidintheus on Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 12:00:23 PM EST
    Some seem so capable of seeing a few weeds in other's backyards but miss the copious crabgrass in their own.

    Also, funny how some never mention the good regardless how good but will go out of their way to find a negative and embellish.

    One need not feel inclined to put up with my drivel or anyone Else's. You're not a hostage.  Hat tip: Feel free to go elsewhere and ignore me altogether.

    "seriously, i can't watch this video without peeing my pants laughing."  Hmm, me thinks you're all wet, whatever.

    "you're a little late to the party to be acting pious about such things."  Cough, cough, gulp!  Why does it still shock me when I see blatant hypocrisy?  Talk about the pot trying to call the kettle black, whatever.  Dear whatever, go have your own party.  While there critique it.

    steve o'driscoll (none / 0) (#13)
    by whatever on Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 01:43:12 PM EST
    gladstone school board member, and one of the stars of EAG's first video, likened (in a phone conversation with me) what kyle and the EAG do to what tabloid publications like the national enquirer do--the same stock and trade. he also criticized olson for putting up erroneous information on one of his billboards up here.

    and this from a guy who is about as anti-mea and anti-messa as they come.


    tisk (none / 0) (#14)
    by maidintheus on Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 08:24:26 PM EST

    And your friend Steve: Sort of like what you do...

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