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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Pro-Abort Rep. Alma "the Wheeler-Dealer" Smith Stands-up for Disgraced Campaign Donor

    By Andrew Shirvell, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 01:00:07 AM EST
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    When the state's most radical pro-abortion legislator, Rep. Alma Wheeler-Smith (D-54th District), is not ruthlessly advocating for the unrestricted murder of Michigan's unborn population, apparently she spends her "down-time" standing-up for those individuals who have a record of endangering Michigan's student population.  

    This past Monday, July 21, 2008, Ms. Wheeler-Dealer attended an Ypsilanti School Board meeting, at which the board voted 6-to-1 not to hire former Eastern Michigan University Vice President for Student Affairs Jim Vick as the district's new athletic director and assistant high school principal.  See: http://blog.mlive.com/annarbornews/2008/07/jim_vick_passed_over_for_ad_jo.html

    Jim Vick's name should ring a bell: He was forced out as VP of EMU last summer, 2007, because he and other high level officials at the university conspired to keep secret the truth about student Laura Dickinson's death.  

    Although "for two months after Laura Dickinson was found dead in her dormitory room, Eastern Michigan University officials assured her parents and the public that there was no sign of foul play," in reality she had been raped and murdered by a fellow student.  See this New York Times article documenting the scandal: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/24/us/24university.html

    For his part, Vick, among other things, ordered the shredding of a police document "containing lurid details about the crime scene."  Ultimately, "a government investigation found that EMU violated a federal crime reporting law, and the university was fined $350,000."

    So was Rep. Wheeler-Smith at Monday's Ypsilanti school board meeting to express outrage about the district considering Vick for a job in education, where he could again violate the public's trust and put students in danger?

    The answer is all-too obvious to those who are familiar with Alma Wheeler-Smith.

    While one would think that individuals who actually seek to represent their constituents would surely oppose Vick's hiring, not Alma - she went to the meeting to express her zealous support for Vick!  In fact, "Rep." Wheeler-Smith actually addressed the school board on Vick's behalf.


    Why else?  Money.

    Read on. . .

    Over the years, Vick and his wife, Helen, have made generous contributions to Alma's various political campaigns, including her delusional 2002 run for governor.  According to the Michigan Secretary of State's campaign finance database, Jim and Helen Vick have donated a total of $500 to Ms. Wheeler-Dealer over the years.

    So it should come as no surprise that Alma would jump at the opportunity to secure more money from her buddy, Jim Vick.  Somehow, I can't help but think that when Alma files her next campaign finance report, there's going to be a nice new contribution from Jim or Helen Vick - or maybe both.

    But maybe not.  After all, it wasn't like Alma's pathetic pleading for her friend got him the job - in fact, judging from the 6-to-1 vote rejecting Vick, it appears that Alma's rhetorical exercise in playing the fool may have back-fired.

    Then, again, Alma may not have gone out of her way to sing Vick's praises at the meeting only for the promise of more money for her campaign coffers.  I would venture to say that Alma also probably felt some kind of sick solidarity with Vick - after all, they both have participated in covering-up murder.

    The parallels between the two are striking.  Alma's whole political identity is wrapped-up in her bizarre obsession with promoting abortion on demand.  Therefore, Alma routinely covers-up the truth about what abortion does to living unborn children in much the same way that Vick worked to cover-up the truth about Laura Dickinson's death.  

    In Vick's case, he covered-up the truth about Dickinson's murder in order to protect EMU's image (and, of course, advance his career).  Meantime, Alma continues to cover-up the truth about the murder of innocent unborn children via abortion in order to advance the goals of the radical feminist movement (and, of course, satisfy her unending thirst for power).

    But the sad reality is that, while Vick has been rightly ostracized and condemned for his participation in the cover-up of a young woman's murder, Rep. Wheeler-Smith continues to be celebrated in many circles as a champion of "choice" for her participation in the cover-up of the murder of tens of millions of innocent unborn children via legalized abortion.  

    Nonetheless, let's keep praying and working for the day when Rep. Alma Wheeler-Smith will suffer the same (or worse) fate as which has befallen her disgraced campaign contributor, Jim Vick.

    About the author: Andrew Shirvell, Esq., is a pro-life citizen activist who writes a weekly column that is published every Thursday for RightMichigan.com in which he focuses upon Michigan pro-life issues. He is the co-author of "Michigan Law and the Scales of Justice, Life in the Balance," a white paper published by Americans United for Life (2007).  Shirvell attended Ave Maria School of Law - Ann Arbor, where he served as president of the school's Bioethics Society, from 2004-2005.  He also served as president of Students for Life at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, from 2000-2002.

    < One Huge Bucket of Soot | Thursday in the Sphere, July 24 >

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    "Hey, hey, hey... don't be mean... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Nick on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 08:56:32 AM EST
    We don't have to be mean.  Because remember, no matter where you go... there you are."-- Buckaroo Banzai

    Especially important to remember with Alma.  We don't want to scare her off... maybe if we're REALLY nice she'll run for governor again in 2010!

    AWS / Vick (none / 0) (#2)
    by rightmich on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 04:06:09 PM EST
    "According to the Michigan Secretary of State's campaign finance database, Jim and Helen Vick have donated a total of $500 to Ms. Wheeler-Dealer over the years."

    With all of the respect that's due (or not due), I find it difficult to believe too many people would sell their support for a $500 dontation. Am I off base here? Since I don't know their relationship, could it be that they have more than a politician/contributor relationship?

    I'm not defending the advocacy of Vick, but it sounds wierd that $500 could buy that kind of support.

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