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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Draw the Line

    By Chazwald, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 01, 2008 at 11:32:09 AM EST
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    One thing many people don't know about me is that I love to paint, love to sketch, and just love the art scene in general. Inspiration floods from every direction. I see. I'm stimulated. I draw the first line.

    Much to the same degree I love Michigan. I enjoy the lush forests, overflowing freshwater lakes, and the abundant wildlife. From this I gather my inspiration.

    It is obvious when getting to know me; I tout myself as being a conservative lad. I pride myself on being pro-life, pro-second amendment, and less government.

    Global warming is an issue that I fight regularly, especially as a student in a very liberal classroom setting. Teachers often feel it is their responsibility to indoctrinate. They call college's institutions of higher learning full of free thought and expression. The irony is that the free thought and free expression that is allowed is if you are portraying the same ideals of that as your professor.

    Ann Coulter puts it best when explaining college professors in her book "Godless:"

    Colleges pick up where public schools leave off, inculcating students in the [liberal] religion of hating America and hating God. While college professors like the University of Colorado's Ward Churchill act like on-the-edge radicals for calling American bond traders "little Eichmann's," professors are the most cosseted, pussified, subsidized group of people in the U.S. workforce. They have concocted a system to preemptively protect themselves for not doing their jobs, known as "tenure." They make a lot of money, have health plans that would make New York City municipal workers' jaws drop, and work - at most - fifteen hours a week. In theory, the only job requirement of a college professor is to be intelligent, provocative, and open-minded, but their reigning attribute is that they are ignorant, boring, and narrow-minded. These zealous pagans teach the official state religion of liberalism as axiomatic truth.

    I find that statement true as I have sat in an ethics class where the teacher did not use my name. He would call on me by employing the name Christian or Conservative. He would use those names not out of respect but rather use those names to try and make me seem and look foolish.

    Often within my biology class my professor would go on a tangent and rant about the inevitable: global warming. Obviously, as previously mentioned, I do not believe in man-made global warming and have written many articles repudiating such ideals. I can site numerous examples of the falsehood of global warming but the issue I want to address is caring for our environment and this is where the line must be drawn. Separation is enacted.

    I want to be clear. I am all for the exploration and drilling of oil. I believe that we should not be placing restrictions on cars and SUV's. I believe that it is our God given right to use the land to its fullest potential. It is also our God given right hunt and consume off the land.

    Often we as republicans are criticized for dooming mother earth. But that fine line is drawn between caring for the environment and abusing power to "go green."

    We as conservatives are not out to purposefully harm the environment. We recycle, we take care of our great lakes, and though there is misconception and out right lies regarding us, we care deeply about the preservation of our beautiful land.  

    The line is drawn. We care enough about this country to fight fictitious law such as the Kyoto plan.  We care enough about this country to fight for oil exploration. We care enough about this country to fight for capitalism. We care enough about this country to fight for the conservation of our environment.

    So this Fourth of July, swim in Lake Michigan, take a hike up Sleeping Bear dunes, or bike the White Pine Trail. Get inspired, love the land, and draw the line.

    God Bless,
    Chaz Oswald

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, July 1 | Reason a Day: Partisan preference should stay OUT of the Constitution! >

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