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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Right Michigan Exclusive: An Interview with Representative Chuck Moss

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jun 07, 2008 at 09:45:49 AM EST
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    We talk so often here about the things that are going wrong in Lansing and what the tax-and-spenders are up to that I think it's important to check in with the good guys from time to time to get their take on the issues facing taxpayers and the legislature today.

    The GOP House minority continues to sponsor and introduce legislation, to work behind the scenes and to try to figure out some sort of positive solution to this tax-hike / budget mess.

    We rarely hear about that in the MSM.

    Being a member of a legislative minority makes it tough to garner headlines. But they're working hard and they're trying to make a difference.

    This week I had the opportunity to speak with the closest thing Lansing's got to a movie star this side of Governor Granholm.

    Interview after the break...

    Representative Moss, the quote that's sweeping the caucus... "this budget is red on arrival."  Can you explain and provide the context?

    MOSS:    The K-12 School Aid budget was passed out of Appropriations subcommittee, then full Appropriations Committee, then the House, with a $32 million deficit. Remember, this is based on the Jan 08 revenue estimates which are now known to be overly-optimistic by about $300 million. So we're getting a budget that's unbalanced before it's even passed. It sets us up for another tax hike next year, as well as violating our constitutional mandate to pass a balanced budget. That's why in Committee, I protested that this budget was "Red on arrival."

    It's easy to say or read something like "the Democrats put the DEQ budget through without sending it through approps first" but what does that really mean?  And why is it problematic?

    MOSS: It means that the House Dems short-circuited the process, railroading the DEQ budget without the usual scrutiny and input, both from the public and the legislature. It's only problematic if you care about things like transparency and accountability.

    Speaking of approps, you're a freshman legislator sitting on the Appropriations Committee.  I can imagine what that was like last year.  Has the process been any different this time around?

    MOSS: Yes. Last year Michigan taxpayers got shafted in September. This year it looks like they'll get shafted in June.

    Steve Bieda was quoted this week as saying he was "considering" a sales tax increase to "broaden the base."  We've heard before from Speaker Dillon that a vote to raise the gas tax is "probable" during the lame-duck session.  Are these guys really going to try to raise our taxes again?

    MOSS: Yes.

    And yet after last year's tax hike nonsense we're faced with a nearly $500 million "deficit" again.  What's the answer?

    MOSS: First, realistic budgeting. Second, matching government expenses to its revenues like families and businesses do all the time. Third, prioritizing and cutting the cost of government down. Current tax rates are too high--we're on the wrong side of the Laffer Curve, where increased tax rates bring in reduced revenues. It's time to lower the taxes to the point where the economy picks up and collections increase. Thatcher did it first, Regan did it here, and it's been shown to work all over the world.

    What can we cut?  What can we reform?  Have you or the caucus identified any specific targets?

    MOSS:    We've identified tens of millions of dollars of cuts available. I can have the caucus send you the list.

    (Nick's note... expect to get these early next week... will post when available.)

    What about putting convicted felons back on the street before they've finished their prison sentences?

    MOSS:  We do that all the time with parole. If you mean the Governor's idea to reduce the Corrections budget--which definitely needs to be reduced--by simply opening the prisons and releasing the bad guys, I'd say "how many Patrick Selepaks do you want running loose? Which one of these guys would you want to meet outside your garage when you're coming home late at night?"

    We're not going to see another government shutdown are we?

    MOSS: You'd have to ask the lady who forced the last one. There was no need for Jennifer Granholm to shut down her own government, it was an amazingly irresponsible and unnecessary thing to do. Does she plan to do it again? I hope not, but you never know with our Governor.

    Transitioning a little bit, how's the reelection effort going back in the district?

    MOSS: So far, so good.

    Anything else you'd like to cover that I may have missed?

    MOSS: Yes, check out the anti-MBT tax video at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce website.

    Political comment and humor at its finest!

    Representative, thanks again!

    MOSS: My pleasure! Anytime.

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    K-12 budget (none / 0) (#1)
    by rightmich on Sat Jun 07, 2008 at 04:06:17 PM EST
    I think the K-12 budget was delayed and not passed by the House. I think it was passed by the Appropriations committee but not the full House yet.

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