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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Conservative CoA Candidate KO's Carmella

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jun 30, 2008 at 12:13:21 PM EST
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    If you missed it this weekend KG One had a great blog entry about last Friday's big decision out of Macomb County.  The Michigan Court of Appeals found that Carmella Sabaugh, the county clerk and former Dem statewide sacrificial lamb had violated election law by sending out tens of thousands of unsolicited absentee ballot request forms to a targeted, pro-Democrat voting constituency while ignoring everyone else.

    KG has a pretty good rundown of the particulars of the case and the Jackie Currie  precedent the court cited when they handed down their ruling.  You can also get the local MSM reaction from the Macomb Daily if you're a glutton for punishment.

    Long and short, Sabaugh was cited for using her official capacity and tens of thousands of tax dollars to send "propaganda" to a group of voters who she believed were likely to cast partisan votes to her liking.  She was sued by four voters from Macomb and Ingham County and the Court said `no more.'  The man representing the plaintiffs in the case and striking a blow for truth, justice and equal voting rights under the law?  None other than Eric Doster.

    Read on...

    Eric Doster, the attorney for the plaintiffs -- Greg Fleming, William Susick, Edward Cook and Max Fellsman -- said despite the political overtones, the dispute was a legal matter.

    "This shouldn't be a partisan issue," he said. "Miss Sabaugh is trying to make it out that way. This is about rule of law."

    Doster, who is running for the appeals court in the August primary, said the practice is unfair because it gives wealthier counties or any other governmental unit an advantage over other units in statewide or national elections. Macomb voters could slant an election to their liking, he said.

    "This is a victory for the taxpayers and all those who believe that elections should be conducted in an evenhanded and fair manner," Eric told me when I spoke with him over the weekend.

    Yes, you've read that name here before!  Mr. Doster is the kid of guy we talk about here on this site every day, the dream sort of candidate.  I've known him for years and know personally that he's a real life, honest to goodness staunch conservative who's articulate and intelligent enough to express himself and driven enough to get the job done.  And as the Macomb Daily pointed out, he's willing to put himself out there too, running this year for a seat on the bench.  In a tough race.

    It's always important to remember the non-partisan portion of the ballot when we go to the voting booth on Election Day.  With a chance to put a jurist like Eric Doster on the bench it's that much more critical.  Write the name down if you have to.  Tape it to a piece of string and tie it to your finger.  Just make sure when you flip through the ballot to vote for the 3rd District Court of Appeals you don't let a chance like this slip through your hands.

    What?  A fan?  Me?  What gives you that idea?

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    Question for Nick? (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Tue Jul 01, 2008 at 07:42:31 AM EST
    Given everything that has happened to date, to say nothing about the statements made, ever think about interviewing SoS Land about some of the issues pertaining to the upcoming election?

    Just this decision alone should provide enough material for the entire interview.

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