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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Bishop Loses Control of Senate Because of Broken Promises

    By NorthvilleRepublican, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jun 20, 2008 at 02:25:21 PM EST
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    Yesterday the Republican Majority lost control of the Senate for about 30 minutes when in an effort to get annexation legislation passed, Senate Patterson voted with the Democrats.

    On the surface, you may want to condemn Patterson for taking such a stand; however, he has been sending warning signals since Bishop did not pass his annexation package six weeks ago.  It is hard to put a finger on why Bishop has refused to move a bill that passed 37-1 just 5 years ago and why he would tell Patterson that he would run the bills and then not fulfill that promise.  Some have speculated that Bishop is returning a favor to the developer opposing this legislation and trying to annex 400 acres from Patterson's district into Livonia.

    While I hope this is not true, one does have to question the fact that the developer (Schostak) gave the Senate Caucus 10K just days before they voted the bill down.  Since that time Patterson claims that he has rounded up the votes necessary to pass his bill, but Bishop refuses to address the issue.  

    Again, I hope this is not true.  We are suppose to be the party of local control, not the party of being bought off.  To be honest it is acts like these that have lead to us losing majority in Washington and here in Michigan.

    Let's hope that Patterson and Bishop can make up and do the right.  Pass the annexation bill and keep control of the Senate.

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    Where Do You Get Your Info? (none / 0) (#1)
    by jackietreehorn on Mon Jun 23, 2008 at 04:43:35 PM EST
    Northville Democrat, Senator Bishop put the bill up for a vote and voted for it, unfortunately it failed.  Look it up.  How can he be in the pocket of the developer if he voted to support Northville Twp?  

    There were 4 Republicans voting no, and Bishop wasn't one of them.  

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