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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Another Democrat behaving badly

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 17, 2008 at 05:08:18 PM EST
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    Not that the MSM wants you to know.  They waited until the eleventh of thirteen paragraphs to mention that Kent County Commissioner James Vaughn is, in fact, a Democrat.  Anyone want to guess the over-under on how quickly they'd proclaim his GOP credentials if the political party was reversed?

    So what did Jim do?  He beat up his girlfriend.  Pretty bad.  

    Jarvis Beene said his sister was treated at Spectrum Health Blodgett hospital and released, but may have to undergo surgery. He said she suffered a "busted eye" as well as cuts on her arms and injuries to one of her ears.

    After the assault, Vaughn drove Cross to her own home, said the victim's sister, who declined to give her name. Her son saw the injuries and called Cross' sister, who said she eventually drove Cross to the hospital.

    Nice guy.  Let me guess... she fell down the stairs, right?

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    Which Party (none / 0) (#1)
    by live dangerously on Tue Jun 17, 2008 at 10:18:49 PM EST
    Hey Nick you got that right about the media labeling a Democrat when bad news happens.  Just blogged about the breaking news of Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad getting VIP loans from Country Wide CEO.  Quite a scandle in the making.  The article took a paragraph to say they were both Democrats.
    Just a small inconvience.  Just wish Obama had already picked him for VP.  lol
    Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

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