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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Child poverty skyrocketing

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 12, 2008 at 06:51:27 AM EST
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    A couple of days back we were talking about the total job loss numbers since the Democrats took control of the State of Michigan.  Over a quarter-of-a-million jobs killed in the years that followed that fateful election in the fall of 2002.  And that number sounds horrible and imposing and dirty and rotten but at some level it still sort of bounces off a lot of folks.  It's a big number, for one, and the bigger they are the tougher they are to relate to.  But more than that, numbers are abstracts.  OK, we lost 250,000+ jobs.  What does that mean?  Where does that sort of regress show up on in every day life?  

    Take a look at MLIVE this morning.  They're carrying an AP story about the heartbreaking rise in the state's child poverty rates.

    Michigan's rate of children without a parent working full-time and year-round in the home rose about 13 percent between 2000 and 2006, the report says. In all, 35 percent of state children were in such households in 2006, up from 31 percent six years earlier...

    The report from The Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Human Services says Michigan ranked 37th in that category, as well as in infant mortality, which dropped by 4 percent between 2000 and 2005. Both were Michigan's worst rankings.

    Immediately my mind jumps back to the Governor's proclamation last year that without a massive tax increase children would be out on the street and "people will die."  Check and check.  Even despite the fact she got that tax hike.  The report doesn't gauge what happened in 2007, a year in which we lost just about as many jobs as any other year on record.  Which means that 35% child poverty rate, that didn't exactly go down over the last seventeen months.

    It's easy to get wrapped up in the back and forth of campaigns and politics, especially this time of this year.  But the policies that come about through elections... they have consequences.  So when you go to the polls this year remember... it's all about the children.

    Sorry, always wanted to say that.

    Read on...

    But it's true!  The failed policies of Jennifer Granholm, John Cherry, Mark Schauer and the House Democrats aren't exactly lowering the poverty rate, you know?  Then again, it isn't any secret that most liberal electeds across the state owe their jobs to Big Labor.  And with an example like the one their benefactors are setting in metro Detroit this week...

    The Detroit News opines that what the Teamsters are doing to the hundreds of non-union employees at Performance Transportation Services, actively, openly and admittedly killing their jobs, isn't fair.  Sort of like what the Democrats at the Capitol are doing to struggling families?  Manny Lopez continues:

    Don't take that as anti-union; take it as a reminder of Michigan's economic reality. Solidarity isn't as strong these days, as evidenced by the fact that other non-union car haulers and reportedly, even some union operations, have picked up PTS' business.

    But it's symptomatic of the problem that persists here: Do it our way or we'll bring down the house.

    Wait, scratch that Manny.  I think you meant "Do it our way AND we'll bring down the house."  Easy mistake to make.

    Take current gas prices... we've got a federal government that lambastes the oil companies for making excessive profit (4% to 9% depending on how you do the math) then turns around actually pulls in 15% via their gas tax.  Anybody struggling to fill up the tank these days?  
    It isn't the Shell station that's gouging you.  Not that you'd know that if you looked at the Dem "solutions."  They just want to raise taxes MORE.  Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow want to tax the oil companies (because that won't be passed along to consumers one way or the other) and closer to home Andy Dillon and the House Democrats are `probably' planning a gas tax hike in November.  And the prospect of drilling or building more refineries?  You can forget it.  Congress won't touch that.  It's always made too much sense for Washington.

    The only bit of sanity we're getting is coming from Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson The Ivory Tower reports a vote on Patterson's radical (for government) proposal could come this morning.

    Patterson proposed the plan last month as a way to help county employees deal with gasoline prices that now top $4 per gallon. If approved, employees could volunteer to work four 10-hour days instead of the traditional five, 8-hour days. No one would be required to do it, Patterson said.

    Blaze the trail, Brooks!  The plan could reduce demand for gas, could reduce emissions (which is nice if you think they're a problem), reduce wear and tear on the roads, reduce traffic congestion all of which would brighten moods and fatten consumers' wallets while keeping extra cash out of Lansing (which still makes a windfall profit on the sale of every gallon of gasoline thanks to the sales tax).  In the immortal words of Michael Scott... "Win - win.  Win."

    < Hate Mail Alert: Pro-Abort Gets "Physically Ill" After Reading My Pro-Life Columns! | Thursday in the Sphere, June 12 >

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    Nice distortion (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri Jun 13, 2008 at 12:07:48 AM EST
    Nice work cherry-picking the article Nick. At least anyone who actually read the article knows that you selectively presented the information and deliberately distorted the concept of poverty. The statistics of kids living in poverty is based on income levels, not whether your parents work full-time or not. Yet you claim that the increase in the number of parents at home without full-time jobs equals the number of kids in poverty. That's false. Nor is this trend limited to Michigan, as the article pointed out but you deliberately omitted because it would have undercut your claim that this is due to the actions of the Governor.

    While no one wants to see the number of kids in poverty increase, Michigan's rate is at the national average. You also failed to report the major declines in teen births, teen dropouts and teen deaths. All are positive signs and 2 of the 3 are important towards kids not having kids which often leads to kids ending up in poverty.

    Dems want that (none / 0) (#3)
    by tenex22 on Fri Jun 13, 2008 at 09:40:42 AM EST
    It is so much easier to control a group of people when they become dependant on the State for their very existance. That is the exactly what the Dems want. So if you are getting everything from the Government who are you going to vote for in Nov.? You won't bite the hand that is feeding you. Same with increasing the amount of State employees..Great way to increase your voting base and the tax payers pay for it.

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