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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    HR 358 - 'People too Powerful'

    By Steph623, Section News
    Posted on Fri May 09, 2008 at 08:35:17 PM EST
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    Apparently, Representative Dick Ball (R-Owosso), this week proposed HR 358 to express the House's collective opinion that the Michigan Constitution is 'unfair' because it gives too much power to its people.

    Wrapping up the week, Representative Dick Ball (R-Owosso), proposed HR 358 so that the House could set forth their 'official' position regarding the recall efforts of Michigan citizens, which targets, among others, Speaker of the House, Andy Dillon.  In the Resolution the lawmakers expressed the fact that they felt the Michigan Constitution was 'unfair' because it puts too much power in the hands of the people!  Apparently, citizens should not have the right to fire politicians they believe no longer represent them.

    A direct quote from the Resolution:

    "A resolution to express the sense of the House that recalls should be based on specific misconduct, criminal activity, or abuse of office and should not be based on a single vote and to denounce the effort to recall Speaker Andy Dillon."

    Well, a quick check of the Michigan Constitution makes this little 'resolution' in and of itself, unconstitutional:  http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/publications/Constitution.pdf

    "The sufficiency of any statement of reasons or grounds procedurally required (for a recall election) shall be a political rather than a judicial question." Article II, Section 8.

    As much as I'd like to say raising taxes on suffering Michigan citizens was a 'criminal' act, it was, alas, a failing of policy and falls firmly under the prescribed remedy of recall.

    Another pertinent outtake:

    "The threat of recall for reasons other than some measure of misconduct undermines the foundation of our democratic republic."

    HUH?!!  Since when would recall efforts undermine the premise of a democratic republic.  I would argue to the contrary, that it is a pillar of such a government!

    Leon Drollet of the Michigan Taxpayer's Alliance sent out a notification to all of the members of that organization.  He explains what ultimately happened to HR 358:

    "What happened to the vote on HR 358? It never happened. I'm told that some legislators were actually concerned about challenging the Constitution. The other rumor is that Democrats freaked out after hearing that a Republican legislator was planning to offer an amendment to the resolution addressing removal of another politician from office - someone named Kwame Kilpatrick. Democrats quickly removed HR 358 from the agenda."

    I'm beginning to think even our 'right' isn't very RIGHT in Michigan.  Where are the conservative values?!  Heck, where's the morality?!!  HR 358 was reprehensible display of abuse of power by those who THINK they have it.

    < House Dem's energy package to cost consumers hundreds next year alone | Wiff. Wiff. I smell something Liberal >

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    Steph623 (none / 0) (#1)
    by triznik on Fri May 09, 2008 at 09:53:11 PM EST
    This is piling on. Been there, done that. Next topic, please.

    I think (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Sat May 10, 2008 at 07:14:21 AM EST
    this is a pertinent and ongoing topic.  It very much concerns me.  

    This person (Ball) seems to qualify for the shame list on the left hand of the screen. From my position he should be at the top because if I go to a doctor and he abuses me, should I blame other doctors more?

    If he can't take the pressure... (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Sat May 10, 2008 at 04:47:33 PM EST
    ...then I highly recommend that the good Rep. ball  find another job.

    Now would be nice.

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