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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    House and Senate GOP actually working FOR job makers (novel concept, I know)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 08, 2008 at 01:36:27 PM EST
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    Earlier this week we were discussing the upcoming MBT Impact Assessment Subcommittee meetings happening across the State over the next few days.  Local business owners, job makers, taxpayers and whoever the heck is interested will be meeting with local legislators and others serving on the Senate Finance work group.

    Don't forget, those meetings kick off in Grand Rapids TODAY!

    WHO: Sen. Mark Jansen, R-Gaines Township, chair of the MBT Impact Assessment Subcommittee; additional committee members; and interested parties.

    WHAT: The MBT Impact Assessment Subcommittee will convene hearings in four cities across the state to gather input from taxpayers on the impact of the Michigan Business Tax and suggestions for its improvement.

    WHERE: Davenport University
    Richard M. DeVos & Jay Van Andel Academic Building (near M-6 at Broadmoor)
    Meeting Rooms A and B
    6191 Kraft Avenue S.E.
    Grand Rapids

    WHEN: Thursday, May 8
    3 p.m.

    That's, like, totally NOW.  So if you're in the Grand Rapids area and you were planning on going, what are you doing still reading this?

    The next week will see meetings at Oakland University in Rochester, Saginaw Valley State in Saginaw and The University Center in Gaylord.  

    All that said, these aren't the first in this series.  House Republicans have been hosting roundtables the last few weeks.  While the Democrats and their big-manufacturing lobbyists in Lansing continue to paint a rosy picture about their new tax hike the message small and medium sized business owners hasn't been quite as glowing.  

    Here's just a sampling of what's been said so far during the House GOP's traveling road show...

    Read on...

    MBT Not Good for Businesses?

    WWMT News Channel  3 Video

    • "The taxes are due and...businesses say they have seen increases from 400-500%..."

    • "...biz owners say it's coming at a cost, and that cost is businesses fleeing the state..."

    Local Business Owners Frustrated Over Michigan Business Tax

    TV 3's web report

    • "While taxpayers are getting some of their money back through economic stimulus checks, it's the other way around for Michigan businesses."

    • "Business owners say that if the taxation doesn't let up, it will kill business, or just force businesses to move out of Michigan."

    • "But it won't be expanding, hiring or investing in the near future, since it's tax bill went from $10,000 to $55,000 per year under the new MBT."

    Business owners from Southwest Michigan say business tax burden unfair

    Kalamazoo Gazette

    - "I don't know how many businesses are owned by families," Clare Rothi, president of PFS-Premium Finance Corp., said during a forum Monday sponsored by Republican lawmakers from Southwest Michigan. "But this tax is going to impact them more than they ever could have imagined."

    Rothi's company, which employs six people in Kalamazoo and finances insurance policies, is facing a 460 percent increase under the Michigan Business Tax compared to what it paid under the Single Business Tax.

    Michigan tax creating new set of problems - Business owners are reeling from surcharge

    New Baltimore Voice

    • "Thanks to a new tax law, Michigan's struggling economy and unemployment rate could soon be taking an even bigger hit."

    • "The biggest problem with the tax is the surcharge. It charges an additional 22 percent of a burden on all businesses," (State Rep. Dan) Acciavatti said.
    • "One of the predominant opinions expressed during the meeting was the fact that this tax law could potentially drive more businesses out of Michigan. Two states sharing a border with Michigan - Indiana and Ohio - have welcoming economic climates for business owners looking for relief."

    Meeting lets business owners vent

    Port Huron Times Herald

    - "I've got two people who work for me and they probably won't get raises this year..."

    < Mary Mitchell and Louis Farrakhan | Candidates or Money? >

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    Once again we see the results. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu May 08, 2008 at 06:47:44 PM EST
    The results of Socialism is failure. Whether it is in the old Soviet Union, Cuba, Europe, Red China, or right here at home in Michigan. When the government places it's needs before that of the people and denies the results of it's own actions that is pure Socialism. It matters not if it is referred to as Liberalism, Communism or Fascism it is all the same. Government comes first and the people last. Jennifer Granholm is undeniably a Socialist first, last and always as are most of the members of her party. The only way to solve Michigan's current economic problems is to eliminate Democrats from the political process here in the state. Without the Democrats the members of their thug wing, the unions will also be broken. This needs to happen for Michigan to have a chance to regain what we have lost over the last nearly 6 years of Socialism. Another year with Granholm running the show with more of her ilk in the Legislature will see Michigan fall even further. Soon Arkansas will be thanking God for Michigan as our state will be last in every measure of success for a state. One more year of the status quo then we might as well change the name to the Soviet Socialist Republic of New Siberia. It better reflects the true nature of how this state is being run.

    Alas, nothing but eyewash for the boobs here (none / 0) (#2)
    by Angry White Male on Thu May 08, 2008 at 08:09:23 PM EST
    Just another political dog-and-pony show. Ring-master Jansen not only voted for the MBT, he also voted for every penny of the $1.470 billion-worth of increased spending paid for by last year's monster bipartisan tax hikes. IOW, Jansen and his buds on this phony committee have no intention of eliminating the tax, or even reducing it or the spending it pays for - they just want to strike a pose to fool biz owners, grass roots conservatives, and - well, certain right-oriented webmeisters - into thinking that they are "on your side."

    BS, Mark and colleagues. You showed by your votes whose side you're really on.

    Here Charlie Brown, I'll hold the football and you run and kick it . . . Nuh-uh, not me, not anymore, pal.

    Scary (none / 0) (#3)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri May 09, 2008 at 01:01:59 AM EST
    "The only way to solve Michigan's current economic problems is to eliminate Democrats from the political process here in the state."

    Please save your one-party rule for China or Cuba or wherever else you came up with your anti-democratic ideas.

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