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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Racist at the Sun Times

    By mike volpe, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 06, 2008 at 10:53:38 AM EST
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    Help hold a racist accountable.

    When Jimmy the Greek uttered these notorious words,

    bred to be the better athlete because, this goes all the way to the Civil War when ... the slave owner would breed his big woman so that he would have a big black kid

    not only was he fired by CBS but his entire career was ended. He lived out the rest of his days in infamy generating little to no income. Such was the fate of a white person that was branded with the term of racist.

    If the Chicago Sun Times were to hire David Duke it would likely face uncontrollable and intense protests. Their business would grind nearly to a halt and the company would likely go under. Such is the fate of any newspaper hiring a white racist.

    Yet, the Chicago Sun Times has absolutely no problem and faces absolutely no criticism for hiring an African American racist in Mary Mitchell. I first noticed the incendiary and racist thoughts of Mary Mitchell in a column that started as such

    Black people get it, white people don't, now let's move on

    Outside of my own criticism, I didn't pick up on anger from anywhere. Despite the outrageous and racist tone of the column, Mary Mitchell and the Sun Times faced absolutely no criticism. It appears in the world of news, while hiring a white racist is a taboo, an African American racist is perfectly fine.

    Thus, it should come as no surprise that this racist has just finished yet another racist column.

    This is a sad day for Black America.

    At a time when African Americans are on the cusp of watching a barrier come crashing down, up jumps a divisive issue that is being driven by those outside of the black community.

    Obviously, Wright's timing for a press conference about his sermons couldn't have been worse. Still, when Obama says he is "offended" by Wright's latest comments -- given in defense against an orchestrated assault on his character and on his ministry -- he's opening up a can of worms.

    There is no institution in the black community more respected than the black church. And the notion that white pundits can dictate what constitutes unacceptable speech in the black church is repulsive to most black people.

    Now, let's try an experiment...

    This is a sad day for White America.

    At a time when Caucasians are on the cusp of watching a barrier come crashing down, up jumps a divisive issue that is being driven by those outside the white community.


    There is no institution in the white community more respected than the white church and the notion that African American pundits can dictate what is acceptable speech in the white church is repulsive to most white people.

    The first quote will likely be viewed as provocative and the second would be shocking and racist. It appears that in America if you are an African American racist with a gift for putting words together you can be a columnist or commentator, while if you switched that around, you would be shunned.

    Mitchell used the term "repulsed as part of her diatrobe. I will tell you what repulses me. What repulses me is that a major newspaper in a very large city would legitimize her racism by giving her a regular platform. Furthermore, I found this particular article at Real Clear Politics which gives it even more credibility. What is repulsive to me is that major media outlets choose to legitimize racism by giving it a platform.

    Jimmy the Greek uttered one racial thought and his entire career was ended. Mary Mitchell makes those thoughts a career.

    The stakes could not be higher. If racism pays, it will encourage more racism. Mary Mitchell will spawn the next generation of African American racists looking to cash in on their racism. She will create more proteges who will continue to spew more of the same filth and continue to poison the waters through their incendiary language. The simple fact of the matter is that society should never stand for a racist no matter their color, and certainly racists should not make racism their profession. The Chicago Sun Times has offered just such an outlet for one and it is unacceptable. Mary Mitchell's racism is no longer in question. The only question is how much longer she will continue to earn a living from it.

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, May 6 | If you MUST run with scissors pointed up... >

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    She doesn't get it. (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican Michigander on Tue May 06, 2008 at 11:05:52 AM EST
    [quote]There is no institution in the black community more respected than the black church. And the notion that white pundits can dictate what constitutes unacceptable speech in the black church is repulsive to most black people.[/quote]

    1. Wright can say whatever he wants. That is not in dispute. I'm not a member of his church, nor am I even a protestant. I won't call that unacceptable or unacceptable speech.

    2. However, Obama is running for POTUS. Not President of Hyde Park, or the United Church of Christ. I have to question the judgement of an individual who hangs for 20 years with a guy who calls us the US of KKK or thinks that God's last name is Damn when describing American.

    For the record, I'm more disturbed about Obama's close friendship with that white boy Bill Ayers.

    Not surprised (none / 0) (#2)
    by WadeHM on Tue May 06, 2008 at 07:00:17 PM EST
    It may be unfortunate, but I am not surprised. Having worked in the Flint and Detroit areas most of my working years I have seen and experienced "reverse" racism and discrimination. I have even been told that only whites can be racists, blacks can't because it is the whites who do all the discriminating.

    I have also experienced such actions from Muslims. I work around a large number of Muslim doctors, so trust me, as a single, white, 44 year old male, I get told that just my identity alone makes me a racist.

    I'm racist because I'm a single white male. The only thing I am is exactly what Obama said I am, bitter, and I cling to my guns and religion and I dislike immigrants. Oops, make that ILLEGAL immigrants. And Obama wonders why people like me get bitter. The irony is, they make us bitter because of their attitude towards the white working class, making us all to be racist, redneck hicks.

    Maybe the problem isn't ... (none / 0) (#3)
    by rdww on Wed May 07, 2008 at 09:03:00 AM EST
    ... that the Chicago Sun Times has a black racist columnist, but that, as you observed, they can't have a white racist one.

    • What? by maidintheus, 05/07/2008 08:37:04 PM EST (none / 0)
    The solution to voices... (none / 0) (#6)
    by rdww on Thu May 08, 2008 at 12:00:34 PM EST
    ... we dislike is not to silence those voices, but to encourage other, opposing voices.  Who knows, a column by David Duke could just spice things up in Chicago.

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