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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Time to make some noise.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 21, 2008 at 11:32:53 AM EST
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    As the debate (no it is NOT over) over global warming continues to simmer, new "solutions" to the problem we presumably have continue to be presented.  One of the most recent solutions of using a food source for fuel alternatives has been exposed as a fairly huge mistake, even by many of those who proposed it's use in the first place.  


    Unintended consequence is often the result of rushing to "do something" without adequate methodology to determine potential benefits vs. outcomes. So now instead of higher gas prices and lower CO2 emissions, we have higher food prices and higher gas prices and higher emissions.. hmm  oops.

    Politics are an amazing thing.  The current Democrat candidates, and the Current presumed Republican candidate (and apparently the current POTUS) all share the theology of global warming.  Even though decades have passed with nary a degree increase in US mean average temperature, we find ourselves inundated with alarmists exclaiming we all will be burning soon!  Cooler heads (pun intended) will hopefully prevail.

    Currently, Michigan has at it's helm a political opportunist who has no problem taking us down the rabbit hole into wonderland where reality matters not.  The mad hatters of the center for climate strategies has convinced our dear misguided bunny that they should in fact be writing our STATE'S policy as it pertains to perceived climate adjustment. IT IS HAPPENING NOW.

    And just as corn was the next savior in our battle for renewable sources, next we are seeing WEEDS. But in a similar fashion, we might have a problem houston..  screeeech! hold the brakes Junior cause  even the weeds might cause more despair than hope.

    Yup.  So BEFORE we Jump further headlong into that opium filled bunny hole of imagination, blindly following WHOMSOEVER declares we "MUST DO SOMETHING NOW!!", maybe we might actually see if there is some GOOD science..  somewhere that has no political affiliation to drive it's results.  Save  Michigan's FINEST natural resource, it's people.  Protest the governor's blind reliance on the CCS to write OUR POLICY. Insist she sheds our state from it's vile influence before we suffer even more.

    < Wednesday in the Sphere, May 21 | Urgent Action Alert: Vote on Partial Birth Abortion Ban Could Come Today (With Your Help)! >

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    Exactly (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Wed May 21, 2008 at 07:58:00 PM EST
    So, like I said, we should make available and develop our readily accessible energy sources.  That will help all of us while creating revenue to pursue the course that should be taken next.

    Most of us were taught to not come unglued and frantic even in a real emergency. We can simmer down and do first things first.

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