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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Time to call out the rino's

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Fri May 02, 2008 at 09:40:37 AM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    I didn't catch this during my first read this morning of the Recall Petitions being submitted yesterday, but had it pointed out by some friends later on, which really got my blood pressure going.

    {Continued below...}

    Four Republican House members were at his side on Thursday. They said Dillon had little choice but to advocate for tax increases because lawmakers didn't have the stomach to approve the kind of draconian cuts in state government programs that would have been necessary to balance the budget without new revenue.

    "Speaker Dillon has done an excellent job under extremely difficult conditions," said Rep. Richard Ball, R-Laingsburg. "This recall is extremely inappropriate ... an effort to legislate by intimidation."

    This is so sickening! Reading Rep. Ball's accolades are making me into a diabetic.

    Now, two questions:

    First, who were the other three rino's?

    Second (to Nick), any chance of their being a "Wall of Shame" to highlight these cowards?

    < Friday in the Sphere, May 2 | Leon's Press Conference >

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    That's a shocker... (none / 0) (#1)
    by jgillmanjr on Fri May 02, 2008 at 10:05:18 AM EST
    but not really. I get sent Jason Allen's little email every so often, and some of the stuff that he's voted for is ridiculous.

    As for legislating by intimidation, what the hell is that supposed to mean? Heaven forbid that we actually force a law maker to vote how we want him to vote. Gosh, that's right, they know what's best!

    Rep. Ball (none / 0) (#2)
    by triznik on Fri May 02, 2008 at 10:53:25 AM EST
    is not a RINO. KG One, what is your definition of a Republican...someone who agrees with you on every issue? What are your credentials? Where have you earned the temerity to call Rep. Ball and his Republican colleagues "cowards" because they oppose the recall of Rep. Dillon? Rep. Ball is a Republican. His views on the state budget and taxation are very similar to other Republicans in the House and Senate, including Sen. Bishop, except that Sen. Bishop will not publicly reveal his views for political reasons. Rather than pander to a vocal minority for the sake of political expediency, Rep. Ball is willing to negotiate with opponents in the House in order to move forward with legislation that will benefit Michigan in the long run.

    • Classic.. by jgillmanjr, 05/02/2008 12:29:38 PM EST (none / 0)
    Well, triznik... (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Fri May 02, 2008 at 01:56:58 PM EST
    ...but as the saying goes: "If it walks like a duck..."

    As for my definition?

    Agreeing with me on every issue. I don't expect that, but I do expect certain boundaries.

    My top three:

    Do they support the concept of limited government?

    Do they support the concept of individual responsibility?

    Do they support the concept of fiscal responsibility?

    Not a very difficult criteria to follow.

    Sadly, he failed all three criteria in this instance.

    I don't recall reading anything in this year's budget that was curtailed or reduced.

    I don't recall reading anything where individualy legislators took responsibility for the budget mess. As a matter of fact, they stuck us with the bill for spending money like a drunken crack-head given carte blanche.

    And as for fiscal responsibility?

    Oh, please.

    And if you feel that stiffing the taxpayers is "moving forward to benefit Michigan in the long run", then I challenge you to tell that to those residents who have lost their job, lost their home, and are moving out of the state.

    More About Rep. Ball (none / 0) (#5)
    by triznik on Fri May 02, 2008 at 01:58:24 PM EST
    To jgillmanjr: A favorable position on taxation was neither stated nor implied. Please consider the context: "...Rep. Ball is willing to negotiate with opponents in the House in order to move forward with legislation that will benefit Michigan in the long run." While this was juxtaposed with my statement about his opposition to the Dillon recall campaign, this is a reference to Rep. Ball's track record of supporting policies and legislation that will benefit the citizens of the 85th District and the State of Michigan. As you know, Rep. Ball voted against the income and sales tax increases that were passed by the House on October 1, 2007.

    Rep. Ball (none / 0) (#6)
    by triznik on Fri May 02, 2008 at 02:19:09 PM EST
    KG One, while I respect your passionate defense of your position (except for the duck metaphor), I respectively disagree with you that Rep. Ball does not support the concepts of limited government, individual responsibility, and fiscal responsibility. Rep. Ball was an Optometrist in private practice in Owosso for many years before he was elected to the State House. As a successful business owner, Rep. Ball knows a lot about individual and fiscal responsibility. How has Rep. Ball "failed all three criteria in this instance" because he publicly opposes the recall campaign against Rep. Dillon? Rep. Ball has accepted personal responsibility and accountability for his role in the budget mess, but political reconciliation is difficult to achieve when the Legislature has become so polarized that Republicans and Democrats are unable or unwilling to negotiate in good faith. Michigan has long-term structural problems that will not be effectively solved either by tax increases or draconian budget cuts, but the Constitution requires a balanced budget every year, no matter what may be the condition of the economy. I am very sympathetic to Michigan residents who have "lost their job, lost their home, and are moving out of the state." Number me among them. Please, focus attention and energy in the right places. Rather than recall campaigns, lobby the Legislature and the Governor to make Michigan a Right-to-Work state as soon as possible.

    Clown Comment (none / 0) (#9)
    by triznik on Fri May 02, 2008 at 02:54:22 PM EST
    jgillmanjr: Referring to Rep. Ball as a "clown" is offensive, provocative, and does nothing to contribute to meaningful discourse in this forum. If you have questions or concerns about Rep. Ball's position on taxation or his voting record, I recommend that you contact his office with your inquiry.

    Fair enough. (none / 0) (#10)
    by KG One on Fri May 02, 2008 at 02:59:05 PM EST
    First off, we appear to be in agreement on several issues here, among which being Michigan's economy being very detrimental to its residents.

    Secondly, we're in agreement that Michigan Government has a structural defecit problem.

    Third, the two issues are interrelated.

    This is a start.

    And for the record, I also don't disagree with focusing some energies towards improving the overall climate in our state by contacting our elected officials.

    Unfortunately, the area in which I reside is heavily democratic leaning. I'd have more luck talking to the wall, than to convince my soon-to-be-outgoing rep. and senator to vote for Right to Work.

    I did communicate to them (repeatedly) that last year's tax hikes would be bad for the state, especially given the status of the economy. Sadly, I'm hearing about them doing some serious verbal summersaults regarding "fixing" the MBT issue that's messing this up more than they should.

    But what I feel should be done is some "right-sizing" of the budget (no pun intended).

    With the population of Michigan leaving, it would behoove those in office to aggressively seek to scale back the size of government to something that is more reflective of the population that is serves/will serve.

    Thank you, KG One (none / 0) (#11)
    by triznik on Fri May 02, 2008 at 03:02:16 PM EST
    for crafting a reasonable accord. Now, I must disengage from this debate and get back to work before I lose the job that I'm lucky to have...

    No questions (none / 0) (#12)
    by jgillmanjr on Fri May 02, 2008 at 03:24:04 PM EST
    It's easy to tell where he stands.

    So back to the original question? (none / 0) (#13)
    by KG One on Fri May 02, 2008 at 07:00:51 PM EST
    We know who one out of the four are, anyone know about the remaining three?

    About Ball and the others (none / 0) (#14)
    by Angry White Male on Fri May 02, 2008 at 09:35:33 PM EST
    The other three RINOs were Ward, Wenke and Nofs (who is also endorsed by the MEA).

    From the Jan/Feb 2008 Mackinac Center "Capitol Confidential":

    "Ten of 17 budget bills for fiscal 2008 spent more money than was enacted for those same budgets in fiscal 2007. The total additional spending over 2007 enacted law represented by these 10 bills was $1,470,045,900. The amount of this total approved by each lawmaker is listed below."

    Ball (R) $1,332,045,900
    Nofs (R) $1,103,045,900
    Ward (R)* $1,219,835,000
    Wenke (R)* $120,000,000

    *Ward did not cast a final passage vote on two of the 10 budgets examined here. Wenke missed eight of 10 votes.

    Mirs News QUOTE OF THE DAY, May 1, 2008:
    "They want to have a press conference in one of my rooms? Yeah, right."
    -- House Speaker Andy DILLON (D-Redford Twp.) when asked why the campaign to recall him from office was not allowed to hold a press conference inside a Capitol room.

    jgillmanjr, you were right the first time. (none / 0) (#15)
    by maidintheus on Fri May 02, 2008 at 10:02:20 PM EST
    "lawmakers didn't have the stomach to approve the kind of draconian cuts in state government programs that would have been necessary to balance the budget without new revenue." Clowns!

    "Speaker Dillon has done an excellent job under extremely difficult conditions," said Rep. Richard Ball, R-Laingsburg. "This recall is extremely inappropriate ... an effort to legislate by intimidation." The law says in sec 8: Laws shall be enacted for the recall of all elected officers... Rep Ball calls this law intimidation, that makes him a clown. Clown!

    Ball (R) $1,332,045,900  Yep, Clown again!

    Represent! (none / 0) (#18)
    by Beerme on Sat May 03, 2008 at 11:25:10 AM EST
    These RINOs are there to "Represent" the congressional fraternity. Why, if this sort of thing were allowed (recalling politicians) the public might start to think they control their government or something odd like that!

    These politicians couldn't even hold spending to the same budget as the previous year, while taxpayers are losing their jobs, their homes and their numbers! That's despicable enough, but add to that the disdain these politicians (these four Republicans) feel for outraged voters exercising their rights, in deference to their fraternal self-interests, and they should face their own recalls!

    maidintheus (none / 0) (#20)
    by triznik on Sat May 03, 2008 at 08:11:50 PM EST
    and others, you are entitled to your opinions, but you should learn to articulate yourselves more effectively. Profligate abuse of the term "clown" may provide temporary satisfaction in this forum, but it does not contribute to meaningful dialogue about the salient issues in this political debate.

    Triznik, please except my apology... (none / 0) (#22)
    by maidintheus on Sun May 04, 2008 at 10:04:44 AM EST
    ...for your offense toward my wanton, uninhibited, use of the word clown.  It may seem ineffective to you but it's a simple term.  For one who is unsophisticated (such as myself) it is at least clear.

    According to my dictionary, I take exception to your interpretation of abuse and my use of the word clown, regardless of excess.  

    Abuse = To use wrongly or improperly; misuse...

    Clown/clownish  = A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation.  One who jokes and plays tricks.

    I agree with you in that I'm entitled to my opinion.  In my opinion it's (very clownish) to reason with circular thinking.  That's not reasoning or dialog, it's an antic, and trickery.

    It's a bit old fashioned perhaps but I rather like how it was put by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld: "Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools that have not wit enough to be honest."  Perhaps one may think I "should" have used the word fool for better effect and description.

    Aside from all the distraction, the point (see salient) is that it's not helpful (and in some cases illegal) to start at the end rather then the beginning: exceed funds and correct by stealing from others.  Again, unsophisticated and simple: stick to budget. Like (us) regular folks. Frankly, (imo) it's extremely modulated to use the terms found on these forums and none are "bombs" that rise to your level of policing.  Hat tip: Nick does a great job and is extremely liberal in allowing all voices.  Suggested reading (see RIGHTmichigan): Any dictionary with the words grateful and respectful.  

    Some may think it "bitter" to expect our elected officials to have the "guts" to stay within a budget.  Then there would be no need to put in a Fix.  The correction is to not spend what one doesn't have.

    BassAckwards is to grow debt irrespective of revenue at time of spending.  In my little world I could be arrested and/or fired for that.

    In summary, I don't respect your opinion but I respect your right to have it. I respect that these forums don't demand that you be right.

    Again, I'm sorry if I've failed you in effective dialog.  

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