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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Maybe that's why Barack finally came back to Michigan!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri May 16, 2008 at 07:18:29 AM EST
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    Barack Obama is not a Muslim.  I'm not saying he's a Muslim.  But we've all gotten those junk emails that swear to high heaven the man's a closeted Koran reader.  He stopped going by Barry and insists on being called Barack.  The man wants to hang out with the lunatic Islamic ruler over in Iran, a move that even most Democrats agree is nuts.  The Clinton campaign sent out those pictures of him wearing some traditional ethnic African garb.  And so the ignorant continue to insist he wears a crescent around his neck, not a crucifix.  

    His campaign insists it's not true.  They proudly claim he's a Christian and point to his twenty years of spotty attendance at a Chicago area church better known for it's racism and hate than for the gospel of Jesus Christ and expect folks who don't know him to take their word for it.  (Although what with the good Reverend making so much noise lately they might be rethinking that particular talking point.)

    If the report in this morning's Ivory Tower is true, Obama isn't doing himself any favors.  

    Imam Hassan Qazwini, the head of the Islamic Center of America is emailing folks and bragging that he got a one-on-one meeting with the likely Dem nominee and he's got his mosque spokesman (must be a mega-mosque) backing him up to reporters.  The FREEP reports that Qazwini gave the good Senator a copy of the book "American Crescent," a personal invitation to the mosque and talked to him about the war in Iraq and what he terms "the Arab-Israeli conflict."  

    Conflict, terrorism, potato, tomato.  

    Read on...

    But I know what you're saying... `c'mon, Nick, Obama probably met with a lot of people when he came to town.'  Yep.  You're right.  He met with a lot of people but Hassan Qazwini, he's special.

    The meeting with Obama came about after Qazwini had asked David Bonior, the former U.S. Rep. from Michigan, if he could meet with Obama during his visit. Qazwini was not selected to be part of a group of 20 people who met with Obama, but Qazwini later got a private meeting with Obama, Alawan said.

    "They gave him an opportunity for a one-on-one," (Spokesman) Alawan said.

    As far as we know, no one else in the State of Michigan received this sort of time and honor from Senator Obama.  The Imam was granted a place of honor and prominence above every other Michigan voter, resident, politician, donor, delegate, elected official, minister, activist and community leader. During the Senator's first visit to Michigan in well over three-hundred days the Muslim cleric was elevated above everyone else.

    Not that I'm unwilling to give the campaign the benefit of the doubt.

    A quick check of the campaign's website and news articles related to his Macomb County visit turn up no mention of Qazwini.

    Update [2008-5-16 12:55:1 by Nick]:The FREEP is reporting that the Barackstar met privately with super-delegate and likely 2010 Dem Gubernatorial candidate Bob Ficano before his Macomb County stop, too. So it looks like the Imam was elevated above ALMOST everybody.

    Especially related to that broader, more public 20 person VIP meeting.

    But here's how these things work.  Campaigns give the locals a timeline and the folks on the ground coordinate the logistics.  Obama's camp says, for instance, `he's got fifteen minutes to meet with a small group, find 20 VIPs' and officials put together a list.  You need names, descriptions, often need social security numbers... it's a big hullabaloo.  

    So the locals send that list off to campaign HQ and HQ does what they call vetting.  They take a look at the names and the bios and the information available and start crossing off names.  `So-and-so isn't important enough, this guy's social security number flags him as a wanted felon, we think this one's a Hillary guy' and `no thanks, the last thing we need is the region's most prominent Muslim cleric kicking up dust for us when we've finally killed most of those Koran rumors.'

    I wasn't a fly on the wall but I've worked enough campaigns, put together enough VIP lists and done enough personal vetting to know how the game is played.  

    Qazwini didn't make the big list, apparently.  But he made himself enough of a squeaky wheel that the Obama camp had to engineer a last-minute course correction and make time for a one-on-one sit-down with the man.  That or Barack wanted to meet with him in private from the start.  And it could be either one.  There's no option C.

    However it happened, it begs a question the Obama campaign certainly wishes no one was asking... with prominent labor leaders, ministers at mega-churches, super delegates, max donors and countless other potential one-on-one sit-down meeting possibilities... and with twenty others getting only a group gathering... and what with this being Barack Obama's first real campaign stop in Michigan in over a year... why a private closed door meeting with Imam Hassan Qazwini?

    < They Say a Picture's Worth a Thousand Words | Liberals are feeling strangely Guilty >

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    Obama (none / 0) (#2)
    by tenex22 on Fri May 16, 2008 at 09:09:58 AM EST
    at least started life as a Muslim. His father was Muslim. My understanding is that the Muslims really get upset when someone converts from the Muslim faith. So why would this Imam want to meet privately with Obama? Could be Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    oh my! He talked to a muslim! (none / 0) (#3)
    by prattleon on Fri May 16, 2008 at 09:11:04 AM EST
    what an awful person!

    this is pathetic.  There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of obama's policy, but this is what you resort to...probably because the republican nominee is guilty of almost all the same anti-conservative policies -- to one degree or another.  

    I'm sick of people touting their Christianity, and then disregarding the tolerance, forgiveness and understanding that Jesus taught.  Jesus opened his arms and heart to everyone, and preached of the virtues of such a practice that was at the foundation of the Christian philosophy.  

    Actually, Nick... (none / 0) (#15)
    by rdww on Fri May 16, 2008 at 11:32:50 AM EST
    I don't believe that Barry O has ever said he "wants to hang out with the lunatic Islamic ruler over in Iran."  He's just said that we're going to have to talk with them eventually.  
    The concept may be getting Dubya all cranky lately, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea.

    Scum Peddler (none / 0) (#18)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri May 16, 2008 at 11:50:44 AM EST
    Nick never fails to demonstrate how low he'll go to peddle scum. First, he trots out all of the false claims being pushed by Republicons around the Internet about Obama. I've gotten them in my inbox so don't deny that they are being sent. Nick then denies that HE believes the rumors. But he insists that Obama's every action has to scrutinized as if the rumors are true. If Obama does anything that Nick believes gives credence to the rumors, Nick's going to jump all over that. Sick.

    Nick even admitted that if someone he knew was the target of false rumors, he would go out of his way to avoid associating with them, acting as if the rumors were true. Some kind of friend you are. That sure explains a lot. Before, I thought you had sold your soul for politics but know I know it.

    One other thing, the premise of your story is false. Obama had a private meeting with Robert Ficano too. So much for your BS claims.


    "Obama also had a private meeting before the town hall meeting with Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, who endorsed Obama today."

    So when do we see the retractions?

    Islam (none / 0) (#19)
    by tenex22 on Fri May 16, 2008 at 12:21:09 PM EST
    Claims it is peaceful. Until they start to turn on these radical groups and identify who they are, I will hold all of Islam responsible. If we, as Christians, had a radical group killing off innocent people, we would certainly turn those responsible over for prosecution. When the rest of Islam does that with the radicals within their group, I will accept them as a whole.

    Bonoir was instrumental... (none / 0) (#22)
    by LX on Sun May 18, 2008 at 02:46:40 PM EST
    ...with arranging these two meeting, the same Democrat Rep. David Bonior of Michigan that hung around with Federal Indicted spy for Saddam Hussein's regime, Muthanna Al-Hanooti.


    The freep also fails to mention Imam Hassan Qazwini's November 15, 1998 invited speaker Louis Farrakhan, at his mosque.


    It's a small circle for Senator Obama, former Rev. Wright an ex-Muslim with ties to Farrakhan and Kaddafi, Imam Qazwini and his beloved guest speaker Farrakhan and Obama's private meeting.

    So far Bonior, Conyers, Dingell will put a price on their vote.

    During an interview, Rep. Dingell said he would not take sides in the current Israeli. When asked if he was against Hezbollah, the Democrat Congressman replied with a resounding "no!"


    Of course, Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi is no damn better and should've never been allowed to enter the country.

    http://www.islamichouseofwisdom.com/News/DetNewsArticles/tabid/148/ctl/Details/mid/951/ItemID/417/De fault.aspx

    The Republicans in Michigan aren't much better either.

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