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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Obama Visits Grand Rapids...

    By amanda zaluckyj, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 14, 2008 at 07:18:37 PM EST
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    Barack Obama finally decided to visit Michigan and even made a pit stop at the Van Andel Arena in downtown Grand Rapids! His speech was filled with all the stuff he's been saying in other parts of Michigan: President Bush personally ran out the car companies, he will fix Michigan, and hope is on the way!

    The message is a bit shallow, especially the part about blaming President Bush. One can imagine that our current President had a vendetta against Michigan, that's why we're doing so badly and Indiana, under the leadership of Republican governor Mitch Daniels, is doing so well.


    The real story has to do with the youth of the Grand Rapids area.  Remember how many of them are forced to leave in droves once they graduate? They can't find jobs and, quite frankly, they don't see any of that Obama-esque "hope" here.

    We've heard over and over again that young people are flocking to Barack Obama's message of change though. So, one would think that the people turning out to hear his message in Michigan would be all the young people.

    But, not so fast.

    Many of them showed up to tell Obama that they were not buying into his hype or substantial lack of substance.

    So, what did they want him to know?

    For full disclosure, I will admit that I was one of the people that helped organize the protest. And some people didn't understand why we would bother going out there, in the rain no less, and protest.

    Well, we had a few things we wanted Senator Obama to know, such as:

    We let him know that he is a hypocrite to come and ask Michiganders for their vote in November, but he didn't care what we thought in the primary. Of course he's here to ask us now - he knows he can't win the presidency without us. But what Mr. Obama needs to know is that disenfranchising thousands of voters is not very impressive.

    We want him to know that while he is trying to spread "hope" out to millions of Americans (and then hoping they'll vote for him!), what about the 50 million babies that have been aborted since abortion became legal in 1973? Where is the hope for them?

    We want him to know that our pastors, ministers, and priests are not racists and they actually love this country. It is not ok to go to a church that creates villains out of other groups and spreads that propaganda wrapped in the blanket of Christianity. After a 20 year relationship, one press conference condemning that type of hate speech does not make it go away.

    We also conveyed to him that we are proud of our God, guns, and small towns - and we do not cling to them because we're bitter. To suggest otherwise is offensive and absurd.

    We also want young people, who are following Obama's campaign slogans of "hope" and "change" to really know what he means by those. Before they cast a ballot, they need to research the policies and programs the Senator is promising. After all, "hope" does not pay the rent...

    And, finally, we want to express to Obama that we have always been proud of our country.  While we know that it isn't perfect, we can also recognize the wonderful and amazing things that the United States has done in promoting freedom, stopping evil, and helping the world.

    So, this is what the protesters in front of the Van Andel arena were standing for on Wednesday.

    < Dissention in the Ranks: Michigan Dems Lining Up to Pummel One Another | Barack Obama: Wrong on Abortion & Wrong for Michigan >

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    Good for you! (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Wed May 14, 2008 at 09:39:54 PM EST
    I don't agree with the Republicon positions that you embrace but I know that Barack Obama isn't afraid of a demonstration of free speech. Hopefully we're past the days of the Imperial Presidency where Democratic counter-protesters were treated as terrorists and the only people to get within site of the President were hand-selected sycophants.

    • Not afraid by tenex22, 05/15/2008 11:11:42 AM EST (none / 0)
      • Democrats by NoviDemocrat, 05/15/2008 10:27:36 PM EST (none / 0)
    We are grateful. (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Wed May 14, 2008 at 09:56:44 PM EST
    And proud of the fine work on behalf of the people in Michigan.

    New, no... (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu May 15, 2008 at 10:44:18 AM EST
    We keep hearing about how this guy is "new" and has "new ideas". My aunt Mamies feathered hat. There is nothing new about this guy and that which he advocates. It was tried in the not to distant past. The architect of that disaster was one James Earl Carter. The most feckless, ignorant, gullible thug loving fool that ever sat in the Oval Office. I remember what a joke Carter was and still is. Remember the misery index they had to create so they could chart the countries disatisfaction with Carter?
    Well, that is the same blue print Hussien Obama will follow. The same gutless foreign policy of appeasement, the same tax and spend every dollar you can take from the public economic programs. Punish business so as to stymie the expansion of the economy so that fewer have a chance for success. We see what an anti-business Liberals can do here in Michigan. With Hussien Obama as President with the Libs running the Congress again. Well, you better hold on cause it is going to get a lot rougher before things get better. We as a nation cannot afford to allow these people to control all the branches of government. We are in a war for our very survival and to allow them to hold the reins will run us right over the cliff. The Democrat Party is an America hating enity, they are in league with the terrorists who wish to destroy us. I refer you to the words of Harry Reid, Nazi Legosi, John Murtha and our own Karl Lenin. They partnered with the Communists in Russia for many years and that is one reason these people hate Reagan and Nixon, they both were staunch anti-Communists. Remember Red Ted Kennedy's letter to the Soviet Premier offering to help thwart Reagan's plan to combat the spread of Communism? They seek the destruction of all institutions of American life that make this country what it is. Family, church, and love of country. The plan they follow as will Hussein Obama is right out of the Communist blue print. Remember, his mother was a Communist he was raised within that doctrine. Tear down everything that the masses cling to and start over and build in the Socialist mode. Obama is not new. He is the same old tired Socialist Communist in a new box. And that box is very thin.

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