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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By everett, Section News
    Posted on Sun May 11, 2008 at 03:32:39 PM EST
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    Hillman, MI - May 8, 2008 -- 106TH district candidate for Michigan State Representative   Everett Swift issued an ultimatum to Elected officials and candidates State wide to go on the record on Industrial Hemp and stop being cowards.

    The statement released by Mr. Swift reads as follows.

    "If you are elected to any office in Michigan or running for an office from Township Supervisor, to Governor, including U.S. Senate and Congress I am calling on you to stop avoiding issues because you view them as too controversial.

    I have contacted most of you about the Industrial Hemp issue and have yet to find one elected official in Michigan who will give a straightforward answer on your position on this issue.
    Many of your constituents have told me you have ignored their requests for an answer also.
    I have been told by some of you that the issue is "too controversial" and others have told me it is "too political."

    Candidates for office have told me and other voters that you "would support it if someone else brings the issue to the forefront but will not publicly say so".
    Another so called "Ron Paul Republican" told me yesterday "I will support Industrial Hemp but right now I have to deal with these Republicans so I can't openly say I support it."
    Those were the exact words that person used.

    It is shameful that you will spend endless hours researching an issue and filling out questionnaires from PAC's and lobbyists in order to get a few dollars or an endorsement but you refuse to do the same for the people you should be most accountable to, the voters.
    If you are afraid to state your position on any issue no matter how controversial then you should not be in or seeking public office.
    Cowards have no place in government service but it appears that is what we have in office and seeking office now.

    I issue the following ultimatum to each and every one of you. Study the Industrial Hemp issue and come to a decision if you support it or oppose it, then publicly go on the record and let us know where you stand by May 25th 2008.
    You have the choice, stand up and be heard or be a coward.
    We will be watching."

    < Why You Should Support Dr. Carol Weaver by Akindele Akinyemi | Michigan Disenfranchised: Another day without a solution >

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    Playing devil's advocate here... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sun May 11, 2008 at 09:40:58 PM EST
    ...with the US Dollar falling like a brick on world markets, the price of fuel shooting up like a rocket, Michigan's economy being flushed down the toilet by our governor and legislature, democratic judges turning pedophiles loose in the community, Detroit's mayor making sure that his family is not part of Michigan's unemployed (and hoo-boy, did they under-report this one), the speaker of the house getting recalled, rino's springing to his defense in the legislature, to say nothing about the speaker himself running off to Tijuana to get his groove back on, why does Industrial Hemp merit pressing attention at this time?

    A matter of practicality (none / 0) (#2)
    by Nick on Mon May 12, 2008 at 08:55:22 AM EST
    KG's right... it's just not an issue that's on the radar.  One can't realistically expect someone running for office to champion an issue that, I'd imagine, pops at far less than 1% on any "important issue" poll.

    These things work the other way around... the public wants / needs something and clamors for it... bands together en masse to create a larger voice... and then the candidates respond.

    I'd like each of my candidates to run on a strict "pro-life litmust test" platform for all issues, appointments, discussions etc. but nobody's going to get elected that way.

    It is an economic issue. (none / 0) (#3)
    by everett on Tue May 13, 2008 at 11:06:10 PM EST
    The economy and jobs should be at the top of everyones agenda.
    We need to look at what we can do in the long term as well as in the short term to get this state back on it's feet.
    Maybe the economy isn't a big deal where you guys live but up here where we have the one of  highest unemployment rates in the State along with it the worst economy and a collapsed housing market it is a big deal.

    We could care less about the Detroit Mayors or Andy Dillon's  problems.

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