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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Lemonade and electric cattle prods

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 07:20:10 AM EST
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    Yesterday "in the sphere" I linked to a column over at Life with Mr. O about the utter inanity of Michigan's current crop of child protection laws.  In a State and under a system where Ricky Holland and Isaac Lethbridge were sent to homes where they met tragic and violent ends without a single head rolling at DHS it's more than a little frustrating that the "system" went out of it's way to strip the Ratte family of their 7 year old son because Mr. Ratte accidentally purchased him an alcohol laced lemonade from a Comerica Park concession stand adorned with this sign...

    The family was without their son for days because 'that's policy.'  Apparently other folks at the Department of Human Services didn't get that memo.  The Associated Press reports this morning that the State Senate is investigating and following up on the murder of another young boy failed by a system that ignored some bright red warning signs complete with flashing lights and sirens.

    Nick Braman was allowed to remain with a genuinely abusive father and became one of three victims when the nut job decided to murder his family.  

    Read on...

    State caseworkers previously had intervened to protect Nicholas Braman's older siblings from child abuse inflicted by their father. But Nicholas Braman continued living with his dad after the boy and his brothers said he hadn't been mistreated. Oliver Braman pleaded guilty to felony child abuse in September after authorities said he had used an electric cattle prod on two teenage sons.

    "We could have and should have done more," Michigan Department of Human Services Director Ismael Ahmed told the Senate Family and Human Services Committee.

    Ahmed said safety must be the agency's highest priority even while balancing the trauma a child sustains when he or she is removed from the home.

    Steve Yager, director of DHS' Office of the Family Advocate, said state law was broken when caseworkers didn't remove Nicholas Braman from his home after Oliver Braman pleaded guilty to child abuse.

    Just so we're all clear here... buy your kid a lemonade and accidentally allow him to ingest a few ounces of alcohol at a baseball game and you lose your son.  Stick your boys with a freaking electric cattle prod, get charged, plead guilty and you get released and permitted to keep your youngest, most vulnerable child?  Something is very wrong with this picture.

    As far as Ahmed's pronouncements that "we could have and should have done more," well, yeah, you probably should have but saying that now doesn't change a darn thing because we've heard you and your predecessor say it before.

    Look, I am absolutely the last guy in the world to suggest that the government, any government, can prevent bad people from doing bad things.  If a cat's got bad intentions he's going to figure out a way to do some nasty things.  But when you're tearing families apart over a few accidental ounces of booze but you turn a blind eye to felony convictions stemming from the violent use of electric cattle prods all of those `would have, could have, should have's' sound a little hollow.

    This is a DHS that hasn't just failed, it's failed spectacularly.  LITERALLY a year can't go by without someone somewhere in that department overlooking a rule, bypassing a regulation or ignoring the reddest of flags and the loudest of warning sirens while placing a child in a hyper-dangerous situation that ultimately leads to his death.  No hyperbole.  No BS.  Kids are dying!

    They're not getting drunk, but they're dying.

    It took five years of fatally flawed leadership in the department before the head of DHS finally stepped down, leading to Ahmed's appointment.  Worth noting, too, that his predecessor was hardly run out on a rail.  Marianne Udow walked away on her own terms, with the thanks of the governor and with a fat corporate contract in her back pocket.

    Now we've got a new director and nothing has changed.

    I don't know what the answers are.  I wish I did.  I wish I could find a genie and ask for world peace, for every parent to love his or her kids and for more wishes.  Unfortunately we're living in the real world and bad things are going to happen.  But they don't need to happen this frequently, this idiotically and this unevenly.  And we don't have to take this lying down.

    Course, you know what they say about leadership... it starts at the top.  Jennifer Granholm and John Cherry have been sitting in the Executive office at the Capitol for five and a half years now and things are only getting worse.  I'm not asking for a miracle.  I'm not asking for pie in the sky.  A fancy press conference probably wouldn't do any of these kids any good either which way.

    But it'd be nice if Granholm and Cherry showed as much interest in protecting the kids they were elected to defend as they do in luring the next Hollywood star to Lansing.  Nobody's going to die if James Van Der Beek doesn't show up in Grand Rapids.  But when the administration's bureaucrats fail to remove kids from parents convicted of felony child abuse with an electric cattle prod?

    The buck has to stop somewhere.  It DOES stop somewhere.  We should all be pretty sick and tired of it stopping this often in the morgue.

    < Black Theology and NAACP Equals Victimization by Akindele Akinyemi | Wednesday in the Sphere, April 30 >

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    Good luck... (none / 0) (#1)
    by LX on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 08:06:14 AM EST
    ...chasing this issue and Ismael Ahmed around in Lansing, be it the Democrats or more disappointingly Michigan's Republicans.

    This is very well put:


    DHS and FOC are (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 08:53:38 AM EST
    a failure, especially to our children. They continue to promote themselves instead of families.

    Again, this examples how DHS is busy trying to grab headlines and make additions to the program instead of improving the lives of those who are in real need.

    I actually know a custodial parent who tried to get their child support through FOC without success.  The non custodial parent was not running or hiding, just not paying.  By the time the child was 18 there were extreme arrearages. FOC gets to promote they are collecting more for kids because they have more people in the "program."

    FOC and DHS work together to disrupt families in a very antagonistic environment.  These programs will talk about the few things they do to help and ignore all the problems as if a few "attaboys" make it all okay.  These programs benefit but those they purport to be helping get the shaft.


    No sympathy here. (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 09:29:13 AM EST
    Aside from a sign that read: canned beer, one would think that two college professors (U of M college professors, no less),  would have enough common sense to realize that something wasn't copasetic with the vending stand in question.

    I'd file this one under: "stupidity should be painful", and leave it at that.

    As to the Braman case... (none / 0) (#5)
    by rdww on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 10:18:57 AM EST
    ...I know someone in the DHS who was actually involved, and it was a complicated, one-off situation.  The child's mother (divorced from the dad) was seeking sole custody, but had issues that made her clearly unfit.  The state thus had a dad with a cattle prod who wanted the child, a mom who also wanted the child but definitely couldn't cope, and a DHS bureaucracy with a few hundred other knots to untie.  This was definitely a disaster for the child, but was also a case of freak, one in a million circumstances.  Sorry, but we cannot demand that "the DHS must do more" without ensuring yourself more overkill Mike's Hard lemonade actions.

    C'mon, Nick. (none / 0) (#7)
    by KG One on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 11:21:32 AM EST
    Two college profs who aren't aware of what that stuff is?

    Even Evel Kenevel would have a hard time making that leap...

    I'm with you (none / 0) (#9)
    by moderateme on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 12:43:09 PM EST
    I didn't know what a Mike's Lemonade was until this story broke.  I don't drink liquor, just wine, so I never paid attention.

    Wrong Kids (none / 0) (#10)
    by Beerme on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 08:18:17 PM EST

    The State government is awfully concerned about some kids. Take, for example, the Nathaniel Abrahams of the State, or the "children" (15-21 YOA) convicted of crimes as adults. They're treated pretty swell aren't they? It's just all about which kids, ya know...

    I couldn't agree with you more... (none / 0) (#11)
    by Chazwald on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 08:39:35 PM EST
    Mike's Lemonade?! Honestly, I would have not known alcohol would have been in it! My word! I think some people need to be tossed in the can for taking that child away from his family. It just makes me sick.

    Chaz Oswald

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