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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Blue Christmas in April

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 03, 2008 at 08:38:47 AM EST
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    Photo courtesy The Saginaw News

    For a lot of us Tuesday April 1, 2008 was the bluest Christmas in eighty-one years.  Not for Wally Bronner.  The man who made Frankenmuth, Michigan the North Pole (South) is celebrating Christmas in a whole new way these last couple of days.  He went home to be with the Lord and met the man who's birth he's lived, breathed and celebrated nearly every single day of his life.  

    He was 81 years old.

    If you've ever visited the world's largest Christmas store there's a good chance you met Mr. Bronner.  He was the elderly gentleman in the bright red sport coat.  Like Santa, but slimmer and without the beard.  Everything else matched.  The demeanor, the joy, the love...

    Read on...

    I'm a natural cynic.  And I've done politics long enough that my cynicism tends to color my world.  Just ask the people who know me.  Far too often my opinions of people are come down to a simple calculus... Did she help us elect the President?  Was he a big supporter of Dick DeVos?  Did that couple refuse to knock on doors for Mike Cox in 02?  

    I'm not saying it's right.  I'm just saying that I identify that particular flaw in my personal appraisal process.  

    And I can apply those electoral standards to just about anyone.  But not Wally Bronner.  Never could.  He was one of those men you met and immediately forgot about the cold world outside.  He was warm, gracious, kind... he embodied Christmas.

    I don't know what the man's politics were.  He's the sort of figure everyone would like to claim as their own.  If Wally Bronner supports your candidate, well, you might as well have Saint Nick himself in your corner.  

    He was doubtlessly photographed with Republicans, with Democrats, with moderates, liberals and conservatives.  In a world and a country and a State where partisanship knows few bounds and vitriol seems to be all the rage this gentleman wasn't a part of any of that, as much as every candidate touring the store would have liked him to have been.  

    Sure, Bronner was a wildly successful businessman.  An entrepreneur.  A marketing genius.  A proud and loyal Michigander.  We could spend all day writing out lists of the wonderful things he was.  But if you asked the man himself, you could put them all together and toss them in the trash.

    Wally Bronner was one thing above all else.  He was a man who loved Jesus.  One look at the perpetual smile on his face could convince anyone of that fact.  And he did what he loved.  He reintroduced people to the magic of Christmas.

    Now he's with Jesus Himself.  Talk about a culmination of your life's work.  

    We're going to miss Mr. Bronner.  Just don't think for a minute that there's anyplace else he'd rather be.

    < And they wonder why their numbers are slipping? | Thursday in the Sphere, April 3 >

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    Earth's Loss, Heaven's Gain (none / 0) (#1)
    by Shell on Thu Apr 03, 2008 at 11:08:02 AM EST
    A trip to Frankenmuth has been a seasonal "ladies day" Christmas tradition in my family since I was a baby.  My mother, grandmother, two sisters and I would pile into the car and head to the Bavarian Inn for lunch (always early to avoid the crowds), shop in the wonderful gift shops downstairs, downtown and then head to Bronner's.  I remember seeing Mr. Bronner serve so many roles -- from greeting guests as they walked in the door to providing friendly directions to different departments to leading the little informational shows they ran each day.  

    Our trip now includes to granddaughters and my grandmother passed away a few years ago, but the tradition is the same and we always look forward to it.  Mr. Bronner himself was a tradition and he will be missed.  This Christmas trip will be a little sadder this year.  Maybe they'll have some sort of memorial fund in his memory.

    The Conservatrarian

    Wally Bronner (none / 0) (#2)
    by Ken Horn on Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 08:17:35 AM EST
    Thank you, Nick, for your gracious commentary on Wally Bronner. Wally was a friend and neighbor of mine for many years, since my first days in Frankenmuth nearly thirty years ago.

    People that have seen one of his motivational speeches still might be surprised to turn a corner, anywhere in Saginaw County, to find Wally pulling up weeds around a sign post, or picking up litter because leaving it alone might give a visiting guest to our area a bad first impression.

    He was a true citizen of the world who never forgot his roots here in Michigan. Looking back in history, he's likely to be remembered as one of the State's greatest ambassadors and humanitarians.

    We're making plans to give him an appropriate tribute from the floor of the House of Representatives. In either regard, he'll be truly missed by family and friends.

    Wally Bronner, Mr. Christmas, is home with Christ.

    Rep. Ken Horn, Frankenmuth

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