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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Republicans don't have a chance in the 20th , it's so bad that no Republicans have filed to run

    By NorthvilleRepublican, Section News
    Posted on Sun Apr 27, 2008 at 03:26:41 PM EST
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    Republicans don't have a chance in the 20th (Northville and Plymouth) - it is so bad that no one has filed to run for the House as a Republican with just 2 weeks to the filing deadline. And DeRoche is doing his best to lose the 38th.

    Senator Mike Bishop is playing right into the Democrats' trap here in the 20th district (Northville, Plymouth). Corriveau became the first Dem in 40 years to take this seat, and any chance to knock him out is being blown by our leadership - it's so bad that no one has filed (yet) for the Republican race.

    The big local issue: Annexation Reform legislation introduced and championed by Corriveau, HB 5779, passed the house 101 - 8. This legislation will protect 33 of the state's townships with populations over 20,000 from annexation by adjoining cities. The legislation was introduced in response to maneuvers by mega-developers (and donors) REI and Schostak who are locked in a zoning spat with Northville Township over the former Northville Psychiatric Hospital property.  REIS has slipped some "residents" onto the property, and they have petitioned to annex the land to Livonia.

    The super majority for his bill has made Corriveau something of a local hero if you listen to the conversation in every coffee shop and restaurant in Northville. In the only district that delivered DeVos in western Wayne County, the protection of Northville Township's character and ordinances is earning this guy big-time support. No one is remembering his tax record, or anything else he has done...this issue is all over the papers, blogs and internet forums.

    Why, then, has Mike Bishop buried the bill in the senate judiciary committee, where it is languishing? It sure wasn't merely Republicans vs Democrats in the House, not with a vote of 101 - 8. Is he hoping to resuscitate the Republican-sponsored package of Senate Bills (SB1078-1083) that went down to defeat last week? Is it campaign contributions from wealthy developers?

    Won't Mr. Bishop feel particularly bad if we fail to recapture our majority by one seat?

    And over in the House, Craig DeRoche (who actually represents part of the City of Northville) told the local newspaper why he was one of 8 who voted against 5779:
    "I don't think it was a very well-worded bill," DeRoche said. "I took it as more of a publicity stunt for Corriveau to take attention away from his tax increase vote. That's what he's been wrestling with. He's not been very popular, and he's looking at getting involved in local politics to distract people's attention away from his tax increase vote. He thought this would make him more popular in his district."

    After the shock wore off among Northville Republicans, the laughter started, and DeRoche's support in the Oakland County side of Northville plummeted. Being popular in your district would appear to be a good thing.

    What are these two leaders thinking here? Abandoning not one but two seats? Our reward for delivering DeVos (Dick DeVos won Northville Twp with 55% of the vote in 2006, and took 49% in Plymouth Twp. Mark Abbo won Northville and Plymouth Townships with 59% and 52% respectively in the worst year for the GOP since Watergate) is to support the handing of valuable land to a neighboring city.

    Northville can deliver, but the leadership needs to be listening and acting.

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    Republican sell-outs (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Sun Apr 27, 2008 at 11:40:29 PM EST
    The Michigan GOP is more interested in the thousands of dollars that they can get from developers like Schostak and their mouthpieces in the legislature like John Pastor than anything Republicans in Northville will do for them.

    Bi-partisanship called for (none / 0) (#3)
    by NorthvilleRepublican on Mon Apr 28, 2008 at 01:42:00 PM EST
    I've never agreed with you before ND, but you hit the nail on the head.  How about some bi partisanship in approving necessary legislation like annexation reform?  It passed the House 101-8.  Maybe it would improve the legislature's approval ratings if the Senate approves it by the same margin?

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