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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Mark Schauer and Senate Dems vote NO on vital new relief while Granholm touts tax breaks

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 23, 2008 at 07:09:12 AM EST
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    Talk about mixed signals.  Yesterday while Jennifer Granholm jubilantly touted the promise of several thousand new jobs in the Kalamazoo area made possible by a giant M.E.G.A. tax break and while media outlets across the State highlighted the role reduced taxes played in making the new jobs possible the Democrats were back in Lansing trying to scuttle a tax relief package aimed at aiding thousands of additional businesses across the State.

    The Republican controlled Senate wound up approving a bill to grant an MBT break to struggling medium sized Michigan businesses... despite the Democrats best efforts.  The Associated Press reports:

    The legislation passed 23-15, with Republicans voting yes and all but two Democrats opposing it. Democrats were rebuffed when they tried to tie the tax breaks to their bill extending unemployment benefits for 13 weeks.

    Under the GOP measure, an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 additional businesses could start paying a 1.8 percent tax as an alternative to the Michigan Business Tax.

    That's a tax break of about $250 million which provides two-hundred-fifty-million reasons for Lansing Democrats to cry foul, moan and complain.  Ironic, considering they're (justifiably) going all rainbows and sunshine over the idea of giving an $86 million tax break to one company in south-west Michigan for the promise of new life science jobs.

    For those of us hoping this MPI deal was a tacit admission from the big-government party that lower taxes really do create more jobs, well, we need to simmer back down.  A tough thing to do when we're continually punched in the gut by logical inconsistency of this magnitude.  We're talking about sound, tried and true, all-but-universally accepted economic principle.  Lower taxes and companies will create and retain jobs.  

    So one's left asking... what's the difference between MPI and Small Business X down the block?  

    Read on...

    That one's easy, folks.  MPI can and did hold a press conference.  They could make a big splash and the Governor could get her mug all over the TV on the evening news.  

    In essence, the Granholm / Cherry administration just spent $86 million tax dollars to buy one, maybe two day's worth of good press.  It had nothing to do with jobs.  If jobs were the bottom line we'd have seen unanimous support for the MBT relief offered yesterday in the Senate.  Instead we had fifteen Democrats including 7th Congressional District candidate Mark Schauer and 2010 gubernatorial contender Gretchen Whitmer standing up and telling thousands of Michigan business owners, their tens of thousands of employees and the hundreds of thousands who've lost their jobs under the current administration that their growth and employment is less important than the Lansing Democrats' pet pork projects.

    And let's not kid ourselves, that's precisely the fall back they're using.  We can't "afford" to lower taxes by $250 million, they argue.  Well my bologna has a first name and it's M-A-R-K-S-C-H-A-U-R.  For the love of Pete, people, there was a $200 million budget SURPLUS last year alone and that cash is still sitting around.  

    That's only a part of the $700 plus million in savings House Republicans outlined last week.  

    Maybe next time the Senate Republicans can include a line or two in the final bills that require TV coverage for the governor and her cronies.  Might earn them an extra Dem vote or two.

    < The Saga Continues | Wednesday in the Sphere, April 23 >

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    Targeted Tax Breaks (none / 0) (#1)
    by Postman on Wed Apr 23, 2008 at 10:47:02 AM EST
    If you do the math on this and depending on how much you assume each of the jobs promised will pay back in state taxes, it appears to me that it's pretty much a wash in terms of what we'll get back over maybe a 10 year period.  The problem with targeted tax breaks is obvious: they're just ripe for pork, favoritism and corruption.  And as Nick suggests, it's also a photo opportunity for our glad-hander governor.  What ever happened to our public servants who were public servants first and politicians second?  I don't seem to see much priority on the former in our present governor.  Every economist will tell you that you pull out of recessions through expansions in small and medium sized businesses.  Not by playing craps at the dice table with pie in the sky glamor technology investments fraught with risk.

    Explained in hip hop and comments by Mr Chen (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Wed Apr 23, 2008 at 01:40:51 PM EST
    This pick and choose, Who gets what, Which law should we obey today, And which should we obstruct, One thing we can learn from this, With Granholm we are f Do you think WE will see a return on OUR money? Pulease show me where this is a tax break for you, me, or any other individual you know. This will trickle down to no one. Granholm hates big business and loves the workin' man so much she is going to take your money ($86 mil) and give it to one company and only 3,300 (if you're lucky) will benefit. The least she could do is spread it around evenly, like a good little Robin Hood. This is extremely costly and doesn't benefit individuals. Medicilon/MPI Preclinical Research Shanghai Introduces Board of Directors 2008-04-08 : "Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies around the world will benefit from being able to conduct research cost-effectively in China according to US FDA standards, and market these products worldwide," adds the CEO and board member for Medicilon/MPI Preclinical Research Shanghai, Dr. Chun-Lin Chen. $86 million will be a great investment for everyone except us. Also, more will be required from us. More money from our pockets for future research projects at home and abroad. Then, we will purchase the products and swallow the drugs with more money. Hope they won't hurt you or your family. Usually a veddy goowt job but sheat happens. Some get: 3,300 jobs. Not sure how long they will last. Some of the jobs might even go to people who are not citizens. You know how they like to do that. What will it get the rest of us? Nothing!

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