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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Take Action: Show Us the Spending!

    By ProsperityAmy, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 02, 2008 at 06:06:10 PM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick...)

    State spending transparency a 'Must-Do' for Michigan lawmakers!

    Read on...

    This week, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox and a number of state lawmakers will embark on a statewide media tour to promote the need for true transparency in our state budget. Many of you have heard me speak on this issue recently but, for those who are unfamiliar with the issue, it simply means that any department or agency receiving state money - taxpayer money - must publish its checkbook register for all expenditures online in a public, searchable database.


    Federal transparency is in the process of being implemented as we speak. It was bipartisan supported by Senators Barack Obama and Tom Coburn, two national elected leaders who are as far apart on the partisan spectrum as possible. Yet, here in Michigan, AFP has been working with a number of legislators for several months to move a package of transparency bills. Some in our state legislature - particularly members of the House Democrat Caucus - feel Michigan government "is transparent enough."

    I disagree. The cost to put state spending online so anyone who wants to can see where OUR money goes can is small to non-existent. Many other states have already done this, including Kansas, Texas, Florida, Alaska, and Missouri. Check out the Missouri Accountability Portal - http://mapyourtaxes.mo.gov/MAP/Portal/Default.aspx. It is a great example of a state that put almost no additional revenue into making government spending easily accessible to the taxpayers who fund it.

    With our lawmakers going into another year of possible "budget deficits" and programs that have "cut to the bone," achieving transparency is the first important step toward our getting to the true story here in Michigan. Please take the time to email your lawmakers today to get our message out - it is time for Michigan government to Show Us the Spending! Please send this email on to as many of your co-workers, friends, and family who would agree with this easy request. The more Michiganders they hear from in Lansing, the faster they will do the right thing for Michigan taxpayers.



    Amy Hagerstrom
    Michigan Director
    Americans for Prosperity

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    Should Michigan lawmakers out all state spending online in a public, searchable database?
    Yes! It is our right to see how our hard-earned money is spent.
    No! I trust our lawmakers to be the best stewards of the money I work for and send to Lansing.

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