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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Gov. Mitch Daniels Visits Michigan!

    By amanda zaluckyj, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 07:09:15 PM EST
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    It's not everyday that Michigan has a competent governor around, but today was one of those days.

    Governor Mitch Daniels from Indiana made an appearance in Lansing to talk to conservative leaders from around the state.  He was hosted by the Conservative Institute and the event was held at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.

    The thing is Mitch Daniels has a lot to brag about when it comes to Indiana's economy, budget, and state government. But he didn't boast about all of Indiana's good news (which compared to Michigan would be easy...). Instead, he highlighted some of the things his administration has done to get his state to this point

    Governor Granholm, are you listening?

    The Daniels administration is operating with the goal of increasing every Hoosier's overall income.  In other words, that means not raising taxes, not creating new taxes, and not spending out of control. Or better put, keeping money in the hands of the people, not government.

    Under Gov. Mitch Daniels, Indiana has cut property taxes and income taxes, simplified the business tax code so that it does NOT hurt businesses who invest in the state (novel idea?), and created an atmosphere that allows a business and taxpayer-friendly environment. Although the state did raise the sales tax 1cent, the net reduction in taxes for taxpayers is over $1,000 each.

    The state government has also been conditioned not to spend all of its money. In fact, if it isn't necessary, it isn't spent. The state is the only one in the region that is actually running a surplus of about $1billion.  No shutting down the state in Indiana!

    For areas the state, and others, have traditionally had problems solving, innovative ways of financing them have been used. This is seen best in the example of the toll road. Just as in Michigan, the roadways cost a lot of money to repair.  The gas tax doesn't cover the whole thing anymore. The only option on the table is typically to raise the gas tax (Michiganders have heard that one recently...). But not in Indiana! The government leased the toll road, which allowed them to collect the money and completely pay for the infrastructure of the state without using tax money!

    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Daniels administration has set up a state government with the sole intent of getting jobs for the state. That means that every department, board, and agency is ready to meet the needs of job providers to lure them to the state. They have cut red tape and streamlined processes. This could be why Indiana is one of the only states in the region to actually have increases in the number of jobs, not job losses.

    The result?

    The state is steps ahead of others when it comes to handling the national recession. They have surpluses, low unemployment, and are attractive to businesses. They are prepared to handle a slow down. Daniels admits that they will feel the national economic situation, but they are sure better off then Michigan (or many other surrounding states) when it comes to facing it.

    While Michigan sits on the top of all the bad lists, Indiana sits on the top of all the good lists.

    I guess that's what good leadership is all about.

    Governor Daniels was clear to point out that he has no remedies for Michigan's problems. His visit was just a trip from a friendly southern neighbor. Hey, he can't help it he's the extremely successful neighbor.


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    Is the wicked witch in hiding? (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 10:22:52 PM EST
    Hmmm. Seems that Democrats have disappeared from the public scene. One opening day at Comerica Park for the Tigers home opener, neither Mayor ThugMaster K or Sister Jennifer Granholm of the Holy Sisters of Money Laundering saw fit to show up and toss out the first pitch. Instead Michigans own Miss America had to do the honors. Now WOTV is reporting that the Governor is again snubbing the citizens of Holland and Miss America will again be her stand in at the Tulip Festival. We realize that the Democrats have a lot to hide, I just didn't think it was going to be themselves. What dear Governor are you afraid of? Hearing from the masses about what they really think of you and the rest of the corrupt Democrats here in the once great state of Michigan.

    Just one critique.. (none / 0) (#2)
    by jgillmanjr on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 10:29:17 PM EST
    The country isn't in a recession

    Sarcastic views and who's your homie? (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Fri Apr 11, 2008 at 09:26:13 AM EST
    "Governor Granholm, are you listening?"  Is this a test?!  We're not good at tests in MI.

    "The Daniels administration is operating with the goal of increasing every Hoosier's overall income."  How dare he!  What kind of goal is that?  He's just promoting a free market.  I'm on to his trick!  He's probably friends with others who have this concept!

    Gov. Daniels "did raise the sales tax 1cent"  So, he understands the difference in income tax and sales tax.  Big deal!  We live in MI where we don't care about personal income.

    "The state government has also been conditioned not to spend all of its money. In fact, if it isn't necessary, it isn't spent. The state is the only one in the region that is actually running a surplus of about $1billion."  There must be some explanation, if he's not taxing and spending.  I guess he didn't get the memo, saving is something one only spouts as rhetoric, you're not actually supposed to do it.  Perhaps his real goal is to make others look bad.

    "They have cut red tape and streamlined processes." Doesn't this make it too easy for people to figure things out for themselves?  This would make it too easy for businesses to invest in bussiness/people, and look at all the things that would lead to.  Way too much (businesses and people) spending their own money and investing where they choose.  Look at all the programs they could be funding...  What will happen if the elected want a raise? Oh yeah, somehow they have a surplus. This can't have anything to to do with how Gov. Daniels is running Indiana, can it? As Nick would say, connected much?  If Gov. Daniels were my Governor I would want him to have a raise based on merit.  Oh, sorry!!  I live here in MI and shouldn't use that "merit" word/concept.

    "The result?"  Who cares about that!  We live in MI where results don't count.

    "Hey, he can't help it he's the extremely successful neighbor."  Well, we might want to look at this a little closer.  Ya know, Gov. Daniels isn't dealing with a place called Detroit.  They don't have heroes supporting people like Dillon, Kwame, and ... And anyway, we have something they don't (nah, nah, nah, nah, naaah) Group Think!

    We hear a lot about judging someone based on who they hang around and associate with.  Some try to qualify this to require a "how close" method.  Okay.  No matter what they do/say, will you still cling to them?  If your "uncle" was a race baiter would you still cling to him?  If you would let your kids hang around them too, is that "close?"  If you allow your kids to be in a position where they could be influenced by "whomever" is this close?  If you send/take your kids to the same places is this close?  If they hang at your crib are they your homies?  

    Not all sweetness and light, though (none / 0) (#4)
    by Angry White Male on Sat Apr 12, 2008 at 12:23:20 AM EST
    Sadly, Daniels also took the opportunity to give aid and comfort to tax-raisers and union goons. He refused to rule out tax hikes in his state, and said avoiding principled stands on right-to-work and taxpayer-gouging prevailing wage laws was a good strategy for his administration. When all is said and done he's still just another pol; better than most, but still just a pol.

    raging crackers-Angry White Male (none / 0) (#5)
    by maidintheus on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 06:43:48 PM EST
     Obviously, he's getting results even if he still has to deal with reality. Most people understand this process. Results-take notes-share with others who do not commend results.

    Your angry, white, bs, is reprehensible.

    IMO anything coming from a source that has ANGRY WHITE MALE as a name is suspect. Even a cursory read will show you're out of step with the flock that has perched here. So, you waste your time.

    You, sir, may think it's cute to litter this blog with your "Angry White Male" crap, as if those words belong here. They don't. We, my friends, people I hang with and admire, we birds of a feather speak out against those kinds of words.

    One might ask why. It's because of the hard lessons of history, when good men do nothing.

    So, I peck and I speak.

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