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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By leondrolet, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 01, 2008 at 03:58:02 PM EST
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    Government Workers Get Richer, Taxpayers Get Poorer

    Send in your state tax returns yet? Better hurry, because Governor Granholm and House Speaker Andy Dillon need the 12% more they jacked up your state income tax; and they need it fast. Why? To pay for the THIRD state employee pay hike since March 31st of last year.

    Yep, most state employees, already the sixth highest paid state employees in the nation (The Detroit Free Press, 6-24-07) will, starting today, be paid six percent more than last March. All while inflation-adjusted, per-capita income for average Michigan citizens has actually declined since 2004. State employees already made an average of 29% more in salary and benefits than comparable private sector employees http://www.mackinac.org/article.aspx?ID=8207), but, for Granholm and Dillon, that wasn't enough. Citizens must have less, so that they can have more.

    Please join the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance (and Mr. Perks) for a Tuesday, April 15th protest of Granholm and House Speaker Andy Dillon's tax increase!

    The protest will take place at the Redford U.S. Post Office from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.  The Redford Post Office is located at 12245 Beech Daly Road, Redford, MI 48239.

    Why Redford? Because this suburban Wayne County community is in the House district of Speaker Andy Dillon. It has a very busy 24/7 post office. And Rose Bogaert and the Wayne County Taxpayers Association need your support in their effort to recall Andy Dillon!

    Bring a picket sign. Support the campaign to recall Speaker Dillon, or speak out against Lansing's overspending and general ineptitude, or express yourself regarding the proposed Michigan Fair Tax. Just be there if you care!

    The protest has one thing in common with taxes: it takes place rain or shine! See you on April 15th.

    < Andy Dillon's thugs going national | Dems fighting Dems: Kwame, the unions and a guy named Reverend? >

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    Wonder if the state has any openings? (none / 0) (#1)
    by case3030 on Wed Apr 02, 2008 at 08:09:08 AM EST
    I just found out on monday that my company is consolidating my department down to Charlotte, NC.  That means on monday I become another one of the thousands of unemployed people in Michigan.  

    My question is: What good is spending a ton in higher education, if there are no available jobs to fill?

    sidenote:  if anyone in the Grand Rapids area has any places I should check for a job, all help is appreciated.

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