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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Homeschooling being banned in California!

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Sun Mar 09, 2008 at 12:27:06 PM EST
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    *Cross posted from Save My Michigan *

    California is a long ways from Michigan, miles-wise, however, it has been long viewed as a "precedent" state.  If California does it, not long after, you see a sweep of other states following in its path.  California also is "leading edge" (not a good thing) when it comes to issues about education...

    Apparently, in California, if parents don't have teaching credentials, they do not have the right to homeschool their children.  This effects 200,000 children in the state.

    The decision, from the 2nd Appellate Court in Los Angeles, stemmed from a single case involving charges of abuse brought against a home schooling couple. Home school advocates agree that the couple in question, based on the facts of the case, should have lost their ability to educate their children at home - but add that the court overreached in applying the restrictions to all home schooling families.

    So, one family was found to be abusing their children, and automatically that means that all homeschooling parents are like this, so the government is going to take over and tell us we can't teach our children???

    Look. I am well aware of "those" homeschooling families - the one's that are "edjucatin' thur youngun's". The families that are lazy and could give two poops about the quality of education their children receive - do the tests for them, etc. BUT! This is not an accurate picture of the homeschooling family. Most families that homeschool their children are doing so because they believe the public education system is failing (which it is) and that the morals, or lack of, represented in the public schools leaves much to be desired when trying to raise your children that believe in "One Nation Under GOD".

    Taking away our rights as parents to decide what is best for our children in regard to their education is nothing short of putting us closer to Communism.  This is outrageous!

    Please take the time to sign the petition here which will ask the Supremem Court to "depublish" the case, making the ruling applicable to the particular family, not the entire state of California.  Remember, folks - California typically sets the precedent that other states follow!

    For more on the story, you can read it here, or check out Dr. Dobson's press release here.

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    Promote Freedom (none / 0) (#1)
    by Eric T on Sun Mar 09, 2008 at 10:40:26 PM EST
    Just in the Detroit News about a week ago. "Graduation rate 32% Detroit public schools"

    That ain't a very good rate, 7 out of 10 dropping out!

    I don't think the REAL issue is quality of education at all. It may be Securing Liberal Domination in Education? Big victory for teachers unions? Maybe just a massive tax increase, charging who knows what for certifications, fees, renewals ect...?

    I think it goes much deeper than that.
    What This really is, a PRIME example of big government eliminating freedom, eliminating choice, options. Liberals tend to forget this country was founded on freedom. Do you think that freedom is outdated, no longer needed?

    Why do liberals call themself pro-choice?, with them there is no choice, there is the liberal standard: pro-abortion, pro-gay, anti-gun, pro-high taxes, anti-Christian. Everyone that is not a liberalized rubberstamped, carbon copy and exactly the same is outcast and now criminalized. Criminalized for wanting to teach your kid. Compared to the 32% graduation rate Detroit can pride itself on. Homeschoolers may want better for their kids. I would!

    My taxes on my home mortgage keep going up. My mortgage payment just jumped up, most of it going to the schools. The schools are a service I don't even need. I don't have kids. I'd like to see big cuts in public school funding, and see more people going to private schools and home schools. Because Taxes NEED to come down. Wages are not going up. These taxes and inflation on everything are choking the life out of me.

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