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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    It's a horrible idea for Michigan which means it'll probably happen soon

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 06, 2008 at 06:48:18 AM EST
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    Suppose it was only a matter of time before Michigan Democrats went ahead and intentionally lost their minds.  The high-pitched buzzing about scrapping legal election results because the Democrat National Committee didn't like the date they were gathered is growing more intense by the day with folks here in the State who previously defended Michigan now suddenly willing to bow down and kiss the ring on Howard Dean's middle finger.

    As is generally the case, my personal objections seem to have absolutely no bearing on how the lefties in this state (mis)behave.  Alas.  Ultimately they shred the rule of law and create a nice little icier-than-normal banana republic at their own peril.  

    But we are where we are and it is where it is (which may be simultaneously one of the most accurate and painfully cliché things I've ever typed in my life... my bad).  

    With every day that passes we're getting closer to a fresh Democrat nominating contest here in Michigan.  Which is different, you'll note, from holding a fresh primary.  The last primary cost Michigan taxpayers some $10 million and even the Queen Tax Hiker in the executive office seems to understand that asking struggling moms and dads to pony up all that cash again is a step or twenty too far.  Instead they're talking about holding a "firehouse" primary with shorter hours and fewer polling locations or a closed caucus.  

    While every citizen had the right and plenty of opportunity to vote back in January the Dems are willing to disenfranchise millions this time around.  Nothing like ignoring the will of voters across the State so you can consolidate power with a few thousand union activists. Read on...

    The Associated Press reports:

    Michigan Radio was reporting Wednesday night that state Democrats, including party chairman Mark Brewer -- a chief architect of the early primary that cost the state its delegates -- was agreeing to the do-over.

    The governors of both states, along with top officials in Hillary Clinton's campaign, are now saying they would consider holding a new contest by June. That's a change from their previous insistence that the primaries their states held in January should determine how the states' delegates are allocated...

    Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Clinton supporter, told the Detroit Free Press that Clinton's victory in Ohio changes "the landscape a bit." She said it could open the door to a caucus, if it can be privately funded and both candidates agree.

    The "privately funded" thing will excite a few Republicans because they'll like the idea of the MDP ponying up a million dollars or more that can't be used in the general election.  I'd just remind folks that between George Soros and Jon Stryker the state party isn't exactly hurting for folks who've shown a willingness to write blank checks for pet projects.  Just look at the Michigan House and the regressisphere.

    More likely than draining the bank accounts at MDP this sort of thing will energize their donors at all levels.  I'd be willing to go out on a limb and suggest that they'd end the new primary season more flush with cash than when they start it.  

    But on the bright side, maybe Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will finally show up here in the Great Lakes State.  Maybe.  We're not good enough for them right now because they don't and haven't needed us.  (In lefty circles the concept of "public service" carries a lot of baggage and quid pro quos... we're not scratching their back so why would they even look at ours?)

    It's not like Michigan issues are getting any less urgent or important.  Though, silver lining, it looks like the United Auto Workers may finally be ready to sit down with the folks at American Axle.  Good thing too.  Experts claim that should the strike extend into next week it will close as many as ten auto plants.  They're already more than halfway there.  The Ivory Tower reports:

    GM, American Axle's largest customer, has halted production at six pickup and SUV plants, including factories in Flint and Pontiac.

    On Monday, the automaker is to cut production at its SUV plant in Janesville, Wis., and its transmission plant in Toledo. It also expects to halt production at its metal casting plant in Saginaw and an engine plant in Moraine, Ohio.

    But while they're finally talking at AA there isn't much actual conversation between Kwame Kilpatrick and a few angry residents.  They're skipping past all the chit-chat and going straight for the throat, kicking off a recall campaign to oust hizzoner.  According to the Detroit News:

    Recall organizer Douglas Johnson, who is running for a seat on the Detroit City Council, said he is eager to begin collecting the 57,000 signatures needed to put the issue before Detroit voters, although the city has 10 days to appeal Wednesday's ruling.

    "It's nothing personal against the mayor, but he's not been productive to the city of Detroit," said Johnson, 42, a paralegal who recently moved back to the city. "The people in Detroit have been neglected and abused."

    ...If no appeal is filed, Johnson, who lives in Rosedale Park, will have 90 days to collect 57,000 signatures -- a figure determined by a formula based on the number of registered voters in the city of Detroit who voted in Michigan's last gubernatorial election.

    Well, best of luck, Mr. Johnson.  You're going to need it.  We're talking about a mayor who was reelected in a city while rumors and assumptions about rampant wrong doing, corruption and even deaths circled his head like an ominous little black thunder cloud.  Heck, they'd probably do it again.  It's that whole thing about leading a horse to water.

    < A Letter to Fellow Michigan Pro-Lifers, re: Support John McCain for President | Thursday in the Sphere, March 6 >

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    Poor Jenny... (none / 0) (#1)
    by rdww on Thu Mar 06, 2008 at 09:01:47 AM EST
    ... torn between backing a dumb, costly, partisan idea (or at least one that will stick her with bad publicity); and sucking up for a potential slot in a President Hillary administration.  What IS a girl to do?

    Do I have to pay for this or does the DNC???? (none / 0) (#2)
    by MRNHA AMIGO on Thu Mar 06, 2008 at 09:37:53 AM EST
    I will scream if they take our tax dollars to pay for this.  

    Somebody justify for me why our tax dollars should be spent again to run this election.

    If the DNC calls for another election.  Fine... But the DNC should pay for ALL of it.  Heck we might be able to create some jobs out of it(since we are loosing jobs everywhere else)

    The MRNHA www.mrnha.org in Michigan is helping the Republican Party and the Hispanic Community with a strong conservative voice!

    Mulligan elections. (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Thu Mar 06, 2008 at 09:52:59 AM EST
    If they think that they have logistical problems now with their little election faux pas...ooh, just wait.

    There were already plenty of ticked off people at the fact that their favorite candidate was not on the ballot (yes, I know, they chickened out due to party backlash...trying to explain to them never worked).

    Now with a mulligan election, and a limited one at that, they'll successfully tick off enough people where they just might stay home in November. &:)

    Myself, I feel that all hell should be raised if they don't cough up $10 million first, before their "do-over". But that's just me.

    Maybe they can do it in August (none / 0) (#5)
    by MRNHA AMIGO on Fri Mar 07, 2008 at 05:41:02 PM EST
    maybe the solution for the dems is to do it in august and leverage the already scheduled primaries...  Again tax payers should not have to pay for another election..

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