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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Democrats and Gun Control

    By Geno Trisch, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 05, 2008 at 10:50:39 PM EST
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    Back in 1993 I called Senator Carl Levin's office,I was talking to his aide,whom had the phone on speaker.I told the aide that I was calling to go on the record as being against an upcoming Gun Ban Bill.The aide started giving me a lot of crap about guns need to be banned.I told the aide that we do have the 2nd amendment and the right to keep and bear arms.That when Sen. Carl Levin picked up the phone direct and told me that NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ANY ARMS. I said WHAT. You are representing me and you have your own personal Bias views. Don't you go by your constituents. Thats when Levin hung up on me.Six year ago when Levin was running for re-election. I wrote to every newspaper in the state of Michigan. Only three published my letter.Talk about media bias.Search www.senate.gov Then click on,Legislation & Records,click on Votes, Then click on any year you want, 1993 & 1994 are good years. Click on any gun control bill you want. You will find that almost all Democratic Senators and Congressmen VOTE FOR GUN CONTROL. If guns are taken away,only terrorists and Criminals will have guns. In England and Australia Guns were banned.Crime went up 43% in both countries. Its time to protect our freedom and vote people like Carl Levin out of office. I feel that if you vote for a candidate who is for gun control then you yourself are for gun control.
    Gene A. Trisch, Caro

    < In Honor of William F. Buckley | Welcome to Michi-zuela >

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    No debate there, Gene. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu Mar 06, 2008 at 10:01:40 AM EST
    He's just plain hoplophobic along with stabenow.

    Levin hates freedom and the constitution (none / 0) (#2)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu Mar 06, 2008 at 02:31:04 PM EST
    That's no surprise. This jackass voted to ban all centerfire ammunition, wanted to disband the civillian marksmanship program, voted 100% against freedom, and runs in mouth in the captiol (but not to the papers) on gun grab measures.

    Since he is not upholding his oath to the Constitution of the US, he needs to get fired.

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