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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    How do I get two weeks off for Easter?

    By Juli on the Web, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 09:52:53 AM EST
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    Legislative Spring Break (none / 0) (#1)
    by daveumich on Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 11:28:53 AM EST
    I do not disagree that the Legislature should be in session instead of taking a "spring break", but picking on just the House about this is sort of disingenuous.  The Senate has its spring break slated for the next two weeks, unless something has changed.  As for session on Fridays, they only do that if there is a budget impasse!

    Huh? (none / 0) (#3)
    by detroithuh on Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 12:30:18 PM EST
    Michigan legislatures, for quite some time, have taken lengthy breaks for the start of the hunting season in the fall, both under Andy Dillon and Craig DeRoche, and even before then. Same with the Senate, although I'm not sure if the hunting season was the "holiday" they used to get out of work for an extended break (Google it).

    Have you railed against DeRoche, as well, for allowing the members of the House to shoot random animals for a week when there were serious budget concerns, and others, to be addressed? I have yet to read any posts about that (and I've read this web site for quite some time), but if you can find one, please let me know and I will gladly modify my remarks.

    I just got off my Spring Break at school, and I loved the time off. But was it really time off? Not really; I just didn't have to go to class. Instead, I plowed through work and got ahead on my reading. This is only to say that, when they aren't in session, legislators MIGHT be doing legislative things. There are good people on both sides of the aisle in the Legislature, both Republicans and Democrats, and they might actually want to do some good for the people.

    Do they deserve a two-week break for Easter (or hunting season)? No way. Are there more pressing issues? Absolutely. But can work be accomplished, by both Republicans and Democrats, when they aren't in session? Sure. And this is not to defend their recesses, especially when they are intended to be a full-time Legislature, but it's only to say that it's not as black-and-white as portrayed in your commentary.

    The "MSM", as people on this site call them, at least give the indication that they are balanced, whether it be FOX, CNN, or MSNBC. Call people to task (as you have done, and props for that), yes, but don't bestow holier than thou attributes on your party when the state GOP is just as bad, at times. Express your independence from Republican talking points and hardliner rhetoric.  

    Also, below is a copy of the Senate's schedule for the upcoming weeks (http://senate.mi.gov/schedule/schedule.htm):

    April 1, Tuesday
     NO SESSION - Spring Break

    April 2, Wednesday
     NO SESSION - Spring Break

    April 3, Thursday
     NO SESSION - Spring Break

    April 8, Tuesday
     NO SESSION - Spring Break

    April 9, Wednesday
     NO SESSION - Spring Break

    April 10, Thursday
     NO SESSION - Spring Break


    This site didn't exist (none / 0) (#4)
    by Nick on Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 12:53:44 PM EST
    when Craig DeRoche was speaker of the House.

    But I don't have a problem with shooting poor defenseless animals, no.

    cute (none / 0) (#5)
    by maidintheus on Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 01:56:28 PM EST
    Perhaps I'm a holier than thou, disingenuous type.  Certainly I'm a pro 2nd amendment type who is also biased.  If that's not libertarian enough, I can explain that I express my independence in various ways such as preferring my veggies but owning a book called Kill It & Grill It.  I do try to never compromise what's right.

    I (for one) didn't miss your point and I also get the humor.  You're not only a beautiful, young, intelligent, person, you've elicited a laugh.  If you happen to be a bit biased, I understand it's allowed here.  The important thing is you're right, though I doubt if "they" were in session it would help.

    Nick (none / 0) (#6)
    by detroithuh on Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 02:46:56 PM EST
    I was unaware of the site's "birthday", so to speak. Your point is well taken, though my point -- however inarticulately I may have phrased it -- that both parties take inappropriate breaks still stands.

    In addition, I wasn't trying to make an anti-hunting remark, though it may have come off that way. I don't hunt, nor do I ever want to, but I have nothing against those who do.

    Warm Regards,

    PT Lawmakers (none / 0) (#8)
    by detroithuh on Sat Mar 29, 2008 at 06:16:48 PM EST
    Yeah. I would vote for a Constitutional amendment to allow that, though I doubt the appropriate resolution to put it on the ballot would get through either the House or Senate. Previous efforts have died in committee, if I remember properly.

    There are, of course, various arguments against it: "It wouldn't save that much money in the grand scheme of the state's budget situation," or "Some lawmakers actually do real work during break," etc.

    It's a debate that needs serious consideration.


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