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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    LeBron James and Gisele Bundchen/Vogue

    By maidintheus, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Mar 28, 2008 at 06:51:57 PM EST
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    This is a must see. It's so ridiculous I had to laugh. It amazed me to see someone with a PH.D try to make such a senseless argument. He might be emotionally impaired as he didn't have the ability to see the beauty in this. In the days of Obama's racist Grandma this could never have happened. One could see it as an in your face, yes we can do whatever we want. That should be a good thing! I saw it as a big, strong, athlete on the cover with a babe. Mr. Hill looked so silly trying to turn it into a big deal. That's not how Mr. James perceives it. Mr. Hill, the dude with the PH.D, compared Mr. James to a gorilla. He also fails to realize not to say everything you think. Perhaps Michelle Obama would consider him ignorant. http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html?videoId=56c1a902-0dbe-49d8-a305-4b2a68918e33&sMPlayli stID=

    Perhaps racism is more of a problem then we realize. I never watch "the view" because I hate watching people who claim they're full of choice and tolerance beat up on one individual that dares disagree with them but it was all over the news. Here's Rev. Hate's nephew trying to convince America that he's cool because of his family members. He doesn't say anything about being raised by a woman whose racist views made him "uncomfortable." By his own admission when he threw her under the bus at a (perceived) convenient time. His Mother and Father didn't raise him...they abandoned him. That's the kind of behavior he should be speaking out against in the "community." Obama calls Rev. Hate's rhetoric "snippets." I'd say that is a crock and we need to stand against this kind of bigotry if it tries to raise it's ugly head (again) as in Obama's church. Well documented 30 years of snippets and Obama isn't cognizant enough to have realized this. I can look at that two ways. He knew or he didn't. Either way, he's not fit! It's can be seen on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPTl4s_xIDY
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    also (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Sat Mar 29, 2008 at 06:55:41 PM EST
    I want to add to the response given by Project 21 member Darryn "Dutch" Martin. I think the main reason for this type of "make an issue of no issue" is the typical bigots attempt to inflame. They always want to keep things divided and stirred up.

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