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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Granholm promises bill will create 400,000 jobs... and, there goes that last shred of credibility

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 20, 2008 at 07:21:38 AM EST
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    Was last night painful or what?  There are some things that just never get easier to listen to.  The platitudes, the promises, the reassurances... you hear them every single time in these sorts of situations.  But none of them ever change the bottom line.  There are greener pastures elsewhere.  In fact, everywhere else.  The only difference between last night and every other time we've heard that particular type of speech is that the Governor actually addressed reality, too.  For a minute anyways.  Right before she slipped off the edge head first into sheer, unadulterated lunacy.

    The Associated Press reports that during Jennifer Granholm's fancy little faux town hall meeting on NBC stations around the State she lost her message for a moment and admitted the truth:

    "This state's economy is the most challenged in the nation," Granholm said during the event, which was televised on all six of Michigan's NBC affiliates. "We have the highest unemployment rate in the nation and we've lost 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.

    "This state, more than any other state, needs to focus on the basics: diversifying our economy to provide a job for every worker, educating our citizens from young to old, making sure that we have safe places to live and work for all of us and health care for every citizen."

    She wants the Legislature to require that more of Michigan's electricity come from wind, solar and other renewable sources. Her proposed renewable portfolio standard would require that 10 percent of the state's power come from renewable energy by the end of 2015.

    Of course that proposal would also raise taxes by over $8 BILLION.  Pretty well blows last year's $2.5 billion tax hike out of the water, doesn't it?  Not that she mentioned her hidden tax hike last night.  Nope.  But that didn't stop her from promising us the sun, moon, stars and Jupiter.

    Did you know that if we passed her massive new tax hike then we could replace all of those manufacturing jobs?  Don't believe me?  Ask her!

    "We could replace those lost manufacturing jobs if we are focused, if our Legislature passes this bill."

    Hu-wha?!  Passing an $8 billion tax hike will create 400,000 jobs?  Is she using some sort of new math?  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, definitively, that Jennifer Granholm is a liar.  Period.  No mincing words.  You tell someone to their face that your one bill can replace 400,000 lost jobs and you are a liar.  Or a total quack.  Or both.

    Read on...

    Not much wonder that you had over 100 people outside the studio protesting her appearance.  All from one company.  Threatening to leave the State.  Like so many others.  

    Because when you've got State leaders like Granholm and Cherry pushing one tax hike after another it only stands to reason that folks would get fed up.  These particular protesters were from the Grand Rapids area but take the good folks of Wayne County, for instance.  

    No, seriously.  Take them.  They're leaving and they need homes.

    The Detroit News reports this morning that the "home" county of everyone from Bob Ficano to Kwame Kilpatrick to Jennifer Granholm and House Speaker Andy Dillon leads the nation in the number of folks packing up and getting the heck out of dodge.  More moms and dads and families are leaving Wayne County than any other large county in the United States of America.  

    Oh, and things are getting worse, not better.

    In the 12 months ending June 30, Wayne County saw 35,296 more residents move away than arrive. In the year prior, the number was 30,548.

    And for the first time since at least 2000, Oakland, Macomb and Livingston all joined Wayne in losing more residents than they gained from relocations.

    "A lot of people are trying to see if they can try their hand somewhere else," said Kurt Metzger, director of research for the United Way of Southeastern Michigan. "And there's national and international trends going on so that this will continue for a while."

    Meanwhile, those folks who are sticking it out and trying to make a difference in the County are getting harassed by public employees possibly on company time.  A couple of days ago Leon posted this video highlighting the thugs working for House Speaker Andy Dillon as he desperately attempts to intimidate voters to keep his job.  The Free Press chimes in today with additional details on what is almost literally a battle being waged between courteous signature gatherers and Dillon's bullies.

    (Volunteer) Genson had been on duty about 15 minutes -- calling out to passersby, "Hi! You want to kick the guy out of office who raised your taxes?" -- when a car pulled into the parking lot and unloaded a youngish man bearing a placard that said: "Don't Sign Recall Petition. Wasting Your Tax $$$."

    The young man, who declined to identify himself, took up a station nearby and told potential signers that the recallers are "from out of town. ... They're getting paid $4 a signature." He handed out flyers suggesting that "signing a petition could cost you and taxpayers in our community up to $112,000."

    Genson, a former Marine who lost his left foot to a land mine in Vietnam 40 years ago, responded, "That's a lie. I'm a registered voter in Redford."

    He got support from a bellicose signer who told the placard holder, "I hope he's getting $10" a signature.

    Still, it's tough going for Genson. At times he's outnumbered 3-1...

    Despite the obstacles, (WCTaxpayers boss Rose Boegart) said, "We're going to get this done. I voted for Andy Dillon twice. But I'm angry. He said he wouldn't raise taxes, then he caved."

    Just wait until he gets his chance to approve the $8 billion Granholm / Cherry hidden energy tax.  Because the broken promises we've seen so far are small potatoes.

    < Change the Law: "Dr. Death" Shouldn't be Permitted to Run for Elected Office | Thursday in the Sphere, March 20 >

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    A few points. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu Mar 20, 2008 at 07:46:21 AM EST
    C'mon, Nick!

    As if the guv had any credibility to begin with?

    These dog-and-pony "town hall" shows should be called out for what they are: Informercials for her latest round of tax hikes.

    And "Invitation only"?


    What kind of town hall is that?

    This is about as bad as stupak's camera-less town hall meetings.

    The protestors are a new twist.

    I didn't get a chance to check out too much online yet, but I can tell you that the local media on this side of the state (tv & radio) couldn't get their collective noses dislodged from the guv's rectal cavity.

    I wish that they would put half as much effort as they exert investigating the soon-to-be outgoing mayor of Detroit, as they do pushing her latest ideas.

    Granholm (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Thu Mar 20, 2008 at 08:54:12 AM EST
    This is exactly the type of economic policy and proposals we can expect when we hire nothing but lawyers to run the state government.

    A huge tax hike will likely lead to more government oversight and administrative jobs, but the overall workforce private workforce will shrink because of the financial drag created by higher expenses on businesses and individuals.

    Just what we need.  More bureaucrats to administer a failing system.  I'm getting blown away.

    The jobs will (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Mar 20, 2008 at 09:10:13 AM EST
    To bad that like everything else this Governor touches it will be a disaster for Michigan. The 400,000 jobs maybe created but they will be in other states.Created by companies forced to leave Michigan in order to stay in busines after the Granlarceny/Dillion-ger tax robbery.The only way that this state will ever begin to recover is when Granlarceny is gone and the House is back safely in Republican hands. We need to recall the Governor now. She needs to be gone by November and a new Governor in place to work with the Republican majorities in both houses of the Legislature.

    • Sigh... by Dave75, 03/21/2008 01:53:40 PM EST (none / 0)
    Sigh! (none / 0) (#5)
    by mcdirt on Thu Mar 20, 2008 at 11:39:14 PM EST

    The proposed renewable energy standard which Nick rails against (but fails to mention - as does the Gov. far too often - the HUGE money-saving energy efficiency legislation that would return lots of money to businesses and residential ratepayers):

    Yes, the renewable energy standard would increase electricity costs over what Michigan ratepayers pay now. But that's a false comparison.

    New coal plants would also significantly increase electricity rates -- and Wall Street increasingly recognizes this as it is beginning to shy away from financing new coal projects as financially risky ventures.


    The correct comparison is New Renewable Power (primarily wind) versus New Coal. The numbers are running about even...but the trend is lower cost for renewables as economies of scale bring the price down; and higher cost for coal especially when future carbon costs are estimated.

    Plus, a mix that includes renewables and efficiency is a far better creator of good, long-term jobs and economic development than another generation of coal dependency.


    I understand that idealogues will argue against mandates on principle. And, if you choose to make that argument, you give the economic advantage to the 25 other states with mandates, where new high-tech efficiency and renewable companies are locating.

    Even so, I'd think it'd be hard to argue against the third leg of this stool, Integrated Resource Planning, which seeks to level the playing field by forcing power companies to compete against energy efficiency and renewable ventures on a level economic playing field, including externalities like the costs of health care and environmental damage caused by polluting power producers.

    Efficiency pays back industry, commercial ventures and ratepayers at a 3:1 payback and forestalls the need for new power generation. It beats the tar out of all "new generation" but can't gain traction in an economy where businesses require a payback on their investments of a year, maybe two.  Bridging that gap is a win-win for the ratepayer and the public. (and, the environment)

    Renewables are competitive with new coal, and beat new coal when externalities are added.

    And, Nick's $18 billion "tax hike" is not a tax, but a worst-cost scenario spread over many years of ratepaying that ignores the fact that the alternative (a new generation of coal plants) will cost as much or more. (We've already beat this horse on a previous thread, though)

    Reality: We're gonna pay more for electricity. Do we want to do it with a new generation of coal-fired power whose cost is going up, up up? Or shall we include a mix of EE and renewables, whose cost is going down?

    Yes, wind isn't a cure-all, and it doesn't solve the problem of peak power demand during times when the wind isn't blowing. That needs coal backup, but more importantly a creative new mix of peak load management incentives that cut costs and reduce the need for capacity to deal with huge power spikes.

    We can do this, really....cut future electricity rates, create more and better jobs, and pollute less. But it's gonna require some statesmanship from leaders whose skills in that area have grown rusty from lack of exercise.

    Galt? Chetly? Any true believers out there willing to come to the defense of part of this strategy?


    Granholm = Dishonest (none / 0) (#7)
    by Victor Laszlo on Sat Mar 22, 2008 at 03:59:05 PM EST
    Granholm is not only the most incompetent Governor in Michigan's history but also the most deceitful.

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