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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Meet the new Supervisor!

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 17, 2008 at 11:55:43 AM EST
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    Cross posted from Save My Michigan

    In what I would think is one of the fastest interview processes in the history of the DNR, the Traverse City State Park now has a new supervisor!  Let's all give a warm welcome to Tim Schreiner.  Congratulations Tim!

    But, wait - haven't I seen you before?

    Ah, yes.

    For the past 25 years, Tim has been the Director of the Grand Traverse Parks & Recreation department, making a whopping $62,000 per year.  And now?  Well, now he will be only making $34,403 per year.

    Originally, Tim had "retired" from the GTPR in 2005 - taking a one time early retirement option, but then was rehired by the county on a contract basis.  So, if he was a contract employee, that means he was 1099 - not subject to regular employment rules.  I am venturing a guess that he got to keep his retirement package?  And, he hires in to the DNR making half of what he was, and yet, he still has his retirement package from the county, right?

    And, for anyone applying for the Supervisor Job, the qualifications are:

     4 Years as a Park Ranger - one year of which the 9 level OR
    4 years as a Park Ranger - two years of which the 8 level.
    Candidates can have alternative Education & Experience - 8 semester hours in Park Management.

    Do you think he is technically qualified?

    Hmm.  Funny, too, I just saw him last month on WCMU-TV "Ask the Experts" with Ron Olson?

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