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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan Dems wave goodbye to moral high ground

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 08:42:21 AM EST
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    This is the guy Kwame was helping cheat his way to City contracts.  The lefties toss the word "thug" around a lot but yowzas!  The Detroit Free Press has a scary little profile piece on Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's pal Bobby Ferguson.  

    The recent text message scandal has uncovered evidence that the Hip Hop Mayor passed along apparently exclusive information to help Mr. Ferguson obtain tens of millions of dollars worth of contracts with the City.  Begs the question... why?  Is it because the guy was indirectly a five-figure contributor to the Mayor's campaign (big campaign checks to Jennifer Granholm sure didn't hurt Joel Ferguson... no relation... secure a hundred million dollar contract to build a new police headquarters even the police don't want) or is there something else going on here?

    What reason could the State's second most powerful Democrat possibly have in associating with a "gentleman" like this?  And by associating I mean conspiring to violate contract policy and taxpayer protections by rigging the bidding process.  Which, in plain English translates to "payoffs."  Allegedly.  

    Ferguson's record paints a pretty clear picture about the guy.  He really is a thug.  And he's got "enforcer" written all over him.  And he's getting giant payoffs from the Mayor of the City of Detroit.  Hmm...

    1988: Ferguson was turned away from a bar for using a fake ID (he was 20).  He returned with a baseball bat, shouted "white boy," hit one guy in the head and Nancy Kerrigan'd another with a shot to the knee and a swing at the head that was, by the grace of God, blocked by the victim's forearm.

    1990:  Kwame's buddy was arrested and charged with attempted murder after shouting "Kill them, kill them" and spraying a crowd of teenagers with a Tech 9 semi-automatic machine pistol.  He's not in jail because, mysteriously, each of the witnesses "failed to appear" in court.  Not that he sounds like the kind of guy who'd try to intimidate witnesses or anything.

    1995:  Charged and convicted for illegally carrying a concealed weapon.  But it wasn't his fault.  There was a cop that called him a naughty name.  So that made it OK.  At least that was his defense.

    2005:  Plead guilty to assault with intent to do great bodily harm after pistol whipping an employee.  And not a nancy sorta pistol whip either.  He hurt the guy so badly that he gave him permanent brain damage and the cat now suffers dizziness, seizures and can only walk with the assistance of a cane.

    And nary a peep of disapproval from the left. Telling, isn't it?

    < Monday in the Sphere, March 10 | State Senator Mark Schauer's Constituents Still Await Response After Five Months >

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    The list is long of the left. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 11:45:14 AM EST
    We should be supprised how? After all this is the party that claims a new era of morality in public office. So we see the following.
    Jennifer Granholm- Tax evasion. John Cherry- tax evasion. Mayor Thug Master K and the current scandal. William Jefferson (D-LA) the FBI found $90K in the guys freezer. Harry Reid's questionalbe land deals with an associate known to be involved with organized crime figures( Harry made a million bucks on land that was sold and he no longer owned). Then there is the current messiah of the secular left. Barrack Hussein Obama and his BFF Tony Rezko. Seems like this association goes back to 1990 and probably includes connections to the Oil for Food scandal. Yes it is nice to know that the Democrats and their idea of morality are guarding the public treasury and trust. I don't need to say it is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. I think most people know that.

    trolling only allowed by the right? (none / 0) (#2)
    by whatever on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 12:50:54 PM EST
    as one who has had posts pompously removed for "trolling," i find this story repulsive and juvenile. who is supporting kwame? the guy is an idiot. he's got to go. period.

    but trying to make a blanket connection between him and all democrats is repulively inflammatory and juvenile. why stop there? why not crack a joke about all italians belonging to the mob? why not post that story about the cop who killed his pregnant girlfriend as proof all cops are shady?

    good f-ing grief.

    • Whatever by Rougman, 03/10/2008 06:53:47 PM EST (none / 0)
    here's an example (none / 0) (#3)
    by whatever on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 12:57:04 PM EST
    gee, a young michigan activist got arrested for rape...let's make a blanket statement about all young republicans by connecting his behavior to the entire group!


    • The difference is... by Ed Burley, 03/10/2008 01:02:24 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Why by tenex22, 03/10/2008 01:08:04 PM EST (none / 0)
    let me get this straight (none / 0) (#6)
    by whatever on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 01:33:52 PM EST
    the pompous chest thumping going on here is because when a republican president violates the constitution, or a republican congressman tries to have gay sex in a minnesota airport bathroom, or a republican allegedly rapes a woman in a cleveland hotel room...that other republicans are quicker to denounce it?


    talk about a slow news day.

    not defending him (none / 0) (#8)
    by whatever on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 02:20:01 PM EST
    please re-read my initial post. slowly if it helps: kwame is an idiot. the guy needs to get tossed (and maybe face charges depending on where things go).

    he repulses me.

    the detroit city council needs to kick it in gear and get moving on it. right now i think it's their ball and their game. if dems outside of detroit started spouting off about kwame needing to do this or that, then you'd get on them for circumventing the detroit city council. you're going to have your fun no matter what. i'm simply pointing that out.

    i just think it's beyond lame to try to attack an entire party because of one of its members. i threw the last associations in my last post out there as a mirror for you: that kind of stupidity is what you're doing here.

    • Hardly... by Nick, 03/10/2008 02:34:06 PM EST (none / 0)
    Now we must add (none / 0) (#10)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 03:00:52 PM EST
    New York Governor Elliot Spitzer to the list of Liberal (un)ethically challenged. It was Nancy Pelosi that said the Democrats would have the most ethical Congress ever. I guess when we point out the hypocrisy of the Left which is never ending it is slow news day.
    I find it strange that Jack Abrahoff gave more money and in larger quanities to Democrats including Debbie Stabs-su-now and Jennifer Granholm and Carl Levin then he did to Republicans but yet this was a Republican scandal.

    Here is a "quiz" (none / 0) (#11)
    by tenex22 on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 03:15:56 PM EST
    Of the "do as I say, not as I do" Dems....


    Eye opening.

    Elliott Spitzer (none / 0) (#13)
    by Victor Laszlo on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 07:41:38 PM EST
    NY Governor Elliott Spitzer a/k/a Client No. 9.  I wonder what Client No. Bill Clinton was assigned.

    Kwame is lame (none / 0) (#14)
    by maidintheus on Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 09:57:50 PM EST
    The problem with Detroit continues with the help of people like this.  Or maybe it's because enough people aren't giving back?   It's so sad that they keep doing it the same way expecting a different result.  This is why people stay away by the thousands.  It appears that "give back" is another way of saying do it for me.  Right down to plow my streets because corruption is cultivated and people don't want to live there.  There's no one to pay taxes so they continue to try and rob everyone else instead of cleaning up their own act.  

    To the "whatever" poster:  Uh, whatever.  You seem to dislike a lot of the comments and opinions here. I guess you don't find Kwame's sidekick too awful as he hasn't used water boarding.  You seem the type to not say a thing when someone gets their head cut off though.  You seem to have a problem with someone listing a host of offenses about the demoncrats.  Too bad.  That's obviously what the rest of us are here for.

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