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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    What do Michigan, Cuba and Pakistan have in common? Not much. YET.

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 07:12:24 AM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    Lunacy, I tell you.  Sheer, unadulterated lunacy.  And I love it.  Please do this.  Please, please, please find a way to buck the heck out of common sense and to do this.  The wires are atwitter this morning with stories and rumors about an impending move by the good folks at the Michigan Democrat Party to take the results of the January 15th Presidential Primary, rent a giant industrial sized paper shredder, turn that puppy on and buzzzzzzzzzzz.  

    The DNC is refusing to seat Michigan's delegates at the national convention, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton still refuse to step foot in the Great Lakes State, they're fighting like impetuous children and absolutely nothing is settled nationally.  They're running neck and neck.  So it makes perfect sense.  Obama supporters don't like the way that Michigan election turned out so just ignore it and vote again until you get the results you want!  Please do it.  I am so not above begging.  

    Just imagine what this could mean:

  • The Michigan Democrat Party officially becomes the organization that attempted to turn Michigan into a Banana Republic where inconvenient election results can be ignored.

  • Barack Obama tells voters nationwide that the will of the voters doesn't matter.

  • His message of CHANGE gets amended to CHANGE (the results if you don't like them)!

  • Hillary Clinton, by going along with this (and she'd probably have to to make it happen, since she won the first time around) shoots herself in both feet.

  • Michigan voters are told quite explicitly that their first vote didn't count and that they're going to have to keep voting until the powers-that-be like the results.

  • Thousands of poll workers and hundreds of polling places get swept up in the mess, occupying their time and making them plenty unhappy with the Democrats.

  • A caucus would cost MDP about a million dollars they wouldn't otherwise be able to spend campaigning against conservatives.  

  • If they actually went the normal ELECTION route they'd have to appropriate taxpayer funds reinforcing the fact that the Democrat Party is the Party of wasteful spending.

  • What to do with those voter lists from the first election?  If you're not going to keep the results you certainly shouldn't get the voter lists, right?

  • Assuming this actually brings Hussein Obama and Rodham Clinton into Michigan for a local spitting contest it'd have the very real possibility of disaffecting moderate and independent voters fed up with the vitriol of the campaign.  But hey, the Dem partisans would get plenty pumped!

  • Or, as the Ivory Tower puts it:

    And, then, the Clinton-Obama race might be over by the time Michigan got around to holding a caucus -- allowing the bad memory of the tumult associated with the Democratic primary to be flamed by a more spectacular screwup in a hastily convened second-chance election. No one in a position to make a new Michigan election happen was jumping on board Wednesday...

    Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer did not return Free Press phone calls Wednesday but told the Associated Press: "Everybody involved, the candidates, the DNC and we, need to remain open-minded. So if someone comes up with a creative way that meets everyone's interests, we can do that" and get the delegates seated.

    Gereralissimo Brewer, tell me what you need, buddy.  I'm in.  I want to help make this a reality.  Want me to write a few letters to the editor?  Make a couple phone calls?  I could do an urgent action alert...  just point me in the right direction!

    Absolutely unbelievable.  Don't like the results, vote again?  What is this, a third world dictatorship?  Only the Democrats.  You can't see me right now but if you could you'd see that I'm shaking my head from side to side with a look of disbelief plastered on my goofy face.

    Read on...

  • This might... MIGHT... even be more unbelievable than some of the behavior we saw from Senate Democrats yesterday.  The Associated Press reports that when the body voted to restore drivers licenses to legal immigrants all twenty-one Republicans and a few Dems voted yes.  One Dem was missing in action.  The other nine?  They voted no.  Apparently they don't like legal immigration, economic development, cultural exchange programs, on-loan faculty at schools or job creation.

    Businesses and universities are urging quick action because some legal immigrants already have been denied driver's licenses since the new policy went into effect in late January.

    State officials say there are nearly 400,000 foreign businesspeople, students and their families in Michigan on visas...

    Nine Democrats voted against it: Raymond Basham of Taylor, Deborah Cherry of Burton, Irma Clark-Coleman of Detroit, John Gleason of Flushing, Gilda Jacobs of Huntington Woods, Michael Prusi of Ishpeming, Martha Scott of Highland Park, Buzz Thomas of Detroit and Gretchen Whitmer of East Lansing.

    Why do I get the feeling they would have voted the other way had the bill granted drivers licenses to ILlegal immigrants.

    Probably because nothing much makes sense with the Dems in Lansing these days.  The Governor's education spending policy, for instance.  The Detroit News reports the governor wants to increase per-pupil funding for public schools anywhere from $100 to $200 based on how much the district currently spends.  And that's a nice gesture since the Governor has three times slashed public school funding in the middle of the school year.

    Since 2002, public schools saw mid-year state aid cuts in three separate years because tax receipts did not meet expectations. School aid funding also was frozen three times in that span. Spending for the minimum school aid allowance from year to year has ranged from flat to a 3.4 percent increase.

    Guess we can add this to the list of massive spending and government growth programs outlined by the Governor in her State of the State speech.  And all without a tax hike?  That's what she keeps promising.

    So I've got to ask again... Governor Granholm, you haven't outlined any spending cuts so you're going to get these extra millions from where?  Like I said.  Not much sense.  Maybe we could spend the money once and then ask for a redo and just reappropriate all the cash into other things the second time around.  We wouldn't be able to actually spend it twice but gosh darn if that wouldn't send the signal that "we care."

    < Will True Conservatives Please Stand Up? By Akindele Akinyemi | Thursday in the Sphere, February 7 >

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    Playing Devil's Advocate on the nat'l convention. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 08:49:57 AM EST
    This is all well and good Nick, but there is still the issue of 50% of the delagates not being seated at the RNC convention as well.

    If the RNC wants some great PR before the convention (to say nothing about being one up on the dnc), the sooner they drop that ridiculous edict the better!

    What Happened (none / 0) (#3)
    by American Princess on Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 12:36:03 PM EST
    None of this would have happened had the Obama camp not sent around a memo showing Hillary Clinton winning the delegate race but coming up about 350 delegates shy of clinching the nomination. If the DNC were to reinstate MI and FL, that would give Hillbaby 366 delegates (enough to hand her the nod). So, even though we weren't important enough to Barack BEFORE, to campaign for our reinstatement upfront, and not pull his name out of write in, now that our delegates would pull the Dems out of a brokered convention...NOW we're important.

    Thanks for the tip, Nick...I HT'ed you.

    Apparently they don't like legal immigration (none / 0) (#4)
    by apackof2 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 04:20:30 PM EST
    I think it more like they didn't bother to understand what they were voting for!

    Saw what they thought was a buzz word but neglected to see there was no "il"


    We'll pretend (none / 0) (#5)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 10:57:44 PM EST
    that Nick is just playing dumb. If he wasn't busy playing stupid, he would acknowledge that the reasons the Dems didn't vote for the bill has nothing to do with any of the reasons that he listed. But that wouldn't give him the strawman he needed to knock down. One of these days, Nick will elevate his game beyond the bush league level of debate.

    • Playing dumb? by Ed Burley, 02/08/2008 01:41:08 PM EST (none / 0)
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