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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Granholm and House Dems pushing hard for new $8 billion hidden tax hike

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 27, 2008 at 07:11:59 AM EST
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    If Michigan is in a backwater and you've been captaining the ship for the last six years what does that say about your ability at the helm?  I'm just asking.  

    Jennifer Granholm returned from Washington D.C. and decided it was time to get serious, for the first time since she was elected in 2002, about encouraging alternative energy production in Michigan.  Apparently she's abandoned the carrot and stick method and gone exclusively to the stick.  Criticize the State you're leading and then slap residents struggling to make ends meet under the yolk of your last $2.4 billion tax hike with a brand new record shattering $8 billion tax increase.  That ought to clear up whatever ails us.  

    You can re-read that sentence if you want to but it's not going to change.  The Governor is urging the Democrat House to move a package of bills initially discussed by the House Energy and Technology Committee back on January 23rd.  The legislation, among other things, raises taxes on Michigan residents by eight-billion dollars, grants the State's two largest utilities uncontested monopolies and fails to set a single legitimate mandate or standard.

    Under the House Democrat plan the utilities would be paid $8 billion in the form of a State mandated surcharge on all consumers and in exchange be asked to try to get to a point where they're producing 10% of their power via alternative and renewable energy.  The key words are "try to."  If they fail, eh, no biggie.  They just have to show that they spent the fresh cash in some sort of attempt to reach that threshold.  If they can show that costs went above and beyond, no biggie, they can stop.  At least they tried.

    And your impending tax hike breaks out like so... regular every day working people will pay an extra $36 a year for twenty years.  Businesses will pay an extra $190 a year for twenty years.  Industrial outfits will pay an extra $2,250 a year for twenty years.  Add it all up and in 2028, if the legislature doesn't simply vote to keep the tax hike in perpetuity, they'll have swiped $8 billion from the Michigan economy.

    Read on...

    If you listen to the Governor, this is important.  The Ivory Tower reports:

    Gov. Jennifer Granholm said Tuesday that Michigan is "a backwater" in promoting renewable energy such as wind power, and called on lawmakers to quickly approve legislation requiring the state to generate 10% of its electric power from renewable sources by 2015...

    She said Michigan is losing out on thousands of jobs from companies that manufacture wind turbines because it lacks an RPS, which would help ensure their investments are profitable.

    Executives of wind power companies told her, she said, that they would not consider Michigan for business without having an RPS in place.

    In all the articles in all the newspapers across the world wide web you'll find lots of statements about these companies saying they won't consider Michigan without this RPS.  No where does one of them state that they would build a plant here if we did have one.  But that's really a secondary issue.  If I was trying to sell this sort of earth-shaking tax hike I'd try to find every pseudo-halfway-maybe-potential job I could find too.

    In their verve and excitement to yank another $8 billion out of the private sector and away from job makers the Governor and Andy Dillon are falling back on what they know.  Bigger government.  Just set a semi-mandate and tax people to pay for it and things are bound to get better.  It's not like the free market has ever worked before.  And hey, while you're at it, lets just burn competition to the ground.  Monopolize everything!  Who'd have figured Granholm and Dillon as the State's loudest advocates for Big Energy.  Way to attempt to line fat corporate pockets with tax dollars, Madame Governor.  Not that you'll be able to get away with it all that easily.  According to the Detroit News:

    Utility competitors and consumer groups oppose that part of the package, saying it would return a monopoly to the utilities and drive up electric rates.

    Direct Energy, a Houston-based energy company that wants to enter the Michigan market, opposes legislation that would reregulate utilities here. It favors three Senate bills that would encourage competition for residential customers, set up a competitive bidding process for meeting Michigan's future energy needs and give consumers monetary credits for any new generation plant fees they pay.

    "The debate, so far, is focused on the wrong thing," said Tanya Paslawski, Direct Energy's government and regulatory affairs manager. "It should be focused on how to make the market best for customers."

    And that's half the shame of it.  Alternative energy is a fantastic idea and it's something worth pursuing.  Full steam ahead.  A free and open market, a variety of incentives, consumer choice... these are the economic tools that changed the world and made this the most prosperous nation in the history of civilization.  But Michigan Democrats want to toss us back to the 1800s with unchecked monopolies running the show.  No thanks.

    Wasn't breaking monopolies and looking out for the small business supposed to be the prevue of the Democrat party?  I mean, isn't that the way they've fashioned themselves these last fifty, sixty years?  Is it all talk?  

    It's rare that conservatives get to play the populists in the press but here we are.  Democrats in Michigan attempting to soak the little guy with an $8 billion hidden tax hike while killing small businesses and allowing Big Energy an uncontested monopoly with zero specific results required.  

    Jennifer Granholm and House Democrats.  Doing 19th century robber barons proud since 2003.

    < Can we learn from Cuba and its form of goverment? | Wednesday in the Sphere, February 27 >

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    Are there kickbacks (none / 0) (#1)
    by tenex22 on Wed Feb 27, 2008 at 08:29:03 AM EST
    to the two power companies that supply all of Michigans power?

    I agree that alternative power sources are a great idea and wind generation certainly could be utilized. Seems Granholm should be looking to bring those companies in to create the power, along with the jobs that come with it, then pass the energy savings on to the consumers. Win win.

    Headlong into Socialism (none / 0) (#5)
    by DMOnline on Wed Feb 27, 2008 at 02:03:34 PM EST
    Mrs. Granholm is taking cues from the big boys (and girls) in the Democratic Party.

    Since both Hillary and Barack want to nationalize one-fifth of our nation's economy (socialized medicine), it should come as no surprise Granholm wants to wipe out competition and exert more control over the utilities.

    In their heart of hearts, the Dems are insanely jealous of leftist dictators like Hugo Chavez and his ability to nationalize entire industries.  Given their druthers, this is precisely what the Dems would like to do in the US.

    For them, government is the solution - not the problem.

    There is no doubt a market for "green technologies" if the resulting products work and are cost-effective.  The reason you don't see manufacturing sites popping up all over our state or the nation is because that technology neither works nor is affordable.

    The free market will bring quality green products to the market - not government subsidies.  Innovation and competition within the private sector will produce the solutions we need.  Government and government regulators need to get out of the way and off the innovators' backs.

    Government isn't the solution to the problem.  Government IS the problem.


    What's wrong? (none / 0) (#6)
    by NoviDemocrat on Wed Feb 27, 2008 at 10:29:58 PM EST
    Did DTE and Consumers not cut a big enough check to Saul this month? Did the Republicons fail to shake down enough "Big Energy" executives to finance their 2008 campaigns? Now I'm supposed to believe that Nick is the second coming of Teddy Roosevelt and the Trust Busters? Puh-lease! I'm sure once Saul gets his quota of campaign donations, all of this "Big Energy" bashing will go away.

    I am a Demoncrat..... (none / 0) (#9)
    by Steve Myers on Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 11:55:40 AM EST
    http://www.flinttalk.com/viewtopic.php?p=25617Posted by andi03 Flint Talk

     I am a Demoncrat..... I don't like the fact that they would be raising taxes, whether hidden or outright altogether. The taxbase isn't there!!!

    MI unemployment rate Dec 2007

    According to this website we have the second highest rate of unemployment in the country, behind Puerto Rico? Do we count them, rhetorical?  

    These are the unemployment rates by the counties:

    (Take into consideration the aforementioned the fiscal quarters and the tourism, like Mackinac County, (my second home) during the winter months.)

    Interesting program stats for the State of Michigan (link to michigan.gov/.pdf file will take long to load on dialup)

    I have been involved in food drives and clothes drives where I live in the 48439 zip code and the need is even strong "out here".

    The foreclosure rates are astronomical:

    People are already pinching pennies so hard that Abe Lincoln has boogers coming out of his nose and/or he's screaming for pain killers.

    "I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." ~Rita Rudner

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