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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Legislative action on water compact "doomsday device" a scene from Dr. Strangelove

    By Hayekian, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 27, 2008 at 10:31:21 PM EST
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    Gongwer, 2/27/08:

    "Michigan would be part of the Great Lakes Compact (throwing away one of it's only remaining comparative advantages, deepening the state's depression and reducing further already dim chances for recovery - Hayekian) under bills approved unanimously by the Senate Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee Wednesday.

    "In a meeting that was cut short by session and taken up by a room full of elementary students and their bill to make a frog the state's official amphibian, the House Great Lakes and Environment Committee heard a small portion of testimony on Wednesday on a similar package of bills. After passing HB 4703, which designates the Spring Peeper as the state's amphibian, the panel used the short time it had left to delve into what Committee Chair Rebekah Warren (D-Ann Arbor) said after three months of work is now a package in 85 percent agreement with the Senate's version of conservation bills."

    This reminds me of the scene in Dr. Strangelove, where Herr Doktor demands that the Soviet ambassador explain why his country did not reveal their new end-of-the-world device, set to go off automatically in the event of a nuclear attack on Russia:

    Dr. Strangelove (in thick German accent):
    "Yes, but the... whole point of the doomsday machine... is lost... if you keep it a secret! Why didn't you tell the world, eh?"

    Soviet Ambassador DeSadeski:
    "It was to be announced at the Party Congress on Monday. As you know, the Premier loves surprises."

    Yes, and legislators love their meaningless symbols. But the Great Lakes Water Compact is one "symbol" whose effect on the state economy is likely to be the equivalent of a cobalt bomb. The Mackinac Center's Russ Harding has explained why.

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    Harding is clueless (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 07:12:38 AM EST
    Nevermind that Russ Harding is a clueless hack who made constantly put the interests of those who would harm the environment over those of protecting the environment. His position makes no sense. He's claiming that we shouldn't support having some control over water diversions from the Great Lakes because it may not let us divert water from the Great Lakes. Who in their right mind thinks that any diversions is a good thing for Michigan or the Great Lakes. He says that the compact may not be enforceable. Even if he's right, and I always assume he's wrong until shown otherwise, I would rather have some legal tools that may work versus no legal tools. Without the compact, the state has no ability to prevent water diversions by other states. One thing that Russ Harding has shown over the year is that he's out-of-step with the majority of Michigan residents and he's proved it once again.

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