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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Promising early release to win criminal votes... Does it get much smarmier than this?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 20, 2008 at 07:04:18 AM EST
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    Suddenly things are starting to make a lot more sense, and at the same time make less sense than ever before.  Stop scratching your head, I'll explain.

    Last year when the State was facing a massive budget shortfall en route to a $2.4 BILLION Democrat tax hike there wasn't much clamoring for cost cutting or reform inside the Dem caucus or the Governor's office.  But there was one are that we heard about again and again (and again).  Corrections.  Governor Granholm wanted to cut corrections funding by closing prisons, firing guards and corrections employees and releasing literally thousands of dangerous predators onto the street.  

    By the grace of God and a bit of GOP spine we've avoided the massive early release programs to this point but even after the Democrats got their way on the tax hike they've refused to let the corrections issue go.  They're determined to unleash criminals onto the street years before they would be otherwise eligible.  

    Law enforcement officials have called it a bad idea.  The Democrats persist.

    Republican lawmakers have called it a bad idea.  The Democrats persist.

    Ask any one on the street at least two blocks away from MDP headquarters and you'll hear the same objections.  But the Democrats persist.

    State Senator Alan Cropsey has gone over a variety of studies that indicate the Granholm administration's numbers are either fuzzy or just plain wrong.  And still the Democrats persist.  'Release the felons,' they clamor.

    But why?  What's the angle?  What's the end game?  Significantly threatening public safety just for the heck of it?  To protect the Governor's husband's taxpayer funded full-time staff?  No.  There are better, easier ways to save more cash than to cut loose tried and convicted lawbreakers.  

    Well this morning things are finally starting to make sense.  The Ivory Tower reports that the Dems have a new targeted voting block that they hope to turn out in big numbers this November and they're just the kind of people who want to hear the words "early release."  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is because they're BEHIND FREAKING BARS!

    East Lansing political consultant Mark Grebner has a new get-out-the-vote program for Michigan Democrats. Among his target groups: prisoners.

    It's a group Grebner says is often eligible to vote but doesn't for reasons including "an utter lack of political interest and knowledge" and "low level of literacy and inability to follow directions."
    Grebner writes that about 80% of inmates are Democratic.

    Low literacy levels and an inability to follow directions.  Oh, plus they're criminals.  Don't forget that part, Mark.  And there, ladies and gentlemen, is a core Democrat constituency.  80 percent?  I'd be shocked if it's not higher than that!

    Read on...

    Isn't it maybe just a little bit ironic that you'd aggressively pursue and enable law breakers to choose the next batch of law makers?  Never mind that.  That's neither here nor there.  If they're legally entitled to vote then we could talk about changing that law (anyone in the legislature reading this?  If you're in jail on election day no ballot for you!) but right now it is what it is.

    And what it is, or what it at least looks like, is that the Democrats very public and very noisy plans to release thousands of criminals onto the streets ahead of schedule was and is nothing more than a turnout mechanism to convince inmates to cast a ballot for Democrat candidates.  

    Paying attention criminals?  Send more Democrats to Lansing and they'll have a better chance of getting you out of jail early.  They're bribing caged monsters with the promise of freedom in exchange for a vote.  I'd thank Grebner for pointing out the insidious nature of the plan but he'd probably enjoy the label.  At least now their plan has gone public.  

    So the next time you hear Jennifer Granholm or any other Michigan Democrat talking about cutting corrections and early release keep in mind who their target audience really is.  They're not telling you.  They're telling Prisoner 4837294.  And they're counting on his vote come November.

    That sort of thing only makes sense in a really truly mixed up backwards world.  And if that isn't Lansing in a nutshell...

    They can't even get their stories straight these days at the Capitol.  I mentioned earlier that massive $2.4 BILLION Democrat tax hike.  The tax hike that was going to save the State and somehow was not going to hurt the economy.  Because we already have a competitive tax structure, the Dems told us.  We were due for a tax increase they insisted.  And taxes have very little to do with economic growth they pledged.  

    So why, boys and girls, did Jennifer Granholm's Michigan Economic Growth Authority yesterday proudly unveil massive tax breaks in four different cities that carry with them the promise of hundreds of new jobs?  The Associated Press reports:

    State officials said General Dynamics Land Systems could add 500 new jobs through a $10 million expansion in Sterling Heights and Shelby Township. The project gets a tax credit worth about $44 million over 12 years.

    Kaiser Aluminum plans an $80 million factory in Comstock Township near Kalamazoo. Fabri-Kal in Kalamazoo could invest more than $38 million to expand and relocate a facility.

    Emphasis mine.  Other projects are being unveiled in Wixom, Midland, Battle Creek and here in Grand Rapids.  And they could create new jobs.  Thanks to tens of millions of dollars in tax breaks.  Because less taxes means more jobs.  Or at the very least the promise that new jobs might be created.  They really don't know but they're sure enough that they think it's worth it.

    Ahem.  What the heck?

    Singing a bit of a different tune these days are we?  I thought taxes had nothing to do with it.  I thought we needed to raise taxes, not cut them.  I thought the State really had very little ability to stimulate job growth through the tax structure.  Suddenly lowering taxes creates investment?  

    Back in high school algebra this'd be one of those "if / then" statements.  If lowering taxes creates private sector investment then raising taxes eliminates private sector investment.  If creating private sector investment creates jobs then killing private sector investment kills jobs.  We're talking 9th grade math, not rocket science.  

    It won't bring back a single one of the jobs they've killed in the last four-plus months but I'd be willing to listen if and when any of the House Democrats wanted to apologize.

    Oh, and for those who continue to insist that government has cut to the bone I'd like to direct your attention to Highland Park over in the D.  Turns out the school board there may have been using taxpayer cash to buy some really fancy things for board members.  Either that or there's just one really genuinely ticked off member who's proficient at throwing mud.  Not that they're mutually exclusive.  According to the Detroit News:

    Board member Robert Davis, who filed the suit Friday in Wayne County Circuit Court, is asking a judge to order other board members to pay back the district about $13,000 for items such as printers and home computers. He also wants a judge to rule that Board of Education President Jamille Edwards violated her oath of office, a precursor to ousting her.

    "Their conduct is too egregious for me to just sit back and let it happen and not bring it to the forefront," said Davis, the former school board president who is now frequently on the losing end of votes on the divided seven-member panel...

    According to the documents, Joyce Watkins ran up the biggest tab -- $2,764.98 for a desktop computer, two printers, a wireless card, three-piece sound system, Web cam, microphone, Dell laptop computer with carrying case, and a cell phone.

    Doesn't sound like HP is the Oakland ISD or anything but then again, HP isn't Oakland County either.  And I don't care where in the State of Michigan you're living and working.  You don't need the taxpayers to buy you two computers, two printers, sound equipment and a webcam.  

    I mean, unless you just won a MEGA grant to open up some sort of webcam internet site.  At this point, it could happen.

    < Self-Hatred, Slave Mentality and the Detroit Plantation by Akindele Akinyemi | Wednesday in the Sphere, February 20 >

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    Early release of prisoners (none / 0) (#1)
    by Joseph McGuire on Wed Feb 20, 2008 at 11:22:47 AM EST
    It makes sense to me that the Dem's want early release for prisoner just to get their votes. It lines up perfectly with the liberal tendency for sliding scale ethics. They've been buying the union votes for decades.

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