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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    We chose the current mess when we could have had this?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 09:16:50 AM EST
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    I can't believe I'm going to say this but there is actually an even-handed article in the Detroit Free Press discussing former GOP Gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos. Stop the presses.  Start an investigation.  The Ivory Tower's reputation is on the line.

    And yet there it is, in black and white.  An article about DeVos's current work with a manufacturing company in Holland, Michigan (over here on the West side of the State).  It turns out that Dick DeVos is actually one heck of a successful job maker here in Michigan and prides himself on building a culture of shared success.  And, well, we wouldn't want THAT in the Governor's office, would we?

    We were touring the plant that DeVos bought 18 years ago when it sold only closet-organizer systems, nearly all in one color -- white. Today Windquest and its 130 employees -- up from 60 in 2001 -- make organizers for kitchen pantries, garages, laundry rooms or offices, using many colors and materials from sturdy plastic to luxurious-looking cherry or maple woods.

    Delivery times for custom orders have shrunk from 2 1/2 weeks to three days.

    Every worker on the two production shifts is trained to do multiple tasks. Shift lengths are adjusted to suit rapid changes in order volume. "We might be six hours one day, 10 hours the next," said Eric Wolff, the firm's president and chief operating officer.

    "The old manufacturing world, with 14 layers of pay, long lead times, inflexibility, us-versus-them attitudes -- those days are gone," said DeVos...

    Success, as DeVos is fond of repeating, is all about culture.

    It can be the culture of a city or a region, which is why the DeVos family and other business leaders banded together a few years back under the name Grand Action to build a new arena and convention center, and to persuade Michigan State University to put its medical school in Grand Rapids.

    Culture is equally important in the workplace. At Windquest, while much is shared with workers, much is also expected.

    The sharing the author is talking about is multi-fold.  Every three months the company stops production for an hour or two, gathers up the entire workforce and gives them a detailed report on the recent performance of the business.  On the factory floor, on the sales floor, in the board room.  You name it.  Every employee hears the details.

    And then there are the bonuses.  Each worker is given an annual bonus based on company sales.  Make a better product and sell it more often, get a bigger bonus.  That's on top of the highly competitive compensation package.  

    If these sorts of ideas seem like common sense it's because they are.  If they seem entirely absent from the current crop of "leadership" in Lansing, well, again, it's because they are.  

    In a Presidential election year when the buzzword on the lips of Democrats everywhere is "change," workers in Michigan unemployment lines are left literally out in the cold, wondering, where was the change two years ago?  But hey... if Obama gets his way and we toss out legal primary election results because he doesn't like the way they turned out maybe we could overturn the 06 gubernatorial election too!

    < Monday in the Sphere, February 18 | Standing Strong & Closing Ranks >

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    D4G in 2010 (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican2679 on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 10:28:52 AM EST
    Well I hope he'll run again in 2010.  All he needs is a new campaign with new handlers and then he'd be good to go.  It would be nice to have a governor who actually cares about Michigan citizens unlike the one we have now that only cares about herself and building a monument to herself based on false ideas and at the expense of hard working families.  

    For the last few years, Michigan has dragged the United States down.  We've been at the top of all the "Most Miserable" lists imaginable.  Michigan and Detroit have been the butt of late night jokes for too long and our current governor along with the state representative of the 110th and the state senator from upper Michigan have done nothing but dump this state into a culture of poverty.

    I look forward to supporting DeVos in 2010 if he runs again.  He would put this state back on track and make it the state where the American dream is no longer just an unrealized vision but reality.  

    what are they making? (none / 0) (#2)
    by whatever on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 12:25:02 PM EST
    curiously, the article doesn't provide any specifics  on what these workers make or the health care they're provided. i'm dying to know.

    heck, walmart is very successful, too. know what i mean?

    Interesting Twist at the End (none / 0) (#3)
    by DMOnline on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 02:21:30 PM EST
    Howdy.  Good piece.

    I would have to take issue with your last statement concerning Obama not liking the results of the Michigan Democratic Primary, however.

    I think it's a non-starter.  The DNC ruled that both Michigan and Florida would be stripped of their delegates because both "illegally" pushed their primaries up before February 5.  All the Dem candidates - including Hillary and Barack - agreed this was the right thing to do and would not want to see those delegates counted.

    Say what you will about the impact of the candidates not visiting Michigan to court Democrat votes.  But the rules were the rules.  Everyone knew what the consequences of violating them would be.

    Now for Hillary to start screaming to have those delegates seated out of "fairness" is laughable at best.

    Love him or hate him, Obama's right on this issue.  Rules are rules.  You can't go changin' them mid-stream.  (But then again, when have rules ever applied to the Clintons?)

    DMOnline (AKA: DCuz)

    Granholm is far better than DeVos (none / 0) (#4)
    by oaklandred on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 04:37:25 PM EST
    Jennifer Granholm is one of the finest human beings I know.  I have had the pleasure of speaking with her on several occasions and your bashing her is totally beyond the pale.  But that's what Republicans do and that's all they know how to do.  So just keep bashing away.  Governor Granholm can take it and she will prove you all wrong and Dick DeVos will never be elected to public office.

    Well isn't this a change.... (none / 0) (#8)
    by NMUMitch on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 08:52:17 PM EST
    Two years ago when Dick was running for office he was considered the "bad guy" because he acted with his business intrests in mind and had to build a factory in China to sell items there. Now he is acting with his business mind and has revamped a manufacturing job and is getting applauded for his business ability. Do the people of Detroit not see what he is able to do? Or is all they listen to the major media outlets around Detroit? And Detroit isn't alone, the people of the Great White North (The U.P) haven't figured out that a business man would be the best thing for Michigan's struggling economy. I hope that before the next gubernatorial election that the people of Michigan make the right decision.


    Maybe.... (none / 0) (#9)
    by mcdirt on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 09:52:34 PM EST

    Maybe voters generally thought Mr. Devos a competent, even inspiring businessman, but didn't elect him because his politics appealed to too small a minority to make him electable in diverse state.

    Just a thought.

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