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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Too much government???

    By Eric T, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 26, 2008 at 10:07:56 PM EST
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    I have a great deal of respect for all the government workers on Federal, State, and Local levels. I don't want to sound disrespectful, to any of the ruling class, that has the power to throw me in prison, help themselves to my pay check, take my property, ect...


    I feel like I got to speak up on this, I live here and I think the lawmakers are getting a little carried away here, This isn't the Soviet Union, or China,
    but yet we a racing towards a police state. Right here, in my home town. Read this and tell me what you think.


    A $500 ticket, will put a hurting on us low class, people living check to check. I know the government workers got a lifestyle, they gotta keep up.

    "The council also could consider a broader measure aimed at people who eat, drink or use laptop computers while driving."

    Sounds like pretty soon they will want cameras in all cars, that they can monitor everyone driving, then mail you a $500 ticket, if your wife calls you on the phone, or you take a bite out of a candy bar, or get a drink of pop or water ect...

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    What I meant to say here (none / 0) (#1)
    by Eric T on Fri Dec 26, 2008 at 10:51:52 PM EST
    A $500 ticket, will put a hurting on us low class, people living check to check. I know the government workers got a lifestyle, they gotta keep up. If they really need the money, can't they raise the gasoline tax? or raise license plate fees for foreign cars?

    Compromise (none / 0) (#2)
    by tdrueb on Fri Dec 26, 2008 at 11:35:18 PM EST
    I'm all in favor of limiting government, but there is no reason why someone needs to text while driving.

    Here's a compromise.  How about they guarantee my freedom to shoot anyone on site that swerves or unexpectedly changes lanes while texting and driving.  Then we could get rid of the fine.

    broader measure (none / 0) (#3)
    by Eric T on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 08:34:44 AM EST
    "The council also could consider a broader measure aimed at people who eat, drink or use laptop computers while driving."

    I drive a gasoline tanker for up to 14 hours a day. Now I gotta worry about getting a $500 fine for taking a sip of mountain dew, eating a sandwich, answering a important phone call.

    If you like freedom, you might have to move to a different state soon.

    If these cities are hurting and really need the money, let each city add there own gas tax. Any gas sold in that city, gets taxed by Fed and state, why not put in a local tax? It is better to raise the money this way, than having this Soviet style nanny state, we're gonna tell you how to drive your car stuff, as a way to extract some money from the people.

    Just the latest in a lo-o-ng list (none / 0) (#4)
    by Beerme on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 10:21:32 AM EST
    of freedoms we're losing and artificial fees we're being assessed to keep our governments growing. Of course, the cops can't pull you over for texting but after they pull you over, how do you prove what the real reason for the pullover was?

    Pols are afraid of taxes (at least we've taught them that!) so they're working the bad driver's fees for their growing revenue needs. Most of the sheeple don't even see it happening...

    Here's an idea: Why don't we punish bad drivers by charging them with bad driving when they actually break traffic laws? This statute is akin to punishing people for being stupid, as I'm sure that is apt to cause a driver to swerve or act distractedly...

    Sorry Eric (none / 0) (#5)
    by John Galt on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 04:21:10 PM EST
    You wanted big, Soviet/China style government to take control of the Big 3...  but now you don't want them to tell you where you can text message?

    You fear the "police state" when it interferes with what you WANT... but yet you adore and celebrate the police state when it takes money from OTHERS paychecks to give to the Big Three.

    Sadly, you have very much control about this specific law affecting you.  Simply don't text message while driving in Warren.  Now if only I had control over my money being given to the Big Three that you personally advocated.

    John (none / 0) (#6)
    by Eric T on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 09:31:18 PM EST
    John driving all day for a living I seen tons of accidents this week. Most of them were probably because of the bad weather. Cars in the ditch, upside down laying on the hoods, smashed up and wrecked all over the expressway, I'd think that many had alcohol involved, with the holiday festivities. I'd like to know how many were from texting, My guess is very few compared to bad weather and alcohol being a factor.

    I supported the big 3 getting a loan, because they are without a doubt the biggest industry in the state.

    Think about my F-150 built right here at the Dearborn plant, I know it has got a few mexican parts on it. But how many people are involved in this process of building this truck, each one earning a living and paying income taxes, feeding their families ect.. ect..
    We deliver fuel to the big 3 all the time. If your from upstate of something, you might not see the scale of how big their operation is and the effect it would have if they crashed hard and went bankrupt.

    Law Enforcement (none / 0) (#7)
    by Ed Burley on Sun Dec 28, 2008 at 08:41:02 AM EST
    Law enforcement has become a revenue center for state and local governments. Tickets and fines are becoming more and more expensive as time goes on. This adds dollars to the pot from which politicians can buy votes for their re-election.

    The problem is that there are limited LE resources. So what's a local Sheriff or State police commandant to do? Where does he/she put their resources? In local law enforcement where all they get is a pat on the back; or, on the streets and the highways where they are sure to nab some unexpecting text messenger, or non-seat belt wearer?

    Cops don't make any money investigating breaking and enterings. After all, most homeowners and renters have insurance, right? So, why bother investigating the B&E, when you can be out writing a ticket that will make the pols some money for buying votes with?

    Well, I'll add one more thing before I leave. Rather than saving the Big Three, why not entice some of the companies that can actually make a profit to come to the state. That's been almost impossible to do, since no one wants to be strong-armed by the UAW. On top of that, why would a company want to face the higher taxes, and regulations they would face by moving here from somewhere that really wants them, keeps their taxes low, gives them a solid labor pool to pay very livable wages to, expedites the building of the new plants, and protects them from illegal union activities? I know where I would locate MY manufacturing firm if I were looking.

    One last thing: the Japanese are HORRIBLE drivers (I think probably because they are used to driving on the other side of the road) and they probably don't want to risk the high priced tickets, since that's the only revenue Aunt Jenny can generate. Down South they don't need to do that - they actually have a manufacturing base to generate their revenue...

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