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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Breaking: Michigan Unemployment skyrockets to 9.6%

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 17, 2008 at 04:21:33 PM EST
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    Because October's 9.3% just wasn't high enough.

    And surprise, surprise, the Granholm-Cherry administration is blaming President Bush and the national recession.

    Which would almost make sense, except that they were blaming President Bush and the national economy when it was adding nearly 8 million new jobs since January 2003, also.  

    Hello consistency but farewell common sense.  Oh, and farewell a few thousand more jobs since Halloween, too.

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    ???? Bush's fault ???? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Eric T on Wed Dec 17, 2008 at 04:51:18 PM EST
     Up until the start of this year, unemployment levels for the entire U.S were at about 4.5% possibly the lowest in recorded history of this country, but also remember Democrats had control of congress these last two years, and share any blame they may cast for economic failure or bad economy.

    I really don't know if I believe Granholm on this one, maybe if she has some real conviencing story, that I just have'nt heard before, but I can remember Bush sending Federal Funds right to my city to fund alternative energy technology for the military vehicles, it was a joint venture with colleges ect...

    Look at this article, Bush had 911 terrorist attacks, a huge global issues to deal with, and governing Michigan is not really part of his job, I'm sure if we go back into the news we could find alot of times where Bush has helped our state, but many times the whole country as well. Remember when the lead paint kids toys, and tainted dog food, toothpaste, candy ect... was being imported, Bush took action and kept the people safe.


    Oh well... (none / 0) (#2)
    by rdww on Wed Dec 17, 2008 at 05:05:17 PM EST
    ... as long as Jenny is "feisty and hard charging," all will work out in the end (see below)

    Poor little Czarina. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Dec 17, 2008 at 05:55:49 PM EST
    Strange how nothing is ever the fault of the Czarina. Nothing, not ever. It wasn't her fault she squandered or should be say blew $846 million that John Engler left in the bank as supluses. Not her fault the state was creating thousands of jobs each month and unemployment was at historic lows for Michigan. It wasn't her fault that the nation was booming. But it was strange how about 6 months after the little Czarina landed in her present positon that things began to go south. Maybe it was the hundreds of new state government jobs she added each year, or the blue ribbon commissions she enpaneled to make decisions that she was elected to make. Last I knew we were up to 36 of these panel of experts, ah hem. Then there was the guy the little dear had to hire to make the call on the economy and taxes and the kind of things that people who hold the job of Governor are supposed to do. The Surgeon Generals office was created and of course we really needed that. The office of the first slug er ah oh spouse or whatever he is, has been a sink hole of citizens tax dollars.
    And of course we have seen how she has just about ruined her health buring the midnight oil to come up with a paltry $146 million in government cuts before she begins to once again stomp her foot and demand another in a long line of never ending tax hikes. Not to mention all the jet lag she has suffered on behalf of the people of Michigan in her search the world over for jobs to bring back to Michigan. Maybe just maybe if the Czarina wasn't so concerned with furthering her own political career and bent on getting the hell out of Dodge before the real bills start to come due maybe I could cry a tear for her. Not a big one mind you but a tear none the less.
    There is no doubt that Granholm is the worst Governor this state has ever had and I can remember a lot of them. That she has lied to the citizens of this state is a large unforgivable fact. That she really doesn't care what happens to this state is becoming clear. This is what happens when we elect people that weren't born here or even in the US for that matter. Granholm is an abomination. So much so that not even the One, the most Merciful Barrack Hussien (it's okay now) Obama will touch this human train wreck. I believe the only answer to this issue that plagues us is to recall the Governor and the sooner the better. Let not John Cherry be allowed to waltz into that job with the intent of winning it for himself in two years. We must have a special election to replace Granmole to prevent further stupidity and lack of forsight and leadership to plague this state as the Unions and large Utilities are allowed to plunder the treasury at the expense of WE THE PEOPLE. It must stop or there will be a point of no return. We must act now before Michigan is thrown over the precipice and destroyed forever. Unfortunatly that point may have already been reached by the female Jimmy Carter.

    Don't Complain (none / 0) (#5)
    by wctaxpayer on Wed Dec 17, 2008 at 09:46:05 PM EST
    I read in the paper that the state spent $959.3 million and gained 2429 new jobs. Imagine, it only cost $2.53 million per job. Of coarse, the jobs are only an estimate. There could be less jobs.
    Rose Bogaert, Chair Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.
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