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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Still teaching like it's 1979?

    By designated conservative, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 15, 2008 at 02:09:34 AM EST
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    A Conservative Teacher has posted a great piece on a recent Vietnam War assembly that speaks volumes to the state of our Michigan public education system... (read on)

    ...the students were really excited for this- they were talking in the classroom before the presentation about how it would be great to see some real heroes, about how it would be a great chance to learn real history and not the modified liberalized version they usually hear. So the students all crowded into the auditorium, full of excited chatter.

    And then the speakers will come out to speak to the students. The opening line of the presentation was "We support the troops, but that doesn't mean we support war." It went downhill after there- the speakers were all anti-Vietnam war protesters and anti-Vietnam war veterans.

    As the presentation went on, the background chatter and attentive looks on students faces slowly faded away, to be replaced by the usual blank vacant stare that students assume on being brainwashed by leftism...

    Reading the post took me back, way back to the Carter years - to my memory of a group of high school teachers who, in 1979, would've happily sponsored the very same event.  

    Who are we as taxpayers that we continue to subsidize a public school system that has failed so completely at responding to the changing needs of our children?

    Who are we as a nation that we allow such mediocrity and shallowness of thought to be passed on to our children in our public schools?

    Who are we as a conservative movement that we continue to meekly yield to the left the high ground of teaching the coming generation about the true principles upon which our country was founded? - that is life, liberty, freedom, and limited government.

    Wake up, America!  It's no longer 1979.  Our military is no longer the post-Vietnam shadow it once was, and Vietnam is no longer the last war we fought - although it fortunately remains the only war we fought to lose.  We are at war with an enemy the likes of which we haven't experienced before, and yet we are winning.  We have so much to be proud of with regards to our military, and our veterans.  For teachers to continue to pretend that it's 1979 is educational malpractice, and it is up to us to let them know.

    Wake up American parents!  Be aware of what your children are being taught.  The hearts and minds of our children are under assault, and the institutional knowledge that is so necessary for the success of our "government of the people, by the people, for the people" is being lost as our public schools have radicalized the curriculum.

    For more, visit the designated conservative.

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