Can we leave the world a little bit better - how we do it...
By BobV01, Section News Posted on Sun Nov 09, 2008 at 12:02:07 PM EST
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Agenda 2010
Is it too early to be thinking of 2010, probably not and especially if we begin now. Not only is 2010 worth noting for the Boy Scouts of America Centennial Anniversary, but also due to the wide spectrum of offices and initiatives that will be voted upon forming a new Social Contract for how We the people agree to self govern ourselves that will be formed. This is written in three parts [1] bare bones agenda outline (Planks in the Platform), [2] communicate this to President-elect Obama with a portal link at: How to tell President-elect Obama, and, [3] explanations and footnotes.
I humbly assert that consensus on our agenda should be easily reached, if at first glance you disagree, please be kind enough not only to view the explanations and footnotes but to thoroughly follow all the links, an informed people is most effective. Communicating these thoughts to President-elect Obama is both an act of good faith and an act of goal setting. Finally, the explanations and footnotes are worth the time it takes to become more familiar with things we assume to understand and take for granted, possibly in our ignorance (devil IS in the details) we have been misled from our goals.
Planks of the Platform [1] Fathers, Marriage, less government
[2] Social Security
[3] VAWA (Violence against women Act)
[4] Values, misandry
[5] Economy/ Federal Budget/ Corporate Leadership
[6] We are America
Tell President-elect Obama
President-elect Obama, you have said first that you were "shaped more by your Father's absence than your Father's presence", and that, "we are not red states, we are not blue states; We are the United States" (and from that I hope to interpolate the concept of We are the Great United People of America: Team America). Mr. President-elect Obama you have also written "Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today." [1] Fathers, Marriage, less government
President-elect Obama you have written that "studies have shown the critical importance of Fathers to their children's development". Peer reviewed empirical evidence supports your remarks. For four decades we have attacked Fathers, Marriage, Families and ultimately Children. Of course our children need a safe secure stable environment to develop, dream of hope and become those adult citizens who will infuse our nation with new vitality. Our public policy should insure children have both parents actively in their lives, where we protect marriage and families and end institutional divisiveness that tears the very fabric of our American Society. [2] Social Security
Mr. President-elect We the American People view Social Security as a base line retirement income program for retired Americans. The compiled Social Security Laws have become encumbered and engrossed with social programs that have nothing to do with retirement, we need to separate non retirement programs out of the Social Security System and let them stand on their own merits, re-establish the Social Security monies as a Trust and simplify individual American's retirement planning. [3] VAWA (Violence against women Act)
President-elect Obama, when killed by a single parent, 71% of our children are killed by their Mother *1. There have been efforts to make VAWA gender neutral, to address domestic violence regardless of sex, to accept the peer reviewed empirical evidence demonstrating violence perpetration by both sexes, and to end the self fulfilling prophesies of domestic violence. Our children need a safe nurturing environment; political diatribe in the guise of public policy has not strengthened those conditions. Please strike Violence against women Act from the Laws of our land, and, put in its place a Domestic Relations Stability Policy addressing the violence and disruption of families perpetrated by both sexes. [4] Values, misandry
Mr. President-elect, you have said "our families are the cornerstone of our society", well done! Others have petitioned our federal government and that of the individual states seeking to codify that simple, common sense thought into Public Policy and Administration. Failing to bolster American Families we have codified misandry into Public Policy, marginalizing Marriage, Family, Fathers and ultimately our children. VAWA is misandristic, it erroneously, asserts all domestic violence is perpetrated by males, (CDC researchers have found that most cases of domestic violence do not fit the standard stereotype *2) the Responsible Fatherhood Act seeks more child support monies into the system rather than encouraging Father Involvement, No-fault Divorce marginalizes the whole concept of the Institution of Marriage and the Federal Government spends retirement dollars to assault American Marriage, American Fathers and American Children. [5] Economy/ Federal Budget/ Corporate Leadership
President-elect Obama America has diminished its collective estate (collective savings), children in public schools are supported by the property taxes of first their Father and then that of their Mother. Since the 2000 census, we are aware now that the majority of children are raised in single Mother Households: houses are not homes; houses are not a form of personal savings but rather another redistributed asset in the Federal system. Many American Fathers are dead broke; many American Mothers either can not or will not save: not only is that an expression of our National values but seven fouled sparked plugs in our National Economic engine and our federal deficit is the eighth fouled plug.
We can pass to the States abilities to promote American owned business and avoid international trade disputes; instead we have focused national public policy on misandry, destruction of families and squandering our national wealth.
We the people need first to exist as individuals, we have our own dreams and hope for ourselves and our posterity, not as a means to support a National budget: the Federal Budget must be reduced.
We need compassionate, honest and ethical leadership in our American Corporations, we should also take steps to return ownership of corporations domiciled in America to Americans. With a national public policy espousing misandry and meopia, we can see how we may have encouraged some corporate leaders to think only of themselves: our national values imbue our entire social fabric with sociopathic tendencies. [6] We are America
We are a sovereign people; we have a right to our mutual prosperity and that of our posterity. When the Eagle landed on the moon, astronauts who were Boy Scout Eagles in their Youth made a great leap for mankind, as Americans we have every right to be proud of that. We the American people brought peace and stability through World Wars One and Two, and may do; in Arabia what no one else has managed to do in recorded history. We are innovative and hard working we have every right to take pride in that and to promote that. Chesty Puller (USMC) took the time to study history, that of our current (at that time) allies and our potential foes, he read Sun-tzu almost a century ago and predicted that if our foes could not dominate us with military warfare they would instead implement economic warfare: Chesty was correct. Of course we need strategic initiatives for our national security to protect trade, patents and copyrights. In the face of economic onslaught we need to stop tearing ourselves apart through misandry, separating children from Fathers, destruction of our Families and marriage. Win with humility to be sure; America is not the globes economic engine but a dynamo: we must stop draining our current with nationally supported social divisiveness and redirect that current to building ourselves up.
How to tell President-elect Obama
President-elect Obama asks: "Where should we start together?" and offers a portal for your comments here:
I will simply copy and paste the comments above; others may have comments of their own, alter, modify or expand the comments above. A new social contract, between each of us and including all of us, is being drafted. Whether this new Social Contract is put forth by The President-elect or ignored and put forward by someone else, now is the time to join the conversation. Whether you supported President-elect Obama's election or opposed it, the Social Contract is in draft form at this moment, voice your thoughts in the formation of this national policy and determine if your thoughts were heard.
[2] Social Security
The problems and shortfalls we have described above are the result of limited resources, increased demand for our core services and new responsibilities. Adequate funding is critical for FY 2009 and must be sustained in the years ahead. Without it, SSA's service crisis will deepen at a time when our aging population is increasingly counting on Social Security programs. [From the Commissioner (see Social Security Budget link below to go to pdf file)
Read this pdf, it appears that we spend 696 billion per year in old age insurance, have 9.7 billion (table 3) additional in other programs and over all one needs to do some serious computation to attempt to determine all of the budget estimates flowing out of the Social Security Laws. Social Security Budget Social Security Act Table of Contents Index to the compilation of Social Security Laws