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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    To anyone who will listen

    By Chad, Section News
    Posted on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 10:15:44 AM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick... food for thought.)

    I, like many others I am sure, have some thoughts on the future of the MIGOP and the GOP.  I have heard many excuses fly in the last 48 hours and that needs to stop.  Sarah Palin did not cost John McCain the election.  The country has not gone to the left.  Planets did not align in a Great Conjunction.  The Republicans lost the old fashioned way... we earned it.

    More below the fold.

    What do we do now?  Well, for starters we need to clean house.  I know that many people will not want to hear that, but that is the way it has to be.  You don't reward failure.  Leadership positions, elected and unelected, need to change hands.  We need new blood in the Republican Party.  We need young blood in the Republican Party and we need it bad.

    We need to leverage technology and the Internet.  This is critical.  I have been saying for years that the Democrats have been running circles around us on the Internet.  That needs to change.  There were entire blogs dedicated to nothing but criticizing specific Republican candidates here in Michigan.  All it takes is one YouTube video to sink a candidate (remember the macaca video?).   We need to seriously exploit Twitter, YouTube, texting, mini websites, FaceBook, MySpace, Skype, podcasting, etc.  If you did not understand that last sentence then you are part of the problem.  Did I mention that we need young blood in the Party?

    Our minority outreach sucks.  Period.  What have we done in Wayne County?  What have we done in Detroit?  Nothing.  When I ran for Congress in 2006 I took a lot of verbal abuse over the fact that Republicans are MIA in Detroit.  What could I say?  It's the truth.  We need a presence in the Democrat strongholds.  The inroads will take a long time, but it must be done.  There is common ground for us to meet people.  Education and lower taxes are just two examples of issues we can focus on.  We have got to stop letting Democrats run unopposed.  Let me say that again, we have got to stop letting Democrats run unopposed.  These races are valuable learning experiences for future candidates and they give us the vehicle to get our message out to places that it otherwise may not be heard.  Did I mention that we need young blood in the Party?

    Where is our Stryker?  How can one guy bring the MIGOP to its knees?  That is completely unacceptable.  We should have learned after 2006, but unfortunately we didn't.  How can Michigan Democrats raise taxes and win more seats in the next election?  That shouldn't have happened.  We need to re-structure the Party and re-evaluate what we are doing because we are dong things very, very wrong.  Did I mention that we need young blood in the Party?

    Chad Miles was the 2006 Republican candidate in Michigan's 14th Congressional district and is a veteran of the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division.

    < Mission 1: Engagement | Michigan economy continues slide while Gov, bureaucrats leave the country >

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    It's a couple of things (none / 0) (#1)
    by jgillmanjr on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:21:33 PM EST
    Chad, you make some good points. Certainly we need young people and those who know the ins and outs of technology (by the way, what's your middle name - I'm trying to find you on AKO).

    Hell, I'd like to run for office at some point. The only issue is that I'm not sure how holding a public office would play out with me being in a reserve component of the Army (MIARNG).

    That being said, something I've brought up in the past is we need to vet our candidates that we put out in front of the public. It's clear that people voted for Obama because of a stagnant big-government stance pushed by many republican candidates. Yeah, they want change. Obama is gonna give it to them. That change is going to be bad. We need to give them change - except the change with limited government is a better one. We need to push that - HARD.

    I agree and we to (none / 0) (#2)
    by apackof2 on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:59:23 PM EST
    introduce the young and return to:

    I don't know, Chad... (none / 0) (#3)
    by rdww on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 02:19:09 PM EST
    ... a few of your points deserve comment.
    -- While I don't think Sarah Palin herself cost us votes, the relentless smear-image of her created by the media certainly did.  There are just too many people (especially women) saying that they were inclined to vote for McCain, until he nominated Mizz Sarah.  When you pin them down, it turns out they usually felt that way over the liberal slander-of-the-day, which could be refuted.. but not all of them, and they were legion.
    -- The Republican establishment (and especially its self-appointed conservative wing) busied itself last winter defecating on and tossing out libertarian-minded Republicans.  Said establishment has now lost.  Maybe it's time to start listening to the Ron Paul Republicans, who can offer a genuinely intelligent, optimistic way forward.
    -- Minority/Wayne County outreach will be a tough nut to crack indeed.  The Dems can offer them a message of more government programs, "spreading the wealth around," and blaming somebody else for your problems.  Are lower taxes, less government, and self-reliance really gonna sell in Wayne County?
    McCain prided himself on avoiding any race-based messages, and it brought him nothing but a consession speech.  Meanwhile, Obama was grabbing 80 and 90% black vote totals, with no one hinting that this was a "racist" appeal.  We need to do more than hint.  Perhaps if someone had the un-PC courage to yell at us: "America, you're supporting a black, socialist liberal with a Moslem name -- ARE YOU F-ING NUTS?!?!?!" it could have woken us up in time.

    • Palin by Chad, 11/07/2008 01:20:52 PM EST (none / 0)
    Anuzis Should Resign (none / 0) (#4)
    by Victor Laszlo on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 04:55:34 PM EST
    Saul Anuzis needs to resign and step down.  If McCain had carried Michigan, he would take credit.  However, MIGOP got spanked by the Michigan Communists, er, I mean the Michigan Democrats.  Accordingly, Anuzis needs to man up, take responsibility, and quietly go into political self exile for a few years.

    • Step down? by John Galt, 11/07/2008 11:22:37 AM EST (none / 0)
    GOP needs new young blood (none / 0) (#5)
    by Brandon Hoezee on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 05:28:48 PM EST
    I agree the Republican Party does need some young blood. So how do we recruit them into the party? As a college age Republican here are my thoughts of how to bring other people my age into the party. One thing that the GOP has to do is show respect for Ron Paul. He has drawn a lot of youth to conservative principles but when the GOP establishment treats him like dirt they are shooting themselves in the foot by not letting the new generation of Republicans in. Another good idea is the MIGOP Stop the Brain Drain the program should be expanded in the future. It is a good way for College Republicans to help the party and to get the new generation of Republicans experience to fight Democrats in the future. If the GOP doesn't reach out to the younger generations it will grow old and die.

    Valid Points; however (none / 0) (#8)
    by snoopygirlmi on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 07:25:43 PM EST
    if it wasn't for Saul, the party would be less visible - he knows how to utilize technology and knows what Skype is.

    Also, we know that change for change sake is a bad idea.  

    Ultimately, it comes down to us - those of in the party - being able to articulate our message and making it more attractive to younger voters/volunteers.

    The message of lowering taxes will resonate with the 30-something homeowner, but what does that get you with the 20-something crowd who is looking at a bunch of student loan debt after college and can't wait for their tax refund in the spring because it will help with living expenses while they are in college?  Lower taxes is a good start, but what else do we offer?  

    Two different life stages....and we've failed to speak their language!

    And then we wonder why the YR's is an under 40 crowd!  

    We have to talk about issues that matter to them, if we are going to attract them.  

    There's new blood coming into the party all the time.  I don't think that it's just "young blood" we need, but rather a new infusion of energy  - regardless of age.  

    If you have the same old ideas and are around the same people, you are going to do the same things....obviously, that hasn't worked for us.

    We need to revise the playbook, not burn it!  We could start by competing in Detroit and South Warren and Eastpointe...

    We also have to get over the idea that what we did 20,30,40 years ago to win will still work today.

    I'd also add, "candidates in name only" - you know, the people who file w/their $100/get it refunded to them because they were asked to file -not actually run- does nothing to advance the movement either.  


    For those angry and active (none / 0) (#11)
    by John Galt on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 11:33:34 AM EST
    (this is a first draft - feel free to copy this, expand it, and spread it around).

    Existing GOP Organizations - They're out there.  Call MIGOP in Lansing or use the website to find one.  Call your local County and District Chairmen on how to get involved.  They don't bite, and could really use your help.  Just being social with other Republicans is helpful - and keep it positive!

    Meetup.com - Yes, it costs money, but you can organize local Republicans in your area looking to shoot-the-breeze and maybe do something positive.

    Precinct Delegate - Elections are held in August of even years.  But you can call your County GOP and ask if they can add you if there's nobody already in your precinct.  They go to County & State conventions, and are active "in the party".  Want Saul Anuzis out?  Want a say in party politics?  Be a precinct delegate.  

    Read Voraciously - Randall Thompson has a recent post with great Conservative thinkers.  Russell Kirk, Burke, von Mises... also read about how to campaign.  Read up on campaign finance laws.  Read up on politicking and how to play the game.

    Blog! - Posting on RightMichigan helps.  This site has grown with each of us posting and haggling.  Contribute, post, and respond to posts on here and all the other Conservative blogs.  

    And finally:

    BUILD CONNECTIONS! - Politics is a "contact sport".  It's not what you know, or how much you know ideology.  It's about WHO you know.  Get out and talk to people.  
     - Talk to strangers (it's okay, you're adults now).
     - Talk to party insiders (the worst they do is delete your email, but most want what you want)
     - Talk to reporters and other vermin (just wash your hands afterwards)
     - Be a "people person"!  
    In the end, running for office or changing party politics means convincing people to your way of thinking.  Or them convincing you.  

    Your contact info (none / 0) (#12)
    by Chad on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 01:12:45 PM EST
    Can you send me your contact info?



    Chad, (none / 0) (#14)
    by MarkMuylaert on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 05:40:47 PM EST
    Reagan knew that he would not get a fair shake with the MSM so he went over their head straight to the people.  

    Any message republicans want to get out should be through talk radio and the new media and they should avoid the old media.  The old media is liberal as we all know and saw during this election cycle.  However, if they use talk radio and the internet more you can get your message out faster and have a bigger response.

    Yes and no - not talk radio, to the streets (none / 0) (#15)
    by John Galt on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 08:44:19 PM EST
    Talk Radio doesn't reach the masses.  Rush Limbaugh isn't doing segments on Republicans in 3300 counties across the nation.  He's focusing on the big issues with his audience of 20 million.

    Frank Beckman's show in the Detroit area might be a good start, but his show is pretty exclusive too.  

    There's a reason they call it "earned media" - you have to do something newsworthy to be on it.  

    Taking your message "straight to the people" is exactly that.  Walk door to door.  Print off fliers.  Talk to people and talk to them directly.

    The President gets airtime to address the people directly, bypassing the media.  You don't have that luxury, but you have precinct delegates.  You have friends and family.  Talk to people, and do it yourself.

    2009 is an off-year.  There are city elections.  It's a year for building up.  If your local party won't start building up, then find a group that does.  Start a group that does.  Get voter lists.  Take a message of hope to the people.

    And if this doesn't sound like you, then help someone who can.  Someone who can be positive and communicate a Republican message of hope is someone who should be running for office - and supported by your local leadership.

    BTW,,, (none / 0) (#16)
    by rdww on Sat Nov 08, 2008 at 08:49:36 AM EST
    On a related subject (battling media smears and lies about Palin), it drove me nuts to go through the various right-wing web and blogosphere sites trying to find solid facts and refutations on whatever the day's smear was... and instead find nothing but whining and froth on how meeeeeean the MSM and liberals are (really? I am SHOCKED).  Even the most inspired army is useless without ammo.

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