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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Will Michigan's Suffering Never End?

    By RightMacomb, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 25, 2008 at 03:09:33 PM EST
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    (This Thursday some will be gluttons for turkey, others for stuffing... me? I'm a glutton for punishment. Thus, I promote...)

    We here in Michigan have suffered alot in this past year.  We suffered through a Presidential Campaign that in our state was all one-sided until June (thanks to Pres-Elect Obama ignoring us for a year).  We then had to suffer the McCain campaign retreat.

    We suffered through unemployment in the state going up and up, reaching 9.3% last month, with probably double digit unemployment not too far in the future.  Top that with house values dropping while tax bills still going up.  Add on the increased taxes from the state to balance a budget filled with wasteful spending.

    We have a congress sending Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions to Wall Street with nothing coming to our Main Street automotive industry.  We have Californian's plotting the overthrow of our leaders to add insult to all the injuries.

    However, I hoped that maybe Thanksgiving would be break from all that.  Perhaps one day, there would be no reminders of the dire straits that we are in.  The family could watch parades on TV in the morning and then head off the family engagements.

    But, something else had to happen.  It appears that Michigan does not deserve a day off from despair.  We have to be reminded of our misery starting at 12:30 PM that day.  Yes, it is official.  We can all watch the Detroit Lions again on TV on Thanksgiving day.  And who is coming to town that day...only the AFC leading Tennessee Titans at 10-1.

    But, maybe there could be silver lining in there somewhere.  We can hope that maybe that the Lions will pull off a miracle that day.  Perhaps Daunte Culpepper will stop scrambling with the ball and start throwing the ball.  Perhaps the Lions will attempt to pass the ball to Calvin Johnson more than just 6 times a game (editorial note...Calvin Johnson is on my fantasy team).

    Or, those of us in the Michigan that have the Tennessee Running Back Chris Johnson on their fantasy team (like me) will have a really good day instead.  Perhaps Chris Johnson can bring some joy to Michigan on this Thanksgiving Day.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

    < Tuesday in the Sphere: November 25 | Wednesday in the Sphere: November 26 >

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    Lions (none / 0) (#1)
    by WadeHM on Tue Nov 25, 2008 at 03:51:30 PM EST
    Why win? They are on a streak right now. 0-11, gotta beat that record man. Best streak they have ever had if they can go 0-12. I'm sure they will too. Not to be a pessimist, but at 10-1 the Titans are gonna grab the Lions by the tail and swing them around.

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