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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Striking teachers should be fired, EAG pledges to help law-abiding ones

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section News
    Posted on Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 09:07:44 AM EST
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    To get a better understanding of the MEA, visit MEAexposed.com

    Education Action Group (EAG), a non-profit organization promoting school spending reform in Michigan has become an outlet for teachers in the Wayne-Westland school districts who do not support the teachers' strike which began Monday morning.

    Over the weekend, we were contacted by a teacher who was seeking advice because she does not support her union's actions---a union, incidentally she is required to financially support.  She told us there is a growing number who do not support the union's strong-arm tactics.

    EAG will offer our assistance to any teacher that wants to continue teaching the kids of the Wayne-Westland area.  The school district has made it abundantly clear it is within their rights to terminate the employment of any employee breaking the law.  For those that want to put kids first--and the union's agenda last--we will offer any non-legal assistance we can.

    Friday night, the union withdrew its proposal to reduce class sizes in the district.  The only remaining issue appears to be health insurance.  The union wants to maintain coverage through the Michigan Education Special Services Association, an entity affiliated with the WWEA's parent organization, the MEA.

    It is clear why union leaders want to maintain the arrangement.  The MEA financially benefits from MESSA.  Last year alone, according to financial filings with the federal Department of Labor, the MEA reported receiving over $4.7 million from MESSA.

    Actions must be taken against law-breaking employees.  If they prefer to put the union's agenda above teaching kids, they must face the legal consequences.  The union's belligerence has brought the situation to this point.  In recent e-mails, an MEA employee likened the district administration to al-Qaeda.

    It is critical the Wayne-Westland school board follow the law and follow through with their threats.  If not, the MEA will be emboldened to use this tactic in other districts, creating more havoc around the state, and setting Michigan kids further behind.

    < Monday in the Sphere, October 6 | Lies, Lying Liars and the Michigan Supreme Court >

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    FIRE (none / 0) (#1)
    by MarkMuylaert on Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 02:54:14 PM EST
    every teacher who walked off the job today.  They could give a rats patoot about the children, they only care about the comfy benefits and money they steal from taxpayers.

    Vote Libertarian!  

    lol... (none / 0) (#2)
    by ihatzhaters on Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 11:36:09 PM EST
    this is a district with 40 kids in some classrooms and kids sitting on the laps of other students in other classes--but recently spent big dough on astroturf for two sports fields. where's that in your story, kyle? nah, can't say stuff like that--you exist and you get paid to be a hatchet man for unions at the behest of your rich handlers. what a job! pathetic.

    and what teacher contacted you, kyle, and was concerned? i'm guessing the super's wife ;) all the other teachers were on the line. as were STUDENTS. and local businesses brought food to the line. and cars honked. it was quite the show of the community coming together to support the hardworking taxpayers also known as "teachers" and the students--and a stinging indictment on arrogance of the administration and board.

    you continue to be a walking, talking pr trainwreck.

    yeah, big talkers! let's fire all 850 teachers! tomorrow! that'll be putting those kids first!

    go for it, big shooter!

    the tide is trending away from your ilk, kyle. big time. enjoy.

    • Who is Kyle? by tenex22, 10/07/2008 08:06:55 AM EST (none / 0)
    kyle olson (none / 0) (#4)
    by ihatzhaters on Tue Oct 07, 2008 at 08:16:42 AM EST
    kyle olson, the guy who wrote the eag article? a paid lobbyist and hatchet man. a guy whose only claim to fame is losing a muskegon commish election and shaking hands with dick cheney at a grand rapids airport.

    but now he's an education "expert"!

    i should get my uncle to write articles like this. or go down to the local coffee shop and randomly pick someone to write such stuff. they have just as much expertise. the only difference is someone big and rich isn't paying them to write stuff.

    that isn't a slam, that's reality.

    kyle=eag, eag=kyle (none / 0) (#6)
    by ihatzhaters on Tue Oct 07, 2008 at 09:10:46 AM EST

    Exactly (none / 0) (#8)
    by tenex22 on Tue Oct 07, 2008 at 10:47:09 AM EST
    What I was thinking!

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