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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Jon Stryker's back and spending like a drunken sailor

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 07:10:53 AM EST
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    The numbers are in and boy does Jon Stryker like tossing around money.  After doling out a record shattering $4.8 million in 2006 on some of the most vicious, negative personal attack ads Michigan has ever seen, the radical gay-special-rights advocate is doing his best to top himself, spending, as of Monday, a staggering $4.24 million trying to win a few more seats in the state House this cycle.

    Do the math and here on the home front we have one man, maybe the most liberal man in the entire state of Michigan, spending over $9 million on local legislative races in just the last four years.  

    In 2006 he met with great success.  Amidst a national Democratic tsunami, Stryker's railroad baron type spending flipped he state House from solidly GOP to solidly liberal Dem.  This year the lefties are steepling their fingers and laughing maniacally at the prospect of adding another eight to ten seats to what is already an unshakeable Democratic majority.  And they all have one man to thank.

    Stryker's spending spree is uniquely and unquestionably responsible for the overwhelming Dem control of the state's lower chamber.  One man.  One agenda.  Gay special rights.  OK, two agendas... he also likes monkeys.  Since the great ape is not indigenous to the state of Michigan let's focus on his other legislative priorities.

    Read on...

    When you personally shift the balance of legislative power and sixty or sixty-five members of the House of Representatives owe their power and position to you and you alone you've got some pull.  When you've got a Governor willing to back your play at every disastrous turn you can accomplish almost anything you want.  One thing standing in his way... Mike Bishop and the Michigan Senate.  And God bless them for it.

    Without that slim GOP control of the upper legislative body over the next two years just imagine the staggering possibilities.

    The economy is in the tank and revenues are down.  Papa Jon says raise taxes.

    There may very well be a debate over whether or not homosexuality is a choice... certainly the abandoned spouses and families of once straight men would argue that their abandoners made a choice to marry, a choice to start a family and then a choice to leave it behind in pursuit of an "alternative" lifestyle, a phrase itself that implies choice, but Papa Jon says his willful behavioral choices should be defined in law with the same protections afforded racial and ethnic minorities.  So let it be spoken.  So let it be done.  

    And hey, why miss out on the chance to enlighten school kids about the possibility that they too might be gay.  Start teaching it in the schools.  Barack Obama once supported sex ed for kindergarteners.  Why not add a day or two to the session for gay sex ed.  Papa Jon wants it, Papa Jon gets it.

    In the House and in the Governor's mansion, who is going to say no?

    Better question... who can afford to?

    But all is not lost.  We've got the Senate and a two year buffer against leftist policies miles out of the mainstream.  Mike Bishop is going to have to play the part of Davy Crockett over the next few years.  Hold the Alamo, boys, while we reorganize the army.

    And next week, we can send a signal and tell Papa Jon that our votes can't be bought.  

    He's spending millions on House races.  Vote for the conservative.  Call your family and friends and tell them to vote conservative.  And then on election day, one week from today, stop by a few houses on your way to the polls and bring folks with you to vote conservative.

    Of course, when you've got the kind of cash Stryker's got you can spend on more than just the House, too.  He's investing in the Diane Hathaway campaign.  Get out there and support Cliff Taylor.  

    And he's poured $100,000 into supporting fatal experimentation on living human beings via Prop 2.  Spread the word about the dangers of unrestricted human experiments and the promise of other forms of research.

    The Supreme Court race and the ballot question are each more than winnable.  Let's get this done and send Jon Stryker and his liberal cronies a message... they might be able to buy sixty votes in the House of Representatives... but they can't buy ours.

    < Obama's Un-Constitutional "Freedom of Choice Act" | Tuesday in the Sphere, October 28 >

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    We are talking about the same... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 09:02:02 AM EST
    Mike Bishop, are we?

    "Without that slim GOP control of the upper legislative body over the next two years just imagine the staggering possibilities.

    The economy is in the tank and revenues are down.  Papa Jon says raise taxes."

    "Mike Bishop is going to have to play the part of Davy Crockett over the next few years.  Hold the Alamo, boys, while we reorganize the army.

    And next week, we can send a signal and tell Papa Jon that our votes can't be bought."

    Uh, Nick? I don't need to jump into the DMC-12 first to tell you that we were at this junction once before.

    A more accurate comparison there would be the Battle of Thermopylae rather than the Alamo, with the democrats as the Persians, a handful of fiscal conservatives as the Spartans and Mike Bishop skillfully playing the role of Ephialtes.

    And we all know that that one turned out.

    For the record: I'm not stumping for Stryker.

    But it should be important to take a closer look at the other players as well and what they have done recently.

    History does have a tendency to repeat itself...

    Is that true? (none / 0) (#3)
    by Come On on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 09:25:16 AM EST
    Does Stryker really want a couple days of the school year set aside for homosexual education? Scary.

    Not that I'm a dem supporter (none / 0) (#4)
    by MarkMuylaert on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 09:36:25 AM EST
    but would you be this upset if a republican billionaire spent that kind of money on conservative races or causes, somehow I doubt it.  

    It's his money and he has a right to spend it anyway he chooses.  It is up to the people to decide whether or not to vote for a liberal democrat.  If they are so stupid that they can't see for themselves what Stryker and others like him are doing than that's their problem.  

    Republicans throughout the entire country have run poor campaigns.  They have another of their Senators convicted of crimes in Alaska.  They have done a poor job governing these last few years.  And the President hasn't helped matters much either.  

    Republicans failed because they strayed from their core values and became "democrat lite."  

    Real change will come only when this country wakes up to the fact that the two parties are corrupt and that means voting for third party candidates.

    Vote Libertarian!  

    I think the main point is though.. (none / 0) (#7)
    by jgillmanjr on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 09:59:25 AM EST
    Attack what's being said in the message, not the fact he is or has the ability to put that message out by his own large bankroll.

    If I had the kind of money DeVos or Stryker had, I'd be bankrolling all sorts of legal actions to counter some of the stupidity that our government takes part in - I.E. no-knock warrants.

    That's just how I interpret it as though.

    Mark, you miss the point (none / 0) (#9)
    by John Galt on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 10:03:48 AM EST
    It's not that it's bad that he's doing it.  It's just the fact that he's doing it and we should be pissed about it.  It's fact spreading and organizing.

    I'd love it if Dick DeVos grew a pair and got involved.  Imagine if he threw 10% of his entire 2006 campaign expenditure to House/Senate/County candidates in 2006.  He'd have outspent Granholm AND Jon Stryker at the same time.

    But you also know that MichiganLibel and the Detroit Free Press would pillory DeVos for trying to buy the election.  It'd piss off liberals by the thousands.  Just like we should be pissed off that Stryker is spending millions trying to buy the election.

    There are seven calendar days to election day.  That's enough time to donate $100 to your local candidate, so they can get their message out.  Or volunteer to go door-to-door and spread a conservative message.  It looks like it's up to us, folks, but there's still time.  The election isn't over until 8pm November 4th.

    • John, by MarkMuylaert, 10/28/2008 12:14:31 PM EST (none / 0)
    No debate there. (none / 0) (#10)
    by KG One on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 10:40:03 AM EST
    "And you can say what you want about Mike Bishop... we were all disappointed at one point or another over the last two years, but I absolutely shudder to think what this state might look like if that slim GOP majority in the Senate weren't there to push back and, at the very least, moderate some of the garbage coming out of the lower chamber. "

    If they had simply stuck to their principles instead of wimping out (read: Tell Dillon & Granholm to spin on it, an income & service tax is out of the equation), not only would they have more support in the waning days of this election cycle, but they could legitimately claim that there is a difference.

    DeVos and Stryker (none / 0) (#11)
    by Brady on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 10:48:05 AM EST
    John, you raise a good point.  I have heard that GLEP has raised $500,000 this cycle but has spent less than 1/10 of it.  The House GOP recently took out a loan for $500,000 to try to push back the waters and hang onto a few of its open seats that are slipping away.  The difference between Stryker and DeVos is that Stryker is spending his cash purely for ideological reasons while DeVos is spending (or rather, hanging on to) his to promote himself for Governor or U.S. Senate.

    Garbage (none / 0) (#12)
    by Brady on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 11:03:31 AM EST
    Garbage like the proposal to end lifetime health care of legislators, for example?  It's amazing what you can sit on when the majority of your caucus is term limited or what you can allow votes to be taken on and then blame Democrats for.

    And just a reminder- the Senate GOP came up with the idea for last year's short lived service tax.  House Democrats were working with the Michigan Chamber to pass an income-tax only restoration and not create a brand new tax on services.

    I understand (none / 0) (#14)
    by Brady on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 11:18:01 AM EST
    I understand you're not allowed to criticize DeVos, Nick and I'll respect your boundaries but there's got to be some reason GLEP is raising this money but not spending it and DeVos is not making significant contributions to Republican candidates this cycle.

    Uncle! (none / 0) (#16)
    by Brady on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 11:38:10 AM EST
    Ok, don't be getting all defensive on me now and starting in with the personal attacks.  Your dad's a great guy, I'm sure you can't have fallen too far from the tree.

    Nick, (none / 0) (#18)
    by MarkMuylaert on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 12:05:43 PM EST
    instead of going off on those of us who support third parties, why not focus on what was posted?

    I started by asking, "would you be pissing and moaning about a republican spending that kind of money?"  I doubt it.

    Yes, Stryker is buying an election, but it's his money.  The democrats and republicans are responsible for the laws that let guys like him do what they do.  Republicans could have closed all the loop holes at one time, but didn't because it benefited them at the time.  McCain also is hamstrung by his very own campaign finance law, so quit the whining.

    Finally, as I said until the people of this country do something about the monopoly the two parties have nothing is going to change.  

    Vote Libertarian!

    Nick's comment... (none / 0) (#21)
    by rightmich on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 03:36:59 PM EST
    "but hey, you work for one of the men in the legislature." Work or worked?

    I find myself just wondering if the writer is using Michigan government equipment to join in on this discussion? Are our taxes in any way (ie wages, office space, computer) paying for this neat old exchange of information? i hope not.

    Please don't make an assumption... (none / 0) (#23)
    by rightmich on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 08:53:20 PM EST
    ...that you believe I don't like (or cannot like) a democrat. That's simply not true, unless you support abortion or you want to melt my guns. Even then we could probably still talk to each other so that i could tell you why you need to change your opinions.

    There are several dems who for the most part are ok in my eyes. The partisan issues will always be tough, but that's only a part of it. I have friends and associates who share very different political beliefs from the each other, but most of them are very moderate. That's why we're all friendly to each other!

    If we're talikg about the elected dems, it seems like those from areas that had trended republican are usually better (in my opinion) than the ones from dem stronghold areas. Right to Life and the Second Amendment are good examples but it goes beyond that too.

    My curiosity was limited only to the question i asked. Reading more into it was not intended, and I'll stand by what I said. I dont want anyone to stray from strict adherence to respect for taxpayer funded resources.

    So in the interest of making nice, please remember I never compared you to Kwame!

    Brady's right (none / 0) (#24)
    by John Galt on Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 09:36:02 PM EST
    Nothing wrong with legislators or their staff using blogs to find out more about issues.  I agree, more should be looking to blogs as a tool - just like getting info from lobbyists and public interest groups.

    Knowing where Brady comes from now, it makes it a little easier to read his posts.

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